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Jose Enrique - now officially a twat.

Discussion in 'Newcastle United' started by Protein Cheik, Dec 27, 2011.

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  1. Protein Cheik

    Protein Cheik Member

    Sep 17, 2011
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    Liverpool's Jose Enrique insists he 'deserves a chance' to prove his worth for Spain ahead of Euro 2012

    As marked in bold, it's pretty insulting. He's always not been picked due to personnel/personal reasons rather than the club he was at.
  2. Tino's Machine Gun

    Tino's Machine Gun Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    The first one you bolded isn't even a quote.
  3. Smudger

    Smudger Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He realises that his performances havent been enough to catch the eye, so this is just a little desperate, a bit like what we were doing with Saylor & England. To suggest we arent big enough or established enough is a needless dig though, Cabaye's a regular in the France starting XI, Jonas is in and out with Argentina, Santon's got another chance with Italy, Krul capped for Holland. All huge, huge teams and most of them got capped playing for us.
  4. Protein Cheik

    Protein Cheik Member

    Sep 17, 2011
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    I didn't say it was. It's merely a summary of what he's conveying in the interview. He infers that Newcastle wasn't good enough for him and that Liverpool are the footballing equivalent of the Harlem Globetrotters.
  5. Tino's Machine Gun

    Tino's Machine Gun Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Yeah well you can't call him a twat because of the words some reporter has chosen to use. Ever heard of spin? His quote is underneath, judge him on that.

    They are a bigger club in the media and like it or not have a higher profile across Europe and the world, that's just the way it is. Personally I find it quite refreshing that at least he actually left for footballing reasons unlike someone like Samir Nasri. I thought playing for Liverpool as well as he has done would get him noticed as well but it hasn't, he is frustrated because he really wants to play for his country, I don't see how he's a twat for that at all.
  6. SKY+

    SKY+ Guest

    I think it's probably being taken out of context. He's purely saying that Liverpool are globally recognised more than Newcastle are so playing for Liverpool will give him more exposure - Therefore, enhancing his chances of of getting a international cap.

    Whether I personally agree with that is a different matter, but that's his theory.

    How that 'officially' makes him a twat is beyond me. Maybe you shouldn't be so bitter <ok>
  7. Smudger

    Smudger Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree he's more likely to be noticed at Liverpool, as they do have a bigger global profile but it is a bit of a dig and he could have simply let his football do the talking. And no offence but he could easily be at a CL club, he could have held out for one and would definitely have been noticed then.
  8. SKY+

    SKY+ Guest

    Yeah true - But he didn't mention Newcastle so perhaps people are reading too much into it. He simply said by playing for Liverpool they should be thinking of him.

    If he had said 'now I'm playing for a better club' or something along those lines I would understand, but it seems like the OP is clutching at straws to have a dig at him because he recently left.
  9. Up and Hatem

    Up and Hatem Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I still have respect for enrique, he stayed with us when we got relegated and showed how much he cared for the club and i didn't blame him for leaving, i hope we give him a decent applause and i hope he plays for spain
  10. I don't think he stayed with us because he loved the club at all, he stayed with us because he wasn't yet a great player and no one good would have taken him.

    I don't think everyone who stayed, stayed because they loved the club.

    However, I respect him for helping us get promoted and being great for most of our PL season.

    I don't respect for the way he left though. He left for a team that is not that much better than us

    Instead of pissing about all summer, he should have just came out and had the balls to say he wanted to leave, instead of just giving no answer and then pissing off.

  11. The Secret Ingredient

    The Secret Ingredient Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It hasn't worked up till now has it,how long before he's wanting a move back to Spain/CL team to push for his claim.it's the one thing i've never liked about him or players like him they think they have a god given right to play for their country and put this above everything else.Yes he's a good player and probably should make the squad but if the dippers fail to get in the CL(within the next few years) and he's still overlooked I'll put money on it he'll start looking for a CL team move and the same crack will be spouted again.
  12. Smudger

    Smudger Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I respect that he stayed with us in the Championship to help us get promoted but as had been pointed out, he was nothing more than a prospect then and no big side would have taken him. I respect that he left for genuine football reasons as well but I dont like that he strung us along for a year and left for a club not even in Europe when he aspires to play CL and international supposedly. Liverpool have a big profile but the Spanish coaches/media wont take any notice of them if they arent in Europe.
  13. Up and Hatem

    Up and Hatem Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    no I think he generally loved the club and he loved the fans, he just didn't agree with the decisions at the club
  14. LTF

    LTF Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I was disappointed when he left, now I feel quite indifferent towards him.
    I'd have respected him more if he'd been more up front about his future plans when he was with us, no doubt he had his reasons.
    I will still give him a cheer on his return to SJP.
  15. Speedo

    Speedo Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    When you're the manager of the greatest team on the planet, and you're looking for left-backs, would you really be looking at a mid- to lower Premier League team? Sorry lads, we were that last season. I don't think Liverpool are high enough for him though - I think he needs European club competition to get into contention for Spain. Remember that most of the Spain squad play in the Champions League or Europa League (with the possible exception of a few fringe players like Javi Martinez).
  16. Smudger

    Smudger Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Even he at least plays in La Liga though, so they cant really miss him.
  17. Sharpe*

    Sharpe* Senior Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I don't see the problem to be honest. Whether you like it or not we are known considerably more than Newcastle in Europe due to our previous successes and the fact the likes of Alonso, Torres and Reina have played for Spain whilst playing for Liverpool.

    It's actually very simple.
  18. The Secret Ingredient

    The Secret Ingredient Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    not really a valid point as they were all internationals when you bought them but it's the type of player he is that should worry you not whether you're a bigger draw.Like i said earlier i hate his type of player who chases playing for his country above everything else as it means he'll do what he did to us to you if he fails to make the national side whereas someone like colo is the type of player i'd rather have committed to the club.
  19. I don't respect him because instead of being a man and just admitting he wanted to leave right at the start of the summer, he decided to give no answer, and then creep away the first chance he got.

    He didn't have the balls to face us and say he wanted to leave. He farted about and left us wondering all summer whether or not we would need a new LB and then left just days before the new season started.

    He then said he wanted to leave to win trophies and to play in the CL. His chances of doing that with Liverpool aren't much greater with you than with us really. You're not much better than us.

    I respect him for how he helped us at times, but not for the way he left. Cowardly Spanish twat.
  20. Smudger

    Smudger Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Agree. If Enrique doesnt get a call up in the next season or two he'll go back to La Liga or maybe find a CL side who want him (still cant believe Arsenal didnt try for him).
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