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Ultra Annoying "fans"

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by goldentruetiger, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. goldentruetiger

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sat back in block 521, atmosphere good - looking forward to the game with Roaringtiger, Kcflyer and her Mum amongst a load of fans we were having a bit of banter with.

    Game gets going and these pack of god know what "fans" spent the duration of the first half giving it a load of singing, chanting etc - all good stuff, added to the atmosphere.

    What really p*ssed me off though was the constant barrage of "West Stand c*nts" and complaints they made really vocally against anyone who didn't join in when they wanted them to and didn't stand for as long as they wanted.

    I'm surprised they saw any of the first half in amongst the complaining to each other and barraging of their own fans.

    Comes to it when shallow F*ckers like them can't get on with enjoying the day and supporting the team without using foul and abusive language on their own fans, some quite young kids in front of them as well.

    They moved on at half time and got harassed by stewards as they continued their pathetic, aggressive tirade and not really watching the match.

    You pays your money, you takes your choice. Doesn't matter which stand your in if you are a loyal and true City supporter. They were just a waste of space.

    Great game - Fryatt real made some great runs and would have had more, deffo not offside and what a team performance. Looking forward to 17th May already. UTT
  2. HorshamTiger2

    HorshamTiger2 Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I was in 521 and what was said above is very true.
  3. HCAFC (Airlie Tiger)

    HCAFC (Airlie Tiger) Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2012
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    Good post, I agree singing isn't for everyone, some people just want to watch the game, just leave them to it. There's more than enough wanting to sing who will join in, no need to abuse our own fans.
  4. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Had some god knows who behind me, think they were Chelsea fans as they were banging on about Chelsea, or shouting "go on hull" with London accents. The oldies there kept waving me to sit down whenever I jumped up with flourishing hand gestures, I kept seeing stewards moving around the stadium having a go at people and saw two get ejected, there was that number to ring for anti social standing or whatever so I just didn't want to push it and was a little nervous about jumping out my seat as these seemed the very types to use such a number.

    Bit disappointing, but my legs this morning tell me they actually did me a huge favour, not too bothered in hindsight.

    Atmosphere was very flat for long periods yesterday, 19:04 was loud and proud though.
  5. Cookie Monster

    Jul 19, 2012
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    Agreed, they left some people in tears which was horrible to see on what should have been a great day for them.

    Pleased there was enough good stuff on the pitch and for the most part good support.
  6. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    19:04 was very difficult as they scored right then. As for the Chelski fans, I was in the pub before & everyone seemed to be Liverpool fans, which didn't put me in the best of moods. Some muppet then came up to me in my seat, stating, "that's not your seat." I took out my ticket & it turned out it was the other guy 3 seats down. Apart from that it was a great day
  7. TreeHugger

    TreeHugger Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    very similar group in 113.

    A guy probably in his 50s/60s ended up fighting about 4 of them and got thrown out. No doubt he had tried to tell them he couldn't see a thing and got abused back. Had his day out ruined by selfish t**ts who spent most of the game with their back to it abusing anyone who didn't stand up.
  8. Becks

    Becks Member

    Mar 20, 2014
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    Sorry to hear that, what a shame that people go home with this as their memory of the day. Far too much judgement from our own fans about flaskers, different stands etc. Hope you guys have more luck with seats at the final.
  9. Tigger

    Tigger Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    We had a group of similar ones near me. They weren't offensive though. One said "What's the use?" when he failed to get the entire block to respond to "Stand up if you're Hull City". I find that one particularly annoying. I'll stand when I want to stand, not because someone has told me to and I object to the idea that I'm not a "proper" supporter just because I have that view. I had a really good day and I am very hoarse this morning.
  10. Barchullona

    Barchullona Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2012
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    Why do we always end up having these problems? Other clubs don't seem to. Is there a reason we have so many who seem to think that football is something to be watched as if in a theatre?

  11. Amin Yapusi

    Amin Yapusi Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Yes Liverpool fans in the pub. What the **** was that all about? When Liverpool scored their third the place went ****ing mental, the roof nearly blew off, mostly young lads from what I could gather. Probably that bunch of ****s abusing people.

    Too many plastics and ****ers yesterday, hopefully that will be rectified for the final where not any old daft Liverpool supporting scummer can get a ticket.
  12. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Fact is we don't have very many 'proper' fans. Our home crowd is usually about 5000 less than we took yesterday. So you're going to get plastics everywhere and they're going to be spread out.

