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First or funniest away trip

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by sabretail, May 5, 2021.

  1. Evington

    Evington Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2014
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    Doncaster away. God knows when. We lost. I hired a minibus and we all went. After the match driving out of the car park two Donny lads in a sports car taking the piss calling us 'full kit ****ers' etc etc. They sped off leaving us standing in traffic. We decided to call in for one before leaving Doncaster so pulled into a pub car park. You know what's coming next.... ..... yes the sports car was parked in the pub car park.

    Before I got parked, out and locked the doors the smart sports car had four flat tyres.

    I miss those days/nights having a good laugh with the lads.
    Kempton, johnbo, askewshair and 2 others like this.
  2. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    Peasants, we were lucky enough to have the use of Eddie Stobart's executive box right above the Gallowgate End. Those below us weren't best impressed when we all shouted for a penalty for City. I wasn't best impressed either as Rico puked up in my car on the journey home. Must have been the lager, cider, champagne, and three course meal and sandwiches he quaffed! They restocked the fridge twice! The git also left the stadium with two bottles of cider in his coat pockets, and a bottle of champagne under his arm, which was supped in a limo on the way to Bolton one of our final away matches. :emoticon-0100-smile
    nbetiger and Ric Glasgow like this.
  3. Der Alte

    Der Alte Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    My first away game was at Mansfield in 64/65 (I think) - we went on the train from Hull. A very windy day and Mansfield scored when a clearance from our keeper (Mike Williams) went high towards halfway but was blown back to the edge of our area. They scored and went on to win 2-1. Waggy scored our goal against his old team with a rare header. Bad result but a good day out.
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  4. Febbos

    Febbos Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    First away game, but more recent than most on here I guess :D

    Bristol City 24 Sep 2011

    Was very nervous, took the train down on my own from Stoke.
    I didn't have a clue how I'd get to the stadium, so started talking with the first 2 lads with City shirts that I could spot.
    One of them asked where I'm from (I'm not blessed with that Yorkshire accent).
    "Ah, you're not that Swedish fella from the forums are ya?" True story
    Ended up going to a couple of different away games and nights out with them, one leading to my body feeling instinctually sick from the smell of Captain Morgan all these years later :(

    Game was highly average

    Last edited: May 6, 2021
  5. Melbournetiger

    Melbournetiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I think my first away trip was against Mansfield Town, would have been early 65 we had signed Waggy from them November64.
    We duly lost
    For me a couple of good away trips would also be Chelsea 66 and then beating the Blunts in 71.
  6. springtiger

    springtiger Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    One of my first I was about 13 was away trip to the Massive by special train . Got off at Wadsley Bridge up the hill and walked down . There they were , the first ‘skinheads ‘ I’d seen . They were in steel toe capped boots and jeans , jackets and trousers. The short hair was a shock we were all still glam rock long haired and flares- soon changed
    City drew or lost 1-0 I think it was the game when Pearson called the ref an onion and got sent off. Nobody could score besides him. Quite a bit of bother on the open end at the match
    We were not too long after going to Northern Clothing and Arthur masons for the right stuff
    Ben Sherman , trutex checked shirts and Stay Pressed trousers
    Kempton likes this.
  7. Der Alte

    Der Alte Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    That was also mine - I think it was one of the games over Easter.

    Mrs. BLUE_MOUNTAINS_BEAR Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2011
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    My husband tells me his first away trip was in 1952 to see Hull City beat Manchester United at Old Trafford in an FA Cup match and remains the only time they have won there.
    The story of why he was there is well covered in the Tigers' history thread. (Page 42. Post No 822)
    Last edited: May 7, 2021
    Newlandcasual2 and Ron Burguvdy like this.
  9. Melbournetiger

    Melbournetiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    17 th April 1965!
    Der Alte likes this.
  10. askewshair

    askewshair Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Around 1974 (so aged 12 ish). Away fixture at Notts County on a horrible wintery Tuesday night. I was staying at older bothers who lived in Nottingham. I think we won 1-0. We scored and a few groups of City cheered from different parts of the stadium. Absolutely no numbers, and certainly no 'kop' (neither did they). Only memory was the surprise at the low number of fans who travel away, and wondered what all the bollocks I'd heard re away trips was about. Couldn't tell you who was playing. Absolutely uneventful.
    I later learnt that wasn't typical, but could have been put off for life!!!
    dennisboothstash likes this.

