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Off Topic Coronavirus

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by Sooperhoop, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Bwood_Ranger

    Bwood_Ranger 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    You aren’t wrong.

    Also I raised the point either here or another thread that every team will lose some players in theory after June. Cash-rich clubs have an opportunity to hoover up freebies. In theory when the season does re-commence it’ll be with Oteh (bless him) up front as the loanees are gone, no Cameron, Rangel, Pugh.
  2. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Spurs considering Cash & Players bid for Eze according to yesterday's Sun with a valuation of £20 million, which if Daniel Levy is involved will probably end up peanuts plus two or three no-hopers...
  3. Bwood_Ranger

    Bwood_Ranger 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    Jack Clarke and a set of bibs. Could be a Trevor Sinclair situation I fear especially with income taking such a hit over the next few weeks/months.
    Willhoops likes this.
  4. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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  5. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Yay, but plenty of pink gin...cheers...:grin:

  6. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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  7. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    A massive blow for the Island's economy, worth up to 50% of annual turnover to most popular areas...

  8. rangercol

    rangercol Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I don't think you're wrong.

    Plus, if the season is suspended till, say, July, will clubs still have loaned players etc?
    If they finish the season even later in the year, will the transfer window be delayed?
    If it isn't, some clubs could strengthen, assisting them for the remaining games.

    What a cluster ****!
  9. Staines R's

    Staines R's Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Just thought I’d post to give a perspective of what we in the NHS are currently up against at the moment....all views are my own.

    I’ve just come of a block of weekend night shifts and to say it’s been busy is an understatement. 75% of calls are down as ‘COVID POSSIBLE’, due to there being a cough or breathing difficulty mentioned, meaning that we have to suit up in mask, goggles and aprons, whilst also ensuring that the patient is also wearing a mask. This obviously makes each call last a lot longer as we also have to clean up the ambulance and ourselves after, often having to stay of the road for a lengthy amount of time, leading to a shortage of crews.
    What angers me is the amount of calls I have gone to where healthy younger people have called 999 because they feel they have ‘difficulty in breathing’, when in fact that is far from the case and it’s simply down to a cough or feeling generally unwell. We are an emergency service, we should be dealing with life threatening emergencies.....not some f***wit who has a cough.
    People need to learn to self care, follow the advice that’s been given and self isolate......then I can help the real people in need, the elderly, the infirm and the genuinely ill.
    People will die over this, and I’ve probably been to a few of them... but worse still is that many, many more will die because we can’t attend to them when they have an arrest or a stroke or a hypo. We are on our knees here and near breaking point and it’s only the good will of many that is keeping us going.
    Another point I’d ask is that if you have an elderly neighbour then PLEASE look out for them, offer to do some shopping or just be there in the time of need. Everyday I see elderly people who have no one there to help them, and at this time they are the ones who are gonna suffer.

    Sorry if this post seems rambling but I’m tired, fed up and still got to go to Tesco’s to try and find some f****** bog roll, so my elderly in-laws can have a crap in peace.
    In solidarity.
  10. Ranger4ever

    Ranger4ever Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    Massive respect to you and your colleagues Staines. If everyone was sensible about their habits and followed the official advice, it would help identify those most in need. The same applies to the halfwits pillaging our supermarkets to selfishly stock up their own supplies. Good luck in your quest for loo roll (some Costcutters shops have them apparently).

    Thanks again to you and your NHS colleagues.

  11. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    don't all rush out to get it
    apparently lots of sufferers are being left with honeycomb lung and lower t cell counts

    What You Need to Know About Honeycomb Lung

    January 8, 2016





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    First things first: honeycomb lung is not actually a disease. Rather, it is the change in the structure of the lungs that is commonly seen in people afflicted with certain respiratory-related diseases, in particular during the end stages. Since it’s not a disease, naturally, honeycomb lung is not infectious in any way.

    This pathological finding gets its name from the fact that the lung tissues end up resembling a honeycomb upon visual inspection. What makes such happen is the presence of small cyst-like structures that can be observed even without the aid of a microscope. The said structures have diameters large enough to be seen by the naked eye, although they usually do not grow beyond 10 millimeters in diameter. The presence of honeycomb lungs can be observed when the person suffering from a respiratory-related disease undergoes x-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan.