    Hopefully the ST holders will all take their allocation for the final and we can make big noise. Because let's be honest regardless of anyone's reasons we were outsung by a League 1 team yesterday.

    In the first half when it wasn't going to plan there was the usual KC groaning at every errant pass and very little encouragement. Loads of people missed Sagbo's goal by leaving for HT early, came back as if they'd learnt a lesson but then disappeared once more when they scored straight after. Second half we were celebrating for most of it but the Sheff Utd lot still made a noise when the game seemed over. Why couldn't we react like that to going a goal down?
  13. We are Hull

    We are Hull Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    We have too many flaskers to make any real noise.

    The replies to this thread show it, you get **** if you try and encourage people to sing....
  14. originalminority

    originalminority Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2012
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    Pre-match on the concourse City fans applauding fxxxxxg Liverpool was pretty annoying.

    For our first semi final since 1930 our support was terrible first half in the face of a full Sheff Utd end finding its voice.

    I'm disgusted and offended that City fans have chosen to support a thread on here complaining about 'ultra annoying fans' merely trying to raise a more febrile support for our team in the face of a dangerous and spirited old foe. I'm sure our great captain Curtis Davies used foul language in the dressing room at half time which re-directed our players and any supporters who tried to do the same in the first half are to be applauded when the game hung in the balance. Clearly many of you new fans haven't experienced nasty blades fans in the streets around Bramall Lane back in the day. If you can't bear a bit of choice language in the heat of battle then I suggest passionate football matches may not be for you.

    Thank god our team and proper support came together in the second half.
  15. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    We got a lesson in support yesterday, the entire lower tier of the Blunts side stood and sang, we were shocking in the first half.

    I know you're not supposed to stand, but I wish we'd unofficially make the lower tier all standing and the upper tier seating, so we don't have these issues.
  16. goldentruetiger

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Encouraging fine, support great - not abusing your own fans. Foul language directed at opposition and the pitch also fine.... come on get a grip kids!
  17. Becks

    Becks Member

    Mar 20, 2014
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    People aren't complaining about the support but the disgraceful way a minority of fans think that the only way to support our team is exactly how they do it and everyone else is plastic, a flasker whatever. I was on my feet a lot and singing my head off but that doesn't give me the right to abuse those who chose not to. That is peoples complaint, not the support itself.
  18. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What that misses is that the "sit down shut" types are dictating to others how to watch a game too. Some find that equally disgraceful.

    Before the authorities used so called hooliganism to brand us all, we were naturally segregated as the more boisterous stood together and others sta or didn't go. I appreciate it's not always possible, such as yesterday, t can't be beyond the wit of people to buy a seat low down so others can stand behind them and enjoy the game in the traditional manner. Clubs could also have a coding system, where you tick a box to demonstrate your preference for 'active' or 'passive' supporting.
  19. Party Hull!

    Party Hull! Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    I thought in general that the atmosphere was dreadful yesterday.

    Different types of supporters spread all over the place, and not enough of us inside that massive bowl that Wembley is.

    I had some football expert, complain at everything types behind me with a very high pitched, nasally voices. They complained when my mate stood up, who the did honorable thing and sat down. Asked the lads in front to sit down, and they did it too but nobody wanted to, and it all went a bit ****.

    I assumed that's what the scrapping in the lower tier was about? We have a massive divide in our fans in all sorts of ways, yesterday revealed that.
  20. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    There is no need of abuse among yourselves, it simply demonstrates stupidity and thuggishness.

    Swearing in chants, the heat of the moment and general banter is there; take r leave it.

    I was pleased for Liverpool yesterday, they won an entertaining battle, so why not applaud? It's the performance you applaud rather than the team; I think they call it football. There were times, yesterday, when I applauded Sheffield United, as I thought they came out for a good game of football; in all honesty I was more disappointed that more did not applaud them.

    Regardless of your preference (I stood at times yesterday), standing up and down is bloody annoying when it makes you miss the action; not everyone is able to stand for long periods.

    To be honest though, I was in 504 and they were a great crowd - that might be influenced by the fact I was in row1 and they were all either to the side or behind me. We all stood for the chants, it was a good atmosphere. <ok>

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