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US golfer Robert Garrigus used to get high on the course

Discussion in 'Golf' started by Not606 News Team, Jun 30, 2011.

  1. Not606 News Team

    Jun 7, 2011
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    US golfer Robert Garrigus, who secured a third place finish in the US Open earlier this month, has admitted he used to smoke cannabis during his rounds.

    The 33-year-old said he would smoke the drug while competing on the Nationwide Tour in the early 2000s by sneaking to the toilet. And he claims he was not the only player 'driving' under the influence.

    The late bloomer is in the middle of a breakthrough season having battled substance abuse early in his career. He went through drug rehab before making it onto the PGA Tour.

    Garrigus said that in 2002 he would regularly smoke pot during his rounds on the Nationwide Tour, which acts as the US PGA's development tour.

    He said: "Oh yeah, there were plenty of guys on the Nationwide Tour who smoked in the middle of the round.

    "We always talked about it. You could go in the Porta John and take your drags."

    He said his drug habit started as a result of his party lifestyle while studying at Scottsdale Community College.

    He said: "It was all golf and partying. I never did hard drugs. I never did coke or LSD. It was just smoking and drinking and hanging out with friends.

    "The smoking got to be habitual: five, 10, maybe 20 times a day. I didn't keep track of how much. I constantly needed to be high. And I took it to the max. Every single day. Mostly just smoking, smoking, smoking."

    Acknowledging that his behaviour had been stupid, Garrigus said he didn't regret it as it had put him on the path towards his current success.
  2. Chris.

    Chris. #bringbackchris

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Golf and cannabis... What a weird combination.
  3. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I play quite abit of golf, My handicap now is down to 8, so I'd like to think im of a reasonable standard, as far as non professionals go. I must admit that I enjoy a smoke every now and then, and I have been known to have a smoke before I've played, and I must admit it doesnt affect my game, if anything it improves it.

    Alot is made of Cannibis, but in reality it's pretty harmless, I've smoked it for years and it's done no harm to me or anyone else who I know that smokes it. It certainly wouldnt affect your ability to play golf, if anything it would make you more relaxed, and increase your enjoyment of the game, there for increase your enthusiasm to do well.

    Funnily enough harder drugs like Cocaine would probably enhance your performance also, though I wouldn't exactly say Cocaine is harmless lol, its pretty bad on your heart :biggrin:
  4. stelalouis

    stelalouis New Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Golf is always excited for me and I am learning to play it with a good hold with my friend.
  5. The-Don

    The-Don Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    playing off 8 you are doing great and better than most people, Well done

    But you're still **** :)

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