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Time for Zola to go - debate

Discussion in 'Watford' started by yellotoyou, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Flittonhorn

    Flittonhorn Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    Well put :emoticon-0148-yes:
  2. Flittonhorn

    Flittonhorn Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    By bringing up his success at Blackpool in answer to an earlier post by me you are vindicating him as a candidate in what you think is required. Taking away the fact he got two teams promoted (luck), his coaching ability is very average if you look at his overall results and type of football he offers. So if you do not want him stop using him as an alternative in your comments he is not wanted by 99% at WD18. Zola deserves some backing as manager until someone other than us decides otherwise because there is no easy fix to this present situation and if he can turn things around with a new assistant/players so be it and then everyone would be happy.
  3. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If Zola should go, and I would prefer to see a proper coach rather than this guy that has come in as his number 2, then I see no chance of us appointing an English based manager. Hollowhead, Warnock, total dream world, the Pozzos would get someone from abroad that they are willing to try out. This guy would have no experience of the Championship and might be as poor as some of the players that came to us in the summer. The number of managers and players that are given a chance by them, then discarded as not good enough is alarming, but I think that they may feel that they still have something to learn about English football and will not be prepared to jump too quickly. Also there will be the input of Nani and Duxberry to consider. Depends to some extent just how much they back Zola and if Nani feels that he is under pressure as well. Zola of course might feel that he has had enough and want to leave. I would suggest that we do not know what is going on behind the scenes about getting in better players in January, but with that only being a couple of weeks away now there must be irons in the fire giving some indication of what we hope to do.
  4. Mexican Hornet

    Mexican Hornet Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    No win in 9 really sucks balls.

    If he has lost the dressing room then he has to go.

    If he hasn't lost the dressing room I'd be surprised.

    It is a shame but that is how I see it.
  5. Bloother

    Bloother Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    In other words, be careful what you wish for...
  6. yellotoyou

    yellotoyou Active Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    I think it is the mere fact that I do support Watford that I am sayong Zola should go - however if you want to get offensive and can't debate the issue reasonably perhaps it's you who should 'buzz off to another board' - try the derrr board.
  7. yellotoyou

    yellotoyou Active Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    So what your saying is by comparing hollowheads record to Zola is somehow anti Watford - hows that? you might not like it but the fact remains he has won this league twice and Zola hasn't. I may not want him either but I have to admit he has done better than Zola. For my part Zola is failing MY club and as such I want someone else who won't fail MY club - as for 99% in WD18 supporting Zola - where were you yesterday - not in WD18 as I was thats for certain as 99% of those who were booo'd him long and loud - not exactly supporting him were they!
  8. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Exactly. I have no confidence that a new manager could suddenly arrive and change the abilities of the players at the club this season. I think that people are forgetting that one of our most influential players Almen Abdi has only been available to start 5 games and some weeks our selection of the team has been made by who was available.
  9. Al the Hornet

    Al the Hornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    How's about bringing in Steve Clarke as GFZ's number 2?
  10. yellotoyou

    yellotoyou Active Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Yup that might be an alternative.

  11. oldfrenchhorn

    oldfrenchhorn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    That would be good in my opinion, help without total upheaval.
  12. Al the Hornet

    Al the Hornet Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    They were at Chelski. together! So you never know!
  13. Flittonhorn

    Flittonhorn Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    Don't recall hearing your loan voice in the 15000+ crowd shouting for hollowhead because no one else was for sure!!!. If you read my post i said 99% of people do not want him at WD18 refering to your Hollowhead. I never said anything about being anti Watford and will never compare Hollowhead to Zola as there is no point as Zola is Watford's manager and Hollowhead never will be. You use him as your example and he is totally unsuitable for his conduct not his record. As a true Watford fan of 35 years i have long known that you endure the rough with the smooth that is Watford's history, ups and also lots of downs. I have stated in numerous posts that things are far from rosy at the Vic and many issues need to be sorted out. We all pay our money to watch Watord but our's alone is not enough to finance our club hence we have an owner in the Pozzo's so we have to respect their actions because in honesty they probably saved "OUR" club from extinction last summer and in their short term of ownership have not done Watford any harm at all. If they decide to make any changes its their right, if not i really hope that things turn around asap. As for saying you want someone else who won't fail "your" club where were you last year? not supporting Watford that for certain as Zola can not at present be called a failure in his time as manager of "our" club. As winter approaches maybe its time for you to migrate yellowtoyou and leave the rest of us to weather this unpleasent storm.
  14. Bloother

    Bloother Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Good shout. I'd be happy with that. Only problem is that Zola was bigging-up his no. 2 only this week. Still don't know his name though!! Just adding him to his back room would be a big plus.
  15. Steveterrysbandaid

    Apr 14, 2011
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    Going back to holloway again aren't you kid , go and ask your father what it was like following the horns in 70s 80s 90s, judging Zola over the last 9 games ! Come on kid , I'm sure you enjoyed the highs of last year ? And now your turning , not what I call a real fan at all ,
    What we need is a Tranmere moment , go and ask someone what happened then ,
  16. Mexican Hornet

    Mexican Hornet Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Would many managers nowdays survive a run like we've been on?
  17. Flittonhorn

    Flittonhorn Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    Good shout but i think he has done enough to be given another chance by someone as head coach and if he decides he wants to return as a number two clubs larger than ours would i am afraid be interested in his services and open a door for him
  18. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    My gut feeling is that the Pozzo plan itself is not working. Send a club a mass of untested under 21 international material from their pool of players mostly drawn from South America or the Mediterranean countries and judge a rookie manager on his ability to blend them together into a team. Create an atmosphere in which players like Eustace and Hogg no longer feel they have a future at the club. No self respecting English manager, Hollowhead or otherwise, would work under these conditions. This is a plan which may have worked in Spain but it can only work with a large slice of luck here - the luck coming last year in the form of Vydra and Abdi. Whilst on the subject of those 2 it should be remembered that Watford's best ever foreign players, Helgusson, Gunnarsson, Nielsson, Lohmann and later Vydra and Abdi did not come from the Latin south but from countries with footballing cultures more similar to our own. We have, quite rightly, praised the Pozzos to the skies thinking that they could do no wrong because they saved us from financial ruin - but this does not mean that they are not capable of mistakes. Had they left Dyche in charge, with financial security in the background, then who knows where we could be now. I do not want to see knee jerk reactions which focus only on the management abilities of GFZ but to see that the Pozzos are capable of a plan B.
  19. Mexican Hornet

    Mexican Hornet Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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  20. yellotoyou

    yellotoyou Active Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Well well - I would suggest you take your own advice and read my posts as well before you get so offensive about my legitimate view - if you had you would see I don't want Hollowhead either - but have been showing that Zola's tactics aren't suited to this league whereas Hollowheads might be. If thats too difficult to understand well I can't help you now

    As for the Pozzo's - I haven't even mentioned them and would agree they have done a fine job. I was indeed at the Vic last year - my season ticket was well used - and yes i saw some good stuff but towards the end we started to fade and the warnings were there. You might want to bury your head in the sand and wish all will be well but i don't I want to see MY club succeed along with 99% of us who showed our feelings yesterday.

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