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Anybody wish to guess Nicky's next move?

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by invermeremike, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    With the transfer getting ready to close what are your thoughts on what Nicky will do next?

    Obviously Man United and the other big teams are not going to beat a path to our door and clearly have never considered Nicky to be a top class addition. So where does that leave our wantaway player when it has been painfully obvious to us all that if he does get his premiership dream it will only be with a lower placed team.

    Mention has been made that his move this year will only possibly provide him with a stepping stone to higher things but what if he should not meet expectations?

    The whole situation has been very badly handled by all concerned, club and player alike, and still the jury is out as to what would be the best outcome for everybody. Regrettably I can't see Nicky, orBCFC, coming out of all this with any positive memories.

    SO SAD!
  2. mclidst3

    mclidst3 Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    To the bank...
  3. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    the blood bank.....
  4. andyyandyy

    andyyandyy Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    He's going to Disney Land Paris Whoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Sapphire

    Sapphire Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    IMO you have hit on a really important issue. Most of us would die to be good enough to play a sport to a professional level which enables us to simply earn a living. Some young people are good enough to play for the more popular sports like footall and cricket, where they can earn variable amounts of money from well above average to just plain stupid. Some of them are bright enough to handle it but most aren't. The football career is relatively a short one and the demand is great for them while they are at the peak of their playing career. Whatever their personality, introvert or extrovert, they are elevated into a unique status as a public figure. Unfortunately in general footballers are relatively young; mostly immature; unable to handle the adulation and by 'normal' standards grossly overpaid. So if they get their 'image' wrong and appear selfish, greedy, and whatever else has been said to be their fault, I think we should remember that we were kids once and that we didn't always get it right in other people's eyes!
  6. mclidst3

    mclidst3 Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    He is 25. Old enough to know better. I don't think anyone begrudges him leaving for a prem team but why not put in a transfer request at the start of the season? or at least tell us he wouldn't sign? The answer is agents who inflate an already huge ego in these young lads...
  7. Sapphire

    Sapphire Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2011
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    The problem also lies with the environment which has experienced their young lives. Because of their talents they have not led what most of us would consider to be a normal life. They have associated or lived in the sheltered world of professional sportsmen, probably idolising the older players around them. The advice they receive is probably coming from similar sources and agents who gain by the monies received from transfer moves. They probably have not had to fight to get a job, earn money to survive, and not learned the basic requirements and principles of the real world.
  8. Delboy loves a robin

    May 1, 2011
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    As I have said before it wouldn't surprise me if NM already has a move lined up for the summer, afterall he's allowed to negotiate a new deal with any club from jan 1st.
  9. glenngregory

    glenngregory Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    His agent must be really rubbish though. Think of all the European clubs, especially Eastern Europe, who would pay a couple of million for what was, and still could be, one of the best goalscorers in the 5th best supported league in the world. Nicky would then have the Europa Cup stage on which to show off his wares and get his dream transfer in 2 years time to a team half-way up the premiership. Mark Hughes, Gary Linekar, David Platt, Steve Archibald all did it and came back the richer for it. If I was Nicky's agent I would be working my socks off right now to get him a good deal and myself a nice 10% cut.

    Or maybe, as someone else suggested on here, the deal has already been done. "warm the bench for a few months in Bristol son, and then come and join me on a free at Everton for a nice wage and Premiership safety for a few seasons".
  10. mclidst3

    mclidst3 Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    I think that only applies to foreign clubs mate. Not 100% though...

  11. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I am starting to believe that Nicky already has a club in mind and will go there for free in the summer (Everton was mentioned previously on this site).

    Let's just suppose that happens, how would that affect any monies the player might receive as opposed to money he would get if he moves in the transfer window?

    The end question is does Nicky stand to benefit more financially by doing his own deal rather than go for a transfer fee?

    I ask this because I am not as familiar as most of you regarding the finer points of player transfers. Should the latter be true then may I suggest it would put what is currently happening (or not) into perspective, and the bad taste around AG regarding Nicky would turn in to outright condemnation.

