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If the King goes

Discussion in 'Nottingham Forest' started by djnffc, May 19, 2011.

  1. djnffc

    djnffc New Member

    May 19, 2011
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    I'm 70 percent king billy will stay,i think i'm 80 percent sure i want him to stay,but just for genral discussion who would you want as a replacment?
    There doesn't seem to be much talent to the market,so we would have look at poaching someone elses man.
    The obvious one is off course martin o neil ,who alot of people would say we wouldn't come,i'm not so sure.Also people say he would want money we havn't got,but i think he would be quite happy,even though b.d has had problems with the board i think he gets a better deal than people make out.

    Any thoughts to who you would WANT ?Then for another debate who do you think we WOULD get
  2. Broccoli

    Broccoli New Member

    Feb 22, 2011
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    hughton or somebody
  3. Yak.

    Yak. Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    he could bring calderwood has his assistant
  4. trickytree29

    trickytree29 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I really want Billy to stay were playing our best football since Paul Hart. I really believe he is the man to lead us back to the premiership. Yes I know he doesn't know when to shut up but I can live with it as long he keeps us at the right end of the table. The only other manager I feel could equal him is O'neil but not sure if he would come down a division
  5. allbluelenny

    allbluelenny Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    Have had the privilege and pleasure to look after Forest for there past 3 pre season training sessions and i will be with them again this summer, Billy is your man, its the people who run our teams who need to put there MONEY were there mouths are, A Manager can only do his best, but without investment his hands are tied.
    They have the options to look for youngsters from lower divisions, thus keeping the exchange of cash LOW or for nothing, but like all flowers they dont grow over night.
    This is something even the fans have to understand, as it seems like no-one is doing anything and can be very frustrating .
    But at the end of the day the BUCK STOPS with the DIRECTORS.
    Good luck for the coming season 3rd time lucky ( I am Gillingham fan so I understand the frustration )
  6. trickytree29

    trickytree29 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cheers Allblue, first thing we have to sort is the players out who are out of contract, now we know were playing championship football next season this has to be a priority
  7. cosmicslipperysteve

    cosmicslipperysteve New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    If there is no more investment, then the Manager's hands are not tied. He can try and get the best out of the existing squad. Something he has failed to do with any consistency this season, apart from the middle three months. More consistency, rather than "stellar signings" cost the automatic promotion place.

    At the same time he can back his squad, publicly & privately, and try and create a positive atmosphere around the club rather than the constant moaning and groaning that does nothing more than provide an excuse for failure.
  8. Yak.

    Yak. Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think youll find we will be going to the usa this year
  9. trickytree29

    trickytree29 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cosmic I know from 606 your not a huge fan of Billy but who would you have instead of him? As I mentioned before I think O'neil is the only person who is in the same league as Billy though heavily doubt he would come down to the champiosnhip despite his links with Forest
  10. RedForestBear

    RedForestBear New Member

    May 31, 2011
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    As long as Nigel Doughty is backing Billy then I think he'll stay...................perhaps Bills greatest achievement will be getting Mark Arthur sacked????

  11. clough24

    clough24 Member

    May 12, 2011
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    I'd certainly prefer to Billy to stay but as a replacement what about Steve McLaren or a punt on someone like Lee Clark?
  12. trickytree29

    trickytree29 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If only RFB if only. Still can't believe how that muppet still has a job, I mean what the **** does he actually do????
  13. trickytree33

    trickytree33 New Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Paul Jewels, lol ;-)
  14. cosmicslipperysteve

    cosmicslipperysteve New Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Tricky, it is a very good point. It is not easy as there are no "stand out" candidates. The problem for me, is that Billy himself, does not really see the current squad as being good enough to get any further. He has made that quite clear. Many others would agree with him that only new signings of the more expensive variety would bring promotion. If that is the case, then if the Board are not going to buy these players, there seems little point in continuing the current set up. In reality, the last two seasons have both been very frustrating for a number of reasons and there has always been a negative undercurrent in the club, usually around Billy's loyalty, his work ethic, his public comments re the Club and the almost inevitable slump towards the end of the season.

