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Semper Fideles

Discussion in 'Plymouth' started by Plymjools, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Plymjools

    Plymjools Active Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Good Afternoon All .... has anyone else heard that the riddler doesn't want to keep this anymore and is looking around for a new tune ..... hope the PB bid falls through so James Brent can step in to buy us. On the radio this morning he said he has the money to buy us immediately !
  2. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Even if he does have the money, it's not like popping in to buy a newspaper. No matter what Brent says there'd be several weeks of final due diligence and contract negotiation with no guarantee it would go the whole distance.

    I'm absolutely with Guilfoyle - there's no possibility of changing horses now.

    Unless the Fans Trust have access to more information than we've seen, I think their intervention today is very unhelpful and has merely muddied the waters.
  3. Plymjools

    Plymjools Active Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Not all of the money has come through from the PB and the orginal Irish backers involved with Heaney have pulled out, so I dont understand why Guilfoyle has let this drift on so long ..... the reason the Fans Trust have become involved is probably because they have been listening to the fans, and know they arn't happy with things as they are up at HP .... neither are the FA as they have already said to get their backing there are several things that have to be changed. Like it or not there is a growing voice of support for James Brent's proposal.
  4. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    There may well be unhappiness, what I was asking was on what information does anyone base a belief that it's possible to change horses now? I have seen none and the administrator says it's not possible.

    Also, on what information is the opinion based that payments are in arrears? I have heard neither Guilfoyle nor Ridsdale say so and to my knowledge they are the only ones who know when payments were due, let alone whether they've been made.

    If that information is out there and I've missed it, I'll stand corrected, but like many I've been following this pretty closely and haven't seen it.

    I have seen lots of opinions but 1,000 opinions don't make a single fact!
  5. mexijan

    mexijan Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    What troubles me is Brent has been sitting back saying if there is a better proposal for the good of PAFC then he wouldn´t push his option and now he seems to be pushing his option hard. Whether he has additional information regarding PB or just his gut feeling who knows. What the deal is with the PB is to a large extent speculation and rumour what is clear is that they really couldn´t have handled this worse, from the fans view point if they had tried. The pulling out of the original backers is news to me but as I said before I have given up reading everything and trying to work out what was going on.

    One thing I do know for certain is........

    NO TO NEW TUNE!!!!!

    What next playing in red, change our name, badge, nickname, prawn sandwiches instead of pasties where will it all end :emoticon-0121-angry
  6. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    I agree that there are no facts in the public domain to make judgements on. I suppose that is part of the problem here. We just don't know anything much about what has or is going on. However, I don't agree that there cannot be a plan B. Maybe it is too late to stop the current lot making their purchase. But that depends on whether they themselves complete. If they don't then I see no logical reason why a second bidder cannot come to the fore and go on to buy the club. It may well take longer than is desirable but it can be done. Business is business and if you try to sell your house and the deal falls through it doesn't mean nobody else can buy it. Why should buying anything be different including a football club. At this minute I don't much care which one buys the club as long as one of them does. It has nothing to do with what the customers prefer. They are not the ones stumping up the money up front are they.
  7. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    You can't have a Plan B Sensible, at least not running concurrently and there isn't time to run them sequentially.

    No bidder is going to go into a 2 horse preferred bidder race - and that's a general fact in such negotiations, not just this one. It means burning up huge costs on lawyers & other advisers when you may merely be a stalking horse to get the price up or even if it is a genuine contest, you may lose at at the last minute. All sensible operators just walk away when asked to do that, it's up to the seller to pick one and negotiate in good faith.

    If we switch to Brent now he is going to want exactly the same exclusivity period as the consortium have had to do exactly the same things they've been doing. There isn't time for that.

    Oh and PS, I agree with Mexjian. Where's the credibility in saying you weren't really bothered one way or another like Brent did and then kicking up a tremendous stink when you don't come out on top?
  8. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    I'm not talking about a contest notdistant I'm talking about somebody else being available if the first purchaser pulls out. This is not being put in place as a counter bid as far as I can see. What Brent appears to be saying is that if the first deal falls over he is prepared to come in at the eleventh hour as a second option. Hence a plan B. As far as Brent kicking up a stink I don't quite see it that way either from what I've read and that is all the facts I have. Even that may not be facts but just another opinion of the writer. I thought it was the other bidder who was kicking off and causing waves which was Butivant. I see nothing wrong with Brent stating that in his opinion this current front running bid was not the best offer in town if that is what he believes. But that is a long way from causing a stink. I also don't see where Brent is currently pushing his bid "hard". What has he done but to meet with some people and agree to a plan B if it becomes necessary. How is that pushing his bid hard. He stated his intention to help if it was necessary right from the off and I cannot for the life of me see where that has changed.