  11. charon-the-ferryman

    charon-the-ferryman Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    think you're referring to 75/76 score 2 1 to City - I went year before, 74/75 - remember Killer Queen blasting out before the match, think it had just been released - we lost 5 0 - what a load of **** that was
  12. springtiger

    springtiger Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2014
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    I went the 0-5 for no train with a few Hessle lads , think we were three or four down by halftime . Remember possibly Hawley ha a shot from about 30 yds nearly hit their big clock about 30’ foot above the pitch! some Forest fans clocked us in the ground and came for a scrap in the station . Cockney Alf or Wilf from Greatfield decided we should stand ! Anyway we ended up on the tracks
    The following by then was really poor most matches
  13. johnbo

    johnbo Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2012
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    Remember playing away at Macclesfield and for change i drove down there, god knows how we did it but ended up totally lost and outside Oldham athletic 's ground. We had two flags hanging out of the windows, stuck at some lights everyone around us pointing and laughing then a big gang of Oldham fans started singing- you don't where you are. They was right has well I didn't have a frigg--- clue. Got there in the end but to this day I don't know how we did it. What an idiot
    Kempton likes this.
  14. GLP

    GLP Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Is this the Blackpool game that Fettis came on up front and scored? I was at that Fettis match. I was at Uni at the time and it was only up the road. Mate I went with got absolutely pissed and it took us 3 attempts to get into the ground, for being too pissed.
  15. Tentotwo

    Tentotwo Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2015
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    First away : Blunts away ‘71 under the lights with the old man and what looked like half of Hull.

    Funniest: Blackpool away one Boxing Day. Lively day out but me and our kid ended up kipping with two Irish birds after watching City.

    Best: Deano’volley. 24/05/08... nothing comes close to that weekend.
  16. charon-the-ferryman

    charon-the-ferryman Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2013
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    1974 -two of us hitched to London on the Friday - saw ELP at Wembley on the night - after my pal went off somewhere to watch the speedway, I think he went to see either Ivan Mauger or Belle Vue on the Saturday and I stayed over in London to watch our last away game of the season at Palace - I remember thinking I would sleep at Charing Cross under the arches, but that looked a bit dodgy so I went to Euston and slept on the main arrival concourse - the police woke all the rough sleepers early in the morning so i got the same gentle kick as everyone else - made my way to the ground and met up with a group from Hessle who had gone down in a converted bread van - I always thought it was a Sunblest van but I caught up with someone years later who informed me it was Newboulds - anyway we won the match 2 0 and I think that got Palace relegated - I got invited back on the van - after the match about 7 of us were waiting for the van to appear - the guy driving didn't support city so he went for a sleep and didnt wake up till after the match finished - we were still waiting outside the ground surrounded by what seemed like at least 200 Palace fans and a wall of police officers for protection - the van finally turned up - the police formed a corridor so we could get to the van - as soon as we got on we were off to the sound of stones bouncing off being chased by their lot - i remember driving round the corner and the driver stalling it with everyone yelling at him the get it going - he did and off we went into the night arriving back in Hull as some stage - those were the days
  17. askewshair

    askewshair Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I've just googled the head to heads, you're right. I thought it was earlier than that. Not surprised I got the score wrong, it was that unmemorable. Apart from the lack of City.
  18. Tickton Tiger.

    Tickton Tiger. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Burden Park, Bolton, March 1970. Day like today, pissing down, Football Special must win game. Police moved a sizable following from City out of the nearest pub to the ground and onto the car park then into the ground, open end behind the goal.
    Bolton then charged the gates and bombarded us with bottles and bricks. I was hit by a bottle on my wrist, quite a bad cut and the St John Ambulance wanted to take me to hospital. Which would mean missing the game, so no chance. Instead they took me to their base which was behind the home end and stitched me up there.
    It was nearing kick off by now and to get back to the City end I could either go the safe way and hide my scarf or walk in front of the home kop showing my colours, so I did that and finished up on the pitch intending to take a short cut to my mates behind the other goal. Me being on the pitch sent a message to the home fans that it was an attempt to take their kop which was common in the 70's so some of their lads came on to confront me. Resulting in a mass ruck in the mud in the middle of the penalty area and loads of City running on from the other end to join in.
    I finished up nicked and with a bit of a battering and of course missed the game along with about 10 others.
    The pitch invasion was mentioned on Grandstand and headlined in the Sunday papers.
    I had to go to work on the Monday morning and I worked at HDM then so my boss saw it all develop from the press box and I could hardly hide my involvement with two black eyes, my hand bandaged up and a thick lip.
    I'd gone by the end of the season. City drew 0-0 and I was fined £5..
  19. TwoWrights

    TwoWrights Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2013
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    You should include that story in a book! :emoticon-0100-smile
    nbetiger likes this.
  20. Tickton Tiger.

    Tickton Tiger. Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Now then, never one to miss a free plug, just got a few copies of 'From Boothferry to Wembley' turned up out of the blue from the publishers.
    So if anyone wants one, not forgetting it sold out inside three months, and they are asking £25 each for them on Amazon, drop me a pm.
    TwoWrights likes this.

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