    My personal view, which most people seem to disagree with, is that the current squad is far better than we are led to believe. A Play-Off place was achieved even though our performances rarely reaching "their best" and the negative set-up away from home cost us an incredible number of points. In the cold light of day, when you look at the players in midfield and up front that are available, the number of goals scored has been woeful. Something has gone sadly wrong. Indeed, only 1 out of 5 play-off attempts Billy has had has succeeded, giving a failure rate of 80%, so far.

    So, I believe that there are are number of Managers that could better with the current squad. They include O'Driscoll, Poyet, Mackay (I hope not), Dave Jones (less sure of him), Kenny Jackett, Tony Mowbray and Nigel Adkins.

    But, if Doughty wants to spend money then I think Billy should be given a chance, but as his buying record hasn't been great in the past, I hope he won't be given an open cheque book.
  15. trickytree29

    trickytree29 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Its a differcult one Cosmic on one hand we all want Billy to be able to get the "stella" signings in but on the other hand looked what happened when we gave David Platt an open cheque book! The end result was a disaster, so I think its got to be a careful ballance between the two. I think most of the team are good enough to get us into the premiership but completly agree with you about our goal scoring ability. I don't know if its having to many strikers or a confidence thing but this season something has gone wrong. I dread to think where we would have finished up if it was not for Lewis.
  16. realred85

    realred85 New Member

    Apr 9, 2011
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    My top choice would be O'Neill and Robertson, but I think thats pie in the sky. Perhaps a little more realistic, although still ambitious, would be Curbishley, who I would welcome too. More realistically, I would like to see Sean O'Driscoll. Although after the Matt Mills saga, Im pretty sure John Ryan the Donny chairman would do everything in his power to stop Forest getting him.

    More than likely though, we would go for someone out of work, with a track record in this division and experience, which seems to point to someone like Dave Jones (hope not). A dark horse could be Russell Slade? He did a great job with Yeovil (as if we could forget) and got Orient to within a point of the playoffs last year with sod-all to spend. I think hes from Notts as well, which Im sure Nigel "Nottingham in Nottingham Forest" Doughty would like. I feel hed have to start pretty well though, or the fans would be on his back for not being a big enough 'name'.

    I have to say as well, although I dont think he is a particularly great manager, and I couldnt stand to hear people booing him if he failed, if Forest appointed Stuart Pearce as manager, I would be absolutely delighted (in a Newcastle United, dont worry about what will happen and just deliriously believe youve found the Messiah, kind of way). If Pyscho was a success as Forest boss it would be absolutely bloody magic wouldnt it?

    My number one choice for this season though? King Billy. Miss out again next year and I might have a different opinion, but for now I am happy to keep BD and back him to get us up.
  17. Dave Angel

    Dave Angel Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I would prefer Billy to see out his contract and give it another stab. If that doesn't seem to be happening we should consider options and maybe bring someone in next summer. Who knows though? I find it hard to swallow what the NEP generally say about these things with their track record. Even today they have stated ND usually lines up a replacement before the other manager goes. OK he possibly did that with Billy but I could have sworn that before we have had caretakers in place for a few games while we were recruiting. Sometimes that paper is not fit to wipe your backside on
  18. Dave Angel

    Dave Angel Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Understatement of the decade
  19. Dave Angel

    Dave Angel Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Whatever happens we need things sorting ASAP as we are seriously going to play catch up, if we're not already. It seems Dele and Wilson is gone, Tyson and Moussi are likely to leave and Earnshaw has not yet decided. We seem to be reduced down to a pretty threadbare squad and have doubts about who will be in charge next season. It's isn't good :(
  20. justanothervillan

    justanothervillan New Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    lets be fair ....davis is just another scots ****er who has done eff all for this club has he won the league no ......has he won the playoffs no....so why are you paying him....for failure ...get rid ....soon...send him back to scotto to manage a team of his standard ......ayr or annann

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