    Hope I'm wrong BUT!
  12. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Mike - I think most clubs offer an incentive of a signing on fee which can be a set amount, or a percentage of the transfer fee to certain players under the usual circumstances.

    In NM's case you have to assume that he has brokered a private deal, and therefore probably has some form of legal document or contract from a future employer giving details of what he might receive either as a signing on fee and or wages/bonuses/appearance monies etc should he choose to join them after his contract here expires. It does leave a bad taste if this is true, but unless he has broken any FA or FIFA rules then what can we do ?
  13. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Thanks angelic for info, and you're right because it does show a lack of respect for us doesn't it?

    The modern state of football methinks.
  14. cidered abroad

    cidered abroad Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2011
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    Just a point about the reference in #9 above, to NM going abroad to further his career. English players in general are a rare breed indeed. In Europe most children with football talent continue with full schooling until leaving age. Learning everything from maths, sciences to that precious commodity that the majority of English footballers lack. What is it?

    A lack of any other language or the ability to learn one in their CV!!!!!!!

    I read the other day that NM was turned down by Arsenal at SEVEN years of age. Does anyone think when listening to his radio/TV interviews that he spent the remaining years at school doing anything other than dreaming about playing football?

    How many British players of any quality playing in La Liga, Serie A or Bundesliga? A big fat zero and one of the major reasons other than the silly money paid in England is their inability to pick up any of the language except a few swear words.

    Jimmy Greaves, Ian Rush and Mark Hughes are some who failed miserably abroad. The successes are quite rare and in each case, the player became pretty fluent in the local language such as Gary Lineker and Joe Jordan. Beckham just about got by at Real but one wonders if “hijo de puta” was the limit of his Spanish vocabulary.

    So I would not recommend NM to go abroad unless you call Wigan or Swansea abroad.
  15. algenon

    algenon Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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  16. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    And he still can't speak English let alone Spanish, Italian etc...!

    I'd also say that given the amount of season's he's spent abroad making money, warming benches/falling out with local fans and managerss in various countries, in and the amount of money Real Madrid actually spent on the Galactico's at the time, who then went on to achieve the most barren spell in 60 years, it was money well wasted.

    The most average and overhyped player ever and a contributor to when finances in football have gone since.
  17. EnderMB

    EnderMB Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    You hit on an excellent point regarding English players playing abroad, and frankly it's shameful that more English players don't look to take this route.

    However, from what I've read of Beckham's time in Madrid he would often go to the same local restaurants and bars in his local area, and while he was there he was happy to converse in Spanish. He was well-aware of what people in the UK thought of him and how intelligent he is, so he didn't want to open himself up to further criticism or talk by talking to the press in Spanish.

    I'd be willing to bet that Beckham could happily attend a Spanish training session or talk to a Spanish person in their native language.
  18. robin_unreliant

    robin_unreliant Active Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    I think Algenon has it....and here's another link saying the same thing.


    He wants to go to a "proper" PL club and Mr Moyes will happily pay him a few quid to make it his club.
    If it isn't Everton then it will be another mid-table team NM thinks is a real step up.
    Everton & NM both laughing all the way to the bank - BCFC are the only losers.
    That is the way football works these days sadly.
    Our Board have played this badly all along and if anyone can take any blame here it is them.
    I don't blame clubs on a tight budget looking for bargains or players looking for fat payouts
    as the system lets them do it. As the Board forked out the money for NM it is down to them
    to avoid this scenario and they have failed. But they aren't the first ones to be caught out
    like this and won't be the last.
  19. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Forget all the niceties on Nicky because for all intents and purposes he's screwing BCFC. Would someone please explain to me what BCFC have done to deserve this treatment because I can't see any.

    Perhaps we didn't offer enough ridiculous money or polish his ego enough because right now I only have one word for him--TRAITOR!
  20. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    This is probably the most sensible take on the whole debacle I have read so far. IMO the best thing the club can do now is put him on gardening leave and invest their efforts and first-team-time in the players who will be wearing the shirt next season.

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