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Off Topic Muslims - a fresh debate.

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Billy Death, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Billy Death

    Billy Death Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    What should the west do with them?
    Give them carte-blanche & allow them to have their own way to do whatever they like?
    Send the ****s back to Syria, Jordan or Libya?
    Bring in an Adolf type person to wipe them out?
    Or, make them adapt to western society?
    Open post up for discussion before the Minx gets involved.
  2. crumble bungle

    crumble bungle Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
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    no problems with muslims or any other religion so long as they don't try and get too high and mighty.
    there is enough space on this planet to share with everyone else................
    but if they do get too big for their boots like IS for example, wipe them from the face of the earth as they are a serious threat that needs addressing.
  3. Tel (they/them)

    Tel (they/them) Sucky’s Bailiff

    May 11, 2011
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    That's not really very relevant when they all want to squeeze into the same space, that is nowhere near big enough.

    As for the OP, there's too much damage to undo in our lifetime, we won't see any change. The Human Rights laws that govern this nation need to be abolished in order to stop this juggernaut, once that has been achieved, we can look at turning the tide.

    I would like to see absolutely zero tolerance on all foreigners for any crime committed, you steal... **** you go home, you rape... bullet, you murder... bullet, you burn the George Cross... **** you go home, you've eaten your passport... good nobody knows who you are, you don't exist, click, you disappear.
    Billy Death likes this.
  4. grandpops

    grandpops Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Best get me 2 pennorth in before this gets binned.

    I don`t think they can adapt and still be muslim. The word `islam` means submission and demands complete and unquestioning subservience to a prophet who, as far as I know, never prophecied anything and a book that is 1500 years out of date.

    The bottom line is the ideology will not allow change.

    There are plenty of countries they can practice their faith and, imo, that`s where they should be. Anywhere else and it`s trouble. Fine when there`s only a few but as the numbers grow, so do the demands. Then there`s problems.
    clockstander and Charley Farley like this.
  5. gelders pie

    gelders pie Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I agree, I've always said that any immigrant, wether legal, asylum seeker or temporary permission, should be allowed their entry on the agreement that they are to obey our laws. Failure to do so means sending home next day. No appeal. No human rights lawyer. Sign here to agree or go back now.
  6. crumble bungle

    crumble bungle Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
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    yep can appreciate that and also agree with what you said.
    Too many do gooders now that need herding up and shipped out somewhere.
    Cant see anything wrong either with zero tolerance, unfortunately the leaders of our nation are too weak/scared to do anything because of the human rights people.
    Dispicable_Tel likes this.
  7. Billy Death

    Billy Death Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Yes & the 'prophet' was a ****ing peado who ****ed a nine year old girl.
    Tells you all you need to know about them.
  8. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Complete bollocks. Meet my wife down the local you wouldnt have a clue what religion she is. As for adapting, well thats just ****ing patronising to a third generation brit, just as millions are across Europe and the Americas.
    Fez and The Relic like this.
  9. grandpops

    grandpops Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Yes. If it`s good enough for him etc. Hence the groomers.

    Incidentally, it was Aisha (the lassie you`re on about) who said that whenever Muhammad wanted something he had a divine revelation so he could get it.

    Coincidence of course.
    Billy Death likes this.
  10. Billy Death

    Billy Death Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Aye, spot on. <ok>

  11. grandpops

    grandpops Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    It`s not bollocks at all. Islam means submission. It`s submission to the word of Allah and the Q`ran is Allahs word. The devout muslims follow that to the letter and think everyone else should do the same to the point where they follow Muhammads methods of doing it. That`s where the trouble is.

    I know plenty of muslims who don`t agree with that and just want to get on with their own lives. Your Mrs sounds like one of them. They are not the problem. There are lots of muslims who would be executed for apostasy for becoming acclimatised to our ways.

    That`s Q`ranic sharia.
    Dispicable_Tel likes this.
  12. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    IS have made no secret they want the whole world following sharia law. What choice do we have? The 'Good' Muslims have done bot all to help so they've blown their liberties(we shouldn't need warrents to search their places of worship). This is WW3 as far as i'm concerned. Stay away from China and Russia and their allies and shoot IS dead, if they're forced back into Russia and China's allied countries then ****em, leaving there, it's their problem. Got to drive them back to one place and keep them contained.
  13. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    No offence fella and no offence to all the good Muslims. but Islam as a religion has done about as much to help this situation as the Catholic Church have done to deal with their nonces. They haven't done enough, nowhere near. They're obligated to not only to play an active role but to be a front runner in this war as far as I'm concerned.
  14. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Not sure about it being WW3 Funky. What it certainly is is a civil war within Islam itself, Sunni against Shia. Its also a proxy war between Saudi and Iran.

    Ultimately, Islam itself won't prevail against the West, Russia and China if we can all stay at least ambivalent or better still, united against it. The only danger is if it manages to set one of the major power blocs against another, and thats not really likely.

    In the grand scheme of things its just another civil war albeit across national boundaries. They've been going on for thousands of years. This one's no different.

    The only difference between what's going on now to what's happened in the past is that with all the media available these days, this one is being shoved down our throats.

    I just think a little perspective is sometimes missing in these discussions.
  15. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I totally agree mate.

    I'm not an apologist for muslims Funky. As I've just said elsewhere, a little perspective is needed sometimes.
    Brian Storm likes this.
  16. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Mate, two IS members mowed a soldier down and beheaded him on British soil. It's war alright.
    Gil T Azell and Billy Death like this.
  17. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    The daft thing is they've got the backing of strong countries who welcome Islam into their society. They should use these resources to help fight this war while they're still available.
  18. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I know mate. The buggers shouldve been hanged for what they did. But to call it an act of war promotes them to soldiers. Theyre not soldiers. They're just scum.
    grandpops likes this.
  19. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    They are soldiers though, they're fighting for their own cause. They may not be representing a country but they're soldiers imo. They see themselves as soldiers, they see themselves at war, so to pretend were not at war is a bit naive I feel. It's not a war like we've ever known but war all the same. Any organisation who steps into another country and commits an act of war is declaring war. If I walked into the Russian Embassy and blew it up, they'd see it as an act of law. I'm not a soldier by the traditional sense but If I had reason with like minded follower I'd be a soldier for my own cause. Look at the **** with a IRA, that was war but not a war against Ireland or Northern Ireland. IS has already declared war on all who doesn't follow sharia law. We're already at war there's no doubt in my mind. We're in danger. I'm sure our Anti Terrorist section would agree. They are essentially our home guard at the moment.
  20. Billy Death

    Billy Death Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    They're as much soldiers as the Provisional IRA thought they were.

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