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Off Topic Trumpy pumpy.

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by LuisDiazgamechanger, Aug 4, 2016.

  1. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Heck, who doesn't eat massive amounts of birth control pills when going to the border? I usually grab a couple of packs and wash them down with a beer.
  2. DirtyFrank

    DirtyFrank Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    Yeah that progesterone high is class....makes the lining a little thick though .....
    Milk not bear jizz likes this.
  3. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Donald Trump’s suggestion that Britain invented Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election has been branded “completely false” by the UK government.
    The US president shared a tweet by William Craddick, the founder of right-wing conspiracy theory news outlet Disobedience Media, on Sunday evening.
    “Russiagate was designed in part to help the UK counter Russian influence by baiting the United States into taking a hard line against them,” Mr Craddick wrote. “Leaves us all with a more dangerous world as a consequence. Just another episode of the great game.”
  4. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    should be interesting tonight.

    either we will wake up to crowing trump and furious liberals etc


    Twitter storm and accusations of witch hunt.

    it'll be interesting to see what was found but for me they'd have arrested someone for treason if treason could be proven so that'll be that.
  5. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Muller finds no collusion.

    all that the opposition have left is report doesn't clear trump.of obstruction.

    trump will be celebrating tonight.
  6. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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  7. RogerisontheHunt

    RogerisontheHunt Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2011
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    ugh, Trump is such a poor winner. The smugness is sickening. Its almost like he knows he's got away with something.
  8. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    when trump is telling people to vaccinate their damned kids for.measles it's a sorry affair.

    imagine being that dumb you expose your child to such risks.
  9. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    thank god.
    trump as restored my trust in him.

    he's stood up on an be a podium and made out selling arms globally is a 2nd amendment freedom so he will tear up another treaty.

    at this point the yanks as so untrustworthy that are pariahs. nothing they say or sign is worth anything.
  10. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    US attorney general faces contempt vote over Mueller report
    Democrats in the US House of Representatives have decided to launch contempt proceedings against Attorney General William Barr.

    They took action after he failed to comply with a House Judiciary Committee subpoena to submit an unredacted version of the Mueller report.

    The Department of Justice had previously called the request "premature and unnecessary".

    The Democratic-led committee said the vote would be held on Wednesday.

  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    In the end.... declaring yourself above, even if it is politically motivated, the house of representatives is not something the United States needs in its attorney general.
  12. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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  13. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    nobody who wears belts like that should run for el presidente.
  14. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    He is a Billionaire, but not crazy like Trump.
  15. Muppetfinder General

    Muppetfinder General Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I just finished reading Restless by William Boyd, which is about the British secret services in WWII using propaganda to sway US public opinion into joining the war.

    The thing about conspiracies is if you disbelieve one, you tend to disbelieve them all. I once suggested there was certainly method, motive and opportunity in the death of Princess Diana to cause suspicion of the secret services' involvement and was immediately accused of being a Holocaust denier. I remember in the 90s, there was a conspiracy theory that the secret services were monitoring everybody's email with a system called Echelon. How we laughed and passed around the tinfoil hats. Edward Snowdon wiped the smug smiles off our faces by proving it wasn't just email but possibly your webcam, mic and anything else they fancied.

    So, designed in part? I doubt it. Encouraged in part? That I could believe. But there have been questions over the effectiveness of Cambridge Analytica's data, not only by republican polling analysts but democratic ones and academics.

    Jessica Baldwin-Philippi is an assistant professor at Fordham University who has studied the digital efforts of political campaigns. She said, "The idea that they had a robust data campaign is just not true. They were doing very best practice stuff on the Facebook side, but they weren't doing this universally. It wasn't deep or robust.

    "Time and again, studies have shown us that the most persuasive targeting metrics are not crazy-specific microtargeting data but public-record voting history data and geography."

    Trump spent $5.9m on CA. Ted Cruz spent $5.8m on the same service. So maybe we should be delighted somebody took nearly six big ones off Trump for a couple of tins of tartan paint.

    Russian interference in an election is probably nothing new, just a little more effective now. Just as scary was when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Seth Meyers show this week showed a picture of homeless people queueing up outside a senate hearing room. They'd been paid by lobbyists to hold their places. "This is how far money has seeped into the system," she said, and it's not just the US senate, it's in our parliament and the EU one. Gordon Brown demands an enquiry into small sub-£500 donations to the Brexit Party, fair enough, but large donations to political parties? Lobbyists? That's just how it's done.
  16. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    Donald Trump has made it clear: the only 'real Americans' are white and Christian
    Theodore R Johnson

    n a recent tirade from his bully pulpit on Twitter, Trump made it abundantly clear who he thinks belongs in the United States – and who doesn’t

    Tue 16 Jul 201908.19 BSTFirst published on Tue 16 Jul 201907.00 BST

    • ‘His remarks suggest that ‘real Americans’ are precisely two things: white and Christian.’ Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
    On Sunday morning, while journalists and talk show pundits were busy discussingvisitsto two migrant detention centers by Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Lindsay Graham, Donald Trump sought to change the subject by upping the ante.

    As conversation swirled around the deplorable conditions that immigrant men, women and children are facing, Trump refocused the attention on himself by suggesting that U.S. congresswomen of color were the ones who should voluntarily deport themselves to back to the countries they came from.