    As for the music well it is "our" tune and can see no reason to change it. I believe Holloway wanted to do that but never got his way and there have been others who have tried.
  9. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    I should have added that it appears to be the supporters who are pushing the Brent bid not Brent himself.
  10. akagreengull2

    akagreengull2 Member

    Mar 5, 2011
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    Logic dictates the lack of positive development at Home Park is indicative of the PB proposals are in some kind of difficulty.Because of an overall lack of transparency-we don't know if Brents proposals are not viable.The only plan B we have is that Brent could step in,if this happens given the impending start of the season is so soon,the football league rather than see a league team go under,may facillitate some kind of emergency deal to allow financing of the club.For me the final kick in the teeth after all that has happened was the appointment of Guilfoyle,who has made a mjor mis-judgement in awarding exclusivity to the "Heaney consortium". I have absolutely no confidence in Guilfoyle as an administrator for Argyle.:emoticon-0112-wonde

  11. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Fair enough but if a deal is going to be done in time to start the football season, then it's already too late.

    Whoever's pushing it, it's a bad idea to give the League & the PFA the idea there's an alternative.

    Anyway, I think you'll find that the club has already been transferred to Ridsdale - that can't be undone whoever ends up with he property deal.

    Oh and Semper Fidelis ought to be untouchable. If it's good enough for the US Marine Corps it's good enough for PAFC.
  12. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    But that it the whole point aka, we have absolutely no idea if Guilfoyle has indeed made a major misjudgement do we. This is not being picky just to prove a point either so please don't take it the wrong way. What exactly do you or I know about any of the bids. And I do mean any including Butivant and Brent. There is however a wholesale feeling of unease around the place but coming mostly from supporters rather than those who are at the centre of all of this. The truth is we are unlikely ever to know the ins and outs of the various deals. It could be, althought I doubt it, that the preferrred bidders deal was head and shoulders above the other proposals. Maybe there will be some kind of enquiry by some power or other but I doubt even then it would be public and details forthcoming. It seems to me that the unease is mainly due to the lack of info rather than a knowledge that everything or even something is wrong. I may be being complacent but I refuse to get too upset personally about something I don't know about and if I'm honest have never been a conspiracy theorist.
  13. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Ye Gods!!!! I didn't know about the US connection with Semper. I may be being a wee bit racist here but I am not the greatest supporter of anything American. If it is their tune as well then maybe there is a case for changing it.
  14. mexijan

    mexijan Active Member

    May 27, 2011
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    Yes but remember they borrowed it from us, the real Green Army, it´s not their tune we are kindly lending it to them to give them some credibility :emoticon-0105-wink:

    PS When it comes to a dislike of Americans thats not being racist more like being a realist
  15. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Phew!!! Thank you mexijan. I don't like being racist and I agree it isn't really if it involved the yanks. Ok they can borrow it (they should be made to pay of course) and we should keep it in that case.
  16. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Brendan Guilfoyle has only ever said that two payments have been completed........£200.000 + £100.000 = £300.000.

    £700.000 still not accounted for, hence the giving away of players for below their true value to pay the bills.........so on completion it should be paid............ thats why Guilfoyle isn't rocking the boat.............he's just hanging in there for completion.........so he can get away from this can-of-worms.........He hasn't done us proud.
  17. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Ok I'm being picky now. Go on then plymborn, tell me what the details of the takeover are from the three parties concerned? Tell me how exactly he hasn't done us proud that you actually know about. I haven't got the faintest idea what the details were so cannot make any sort of judgement on Guilfoyle. And gut feeling and opinion don't count, just factual details please.
  18. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    The fair and level playing field at the beginning for all bidders was an exclusivity payment up front, no talk of milestone payments until the Heaney/Irish Phantoms won the right to exclusivity,why where the goalposts moved allowing this to happen........Guilfoyle showed weakness and allowed the process to be dragged out to the detriment of PAFC's future.......a disaster.

    To late to change bidders now.............to start again would mean no money to pay players with at the start of the season.
  19. Plymjools

    Plymjools Active Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 4, 2011
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  20. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 23, 2011
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    Yes ok plymborn, a fair and level playing field with money to cover exclusivity. But what payments and when and how much overall? Was the goalpost moved or was it the same for all? Do you know the terms of it? I have not read it anywhere so unless you are part of the set up then how can you possibly know it wasn't the same.

    The article above that Gat has pasted on here says quite a bit but with no actual terms. It also says that Brent is ready to step in if it all goes tits up in the end. That has pretty much been his stance from the start and the one fact we do know as he stated it. Where did you get the £1m price tag from? It was assumed to be the sum and was put into the public domain but was it actually stated by anyone involved in it all? Again I haven't read that anywhere but it may have been publicised. I haven't read every story that has come out. I firmly believe that it is the supporters who are pushing the Brent cause because they see it as a better option. Reason being is that he appears to have been more upfront about things than the Irish. It has already been said many many times by notdistantgreen that the details of any deal like this are confidential. That means they are not for public consumption for the likes of you and me. The preference for the Brent deal is based on opinion rather than fact in my view. Now, it may have turned out to be better for us but, it also just as easily may not have. We are unlikely to know with any certainty.

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