    Specialists in lung care and diseases say that the presence of honeycomb lung is an indicative of poor prognosis. In other words, it is unlikely for the patient to recover from the disease that has caused the honeycomb-like appearance of the lung tissues. The goal is to prevent the disease from worsening and causing further complications.

    Complications of Honeycomb Lung
    One of the complications of honeycomb lung is pneumothorax. This condition is characterized by the presence of air in the space between the chest wall and the lungs themselves, something which is not quite normal. If not treated, the lungs could collapse. Pneumothorax is treated by relieving the pressure applied on the lungs by the air trapped between the chest wall and the lungs, thus allowing the lungs to expand during breathing.

    Pulmonary hypertension is another complication that may arise from honeycomb lung. This is a kind of hypertension (high blood pressure) that has a profound effect on the arteries found in the lungs, as well as the right side of the heart. Fatigue, dizziness, fainting spells, shortness of breath, chest pain and cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin and lips) are some of the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension.

    Honeycomb Lung Symptoms
    The initial and most noticeable symptoms of honeycomb lung are shortness of breath and dyspnea (difficulty in breathing). This does not really come as a surprise since the small cyst-like structures that characterize honeycomb lung significantly reduce lung capacity. These initial symptoms are noticeably progressive too, meaning they worsen overtime.

    Nonproductive cough may be experienced by the individual with honeycomb lung. This particular symptom is similar to having dry cough wherein there is no sputum or mucus produced or expelled when coughing. As the respiratory-related disease behind honeycomb lung progresses, lung infection may take place which results in various additional symptoms.

    Diseases That Cause Honeycomb Lung
    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is a disease characterized by thickening and stiffening of the tissues found deep within the lungs. Medical experts do not really know what causes this disease to transpire, and that is why the word “idiopathic” is present in the name of the disease.

    Another disease that can lead to honeycomb lung is what’s known as sarcoidosis. This results in the formation of inflammatory cysts in various parts of the body, including the lungs. The presence of small growths in the lung tissue alters the structure of the lungs as well as affects the proper functioning of the said organs.

    There are numerous other diseases that can lead to the development of honeycomb lungs. Some of them include radiation pneumonia, rheumatoid pneumonia, asbesotosis, aspiration and connective tissue disorders that may affect the lungs.

    Honeycomb Lung Care
    In order to prevent the worsening of honeycomb lung, it is imperative to have the causative medical condition controlled. A person with honeycomb lung should be provided with treatment and care that help strengthen the immune system in order to prevent respiratory infections which are very common among those with honeycomb lung.

    Sufficient rest is important as honeycomb lung tends to cause fatigue due to the decreased lung capacity. However, mild exercises prescribed by a doctor can help in maintaining or even improving current lung performance.
  12. finglasqpr

    finglasqpr Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Massive respect to you and all the emergency services and healthcare professionals Stainesey. You all do a brilliant job.

    You guys are also the most prone to catching the virus from members of the public so stay safe and keep up the fantastic work.
  13. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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  14. daverangers

    daverangers Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Macron making a statement to the nation now, general gist... 'stay at home for two weeks...we are at war...it is an invisible enemy but we are at war...the government is fighting this war by protecting you, so stay at home.'
  15. daverangers

    daverangers Well-Known Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    Plus borders with non EU countries shut for 30 days. Keeps repeating that we are at war.
  16. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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  17. kiwiqpr

    kiwiqpr Barnsie Mod

    May 11, 2011
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    qprbeth and Staines R's like this.
  18. Bwood_Ranger

    Bwood_Ranger 2023 Funniest Poster

    Mar 27, 2011
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    This is the bit that freaks me out. Complete unknown what the future holds medically and economically.
    kiwiqpr likes this.
  19. Frome-Ranger

    Frome-Ranger Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Cameron, Rangel and Pugh aren't loans or am I misreading your post?
  20. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Genuinely confused by the BBCs reporting of the new advice, grateful for clarification.

    I heard Johnson say that if someone in your house develops symptoms you should self isolate the household for 14 days, only going out briefly to get food/essentials and for exercise (staying away from others).Presumably meaning members of the household with no symptoms should do this.

    The BBC, both on the news report and online is saying don’t go out even for food/essentials, but you can for exercise.

    Did I mishear Johnson or did the BBC? Not getting essential food seems to me to be an invitation to stockpile. Or starve.

    BBC on the bandwagon with alarmist language. ****ers.

    PS just heard Johnson’s speech again and I got it wrong. Confused.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2020

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