    Taking to Twitter, his very own digital bully pulpit, the presidentwrote, “So interesting to see ‘Progressive’ Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe … now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run.”

    He wrapped up his tirade saying, “Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”

    There’s just one problem: three of the four women he was obviously targeting – Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omay – were born in the United States. And Omar, whose family escaped Somalia and came to the United States when she was a child, has been a US citizen her entire adult life.

    They are Americans, and this is their country. Of course, in Trump’s worldview, the women’s actual birthplaces and citizenship are immaterial.

    Instead, his remarks suggest that “real Americans” are precisely two things: white and Christian. And the whole of his presidency has been an attempt to push this view by linking symbols of America with an exclusionary ethnic and religious nationalism.

    This is not a new development. From the day Trump declared his presidency in 2015 to his tweeting this past weekend, his rhetoric and actions have made it clear that he holds an exclusionary view of who he considers can be American and who can lay claim to the rights and privileges of citizenship. His political career took flight with hisbirtherism claimsthat accused Barack Obama of being neither American nor Christian. He launched his campaign bydeclaringMexicans drug-dealing rapists, and he promised – and attempted – to institute a ban on people from majority-Muslim countries entering the United States. He declared black NFL players unpatriotic and un-American for kneeling during the playing of the national anthem,saying, “maybe they shouldn’t be in the country.” Meanwhile, when an all-white hockey team comprised of mostly foreign players visited the White House, he called them “incredible patriots.” He has no interest in black immigrants from “****hole countries” and would much prefer immigrants from Norway, which is one of the whitest countries in the world. The list of such slights is endless.

    His most common critique of all who disagree with him or critique his presidency – to include members of Congress – is to declare that they are trying to “destroy our country” and that they hate America. And he saves his harshest words for people of color. Conversely, those who agree with him are patriots, love the flag, love the military, and simply want to make America great again.

    What Trump is doing is commandeering the American civil religion and using it to push a divisive ethnoreligious nationalism that demonizes people of color and of other faiths. The concept of an American civil religion was described in a seminal 1967essayby Berkeley professor Robert Bellah. In it, he argued there are certain elements of American institutions that “provide a religious dimension for the whole fabric of American life, including the political sphere” and are “expressed in a set of beliefs, symbols, and rituals.” Among the many sacraments of this civil religion are the Declaration of Independence, the American flag, the national anthem, and ceremonial places and events like Arlington National Ceremony and presidential inaugurations.

    But scholars have long noted the danger of civil religion being used by states and political elites as a means to shape and manipulate the public. One of its devolutions is a religious nationalism that, as Princeton professor Philip Gorskiwrites, is a “toxic blend of apocalyptic religion and imperial zeal that envisions the United States as a righteous nation charged with a divine commission to rid the world of evil.” It promotes the demonization of others who dare criticize the nation and encourages views of them as evil. The nation’s symbols and leaders become its embodiments, and thus, beyond scrutiny. So all who don’t revere Trump are cast as enemies of the state and deemed a threat to the American identity.

    This approach plays on the fears that changes occurring in the United States are disrupting the American way of life. A March 2017 Associated Press- NORCpollfound that 7 in 10 Americans believe the country is losing its identity, but there was little agreement on what the primary threats were. For Trump’s party, its members felt that illegal immigration was the biggest threat to the American identity. And they believe that speaking English and sharing a culture based on Christian beliefs and European values are at the core of the nation’s identity. Sociologists Rhys Williamssuggeststhis is a result of thesub rosaassociation that makes “white Christian American” the baseline and default cultural understanding of the United States.

    The president has intertwined these fears and the perceived threat felt by some of white America with a clinging to the nation’s symbols, even going so far as toliterally hugthe flag at times, as way of laying claim to “real Americanism” for himself and his supporters. This necessarily means that he considers those who oppose him and his presidency – especially those who are people of color or of other faiths – must be lesser versions of American.

    And this is exactly what led to him telling four congresswomen of color – American citizens who represent millions of American citizens – to “go back” to some set of imagined countries of origin. Trump has hijacked the American civil religion, a concept that should serve as a basis for unity for citizens and used it in an attempt to further divide us along lines of race, party, and religion in the name of political expediency.

    With every word and action the president and his party – which has been eerily silent on the his latest affront – take to entrench themselves in power by playing on fear in the public, they may cling closer to the symbols of America’s civil religion, but they are pulling the nation further from the principles those symbols are intended to espouse.

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    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
  17. Milk and Kebabs

    Milk and Kebabs Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2019
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    Tldr; Trump is a racist.

    We already knew that though.
  18. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Plus a retard, and most definitely misogynsitic. And he needs to lay the **** off Twitter! That should be the next amendment to the US constitution, that the President is banned from Twitter,

    I'd rather stick my cock in to an angry wasps nest than support that ****ing piece of **** publication.
    Milk and Kebabs likes this.
  19. Milk and Kebabs

    Milk and Kebabs Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2019
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    @Matth_2014, do you recommend this course of action?
  20. BobbyD

    BobbyD President

    Oct 25, 2013
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    Lol I read the guardian quite a lot just to get a more "rounded" view.

    I can safely say i have not been converted yet. I still like to think I'm pretty centrist

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