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Off Topic Corona virus - non football

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by SAFCDRUM, Mar 16, 2020.

  1. Gordon Armstrong

    Gordon Armstrong Just another S.A.F.C. fan
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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  2. one gary owers

    one gary owers Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Damn run out of tonic having to use Pepsi now
  3. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He’s still ducked it though.

    ‘You can still go to work’ means if you don’t, you won’t get paid.

    He placed NO restrictions on Tube and buses in London yet folk are up in arms that commuters have the nerve to use them, despite them being essential to them making a living.

    His list of ‘key workers’ means maybe 20 million who absolutely could stay at no detriment to the country can’t.

    All his ‘lockdown’ has done is further limit socialising.

    Categorically, the biggest risk of spread is in office blocks and centres that he has forced folk to continue to visit.

    He will go down as the PM who allowed thousands to die. That’s gonna be his legacy.
    Smug in Boots likes this.
  4. Snake Plissken

    Snake Plissken Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    He has stated numerous times though that people who are able to work at home must, therefore the majority of those office workers could surely work from home. Less people on the streets should mean less people on public transport. He has offered to pay 80% wages of those who can't go to work, including self employed now, so maybe businesses should do the right thing and tell people to work from home or close. Instead you have the Mike Ashley's of the world trying to exploit COVID-19 for everything they can get out of it.

    We are talking (mostly) about adults here, who are blind to what is happening not just around them but in the world and continue to act as if this pandemic is merely another 'cold' blown out of proportion to scare the masses. These are the people who should be the focus of the countries disdain, not a PM who has tried to let people live as normal a life as possible during uncertain times but is slowly having to treat everyone like a child and give them simple Yes/No instructions!

    I personally think he's been bang on and no matter what some individuals do, if others want to see the bad in them, they will pick up on every little flaw they can.
  5. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    They can’t though mate, it’s not a case of ‘log onto your personal laptop and away you go’.

    I can speak for company I work, computers are networked and run through an internally server with several layers of security, as they have to be to protect customer privacy.

    Calls in are routed and screened, you can’t do that through a personal laptop.

    For our company to ‘work from home’ we’d need around 17,000 company networked laptops lying around. It doesn’t happen and isn’t practical.

    ‘work from home’ jobs usually entail the company supplying and often fitting hardware into your home. It’s outrageous of him to think it’s that simple for the folk he has casually umbrella’d as ‘key workers’. 80% of them simply wouldn’t impact the country in this.

    He’s delayed each step due to finance, simple as that. If he does a full lockdown he would have to offer financial support to every business, and he’d rather risk spread and deaths than do it.

    It looked, initially like he was going to be decisive, as days goes by he’s looking more and more out of his depth.

    The 80% thin g doesn’t not apply to these ‘key workers (of which I have been classified)’

    All he has done is further reduce socialising. That’s it.

    Weak as piss. We knew this anyway of course.
    Vincemac likes this.
  6. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You mean you not we.<ok>
  7. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I’m fine with that.

    I’m seeing folk every day at work with fear in their faces as they are being told that they must work on the flip side of ‘don’t go outside it’s dangerous’.

    Yes, I think that’s weak by the man in power.
    Ozzymac likes this.
  8. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The 80% thin g doesn’t not apply to these ‘key workers (of which I have been classified)’
    quite a few of these key workers are on minimum wage
    They have no option and must work there can’t self isolate and get 80%
    Care workers etc etc
    Just a point worth thinking
    Nads likes this.
  9. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Exactly mate.

    An entry level employee at our place gets around 20k a year.

    Dropping 20% of that, even if it were plausible, is putting people into financial hardship. It wouldn’t apply as we would pay full wages were we TOLD to close.

    As we have been told, by the government of Britain, it’s ‘business as usual’, it’s ‘business as usual’. These are family folk with mortgages, kids and other debts. They cannot say ‘I’ll take the hit and stay at home’, there’s no support and it would leave them in serious trouble.

    Yeah, that’s a strong ‘leader’.
    Vincemac likes this.
  10. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He must next look after the self employed
    However how much does he give them
    At lest the minimum there were earning
    Probably biased on there tax returns
    I don’t know
    But they need some income
    becs and Nads like this.

  11. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Absolutely. It’s a repeat of the bars. Advising folk to stay away so no liability, backlash ‘ok we will pay your staff just close’

    Is he to repeat this across every employment? The deal ya will cost a lot more.

    Record cases recorded today, again.
  12. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Similar over here.

    Self employed have to show a decline in turnover over the last quarter to qualify for any government assistance yet the unemployed are having their dole payments doubled. Go figure :rolleyes:
  13. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It’s a difficult one
  14. Sandy Camel

    Sandy Camel Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I've been stuck in the agency/universal credit roundabout trap for a while now and it's no fun. Hope all you self employed lot don't end up getting stitched and chucked onto UC, but not everyone is going to be supported through this. Some people, through no fault of their own, are going to take a hit in this while others won't.
    Nads likes this.
  15. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yeah I think there will be winners and losers
    However, the losers must not be left out to dry
    Sandy Camel and Nads like this.
  16. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I’m not self employed mate, but I fully agree with your sentiment.

    People have to be kept as close to their usual level as income as possible. We pay taxes no matter what, and taxes on taxes.

    Still no council tax break for those in need, still no confirmation for self employed, still millions who aren’t vital being made to commute and work in busy offices.

  17. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    No help for oap
    There still paying tax
    Nads likes this.
  18. Nads

    Nads Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Should have been the first thing done.

    For many (I assume all no car owners), it’s the second biggest outgoing and one that can easily be managed down the line.
    Vincemac likes this.
  19. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    The latest Australian measures. Mixed messages all over the place.

    Banned or closed
    Registered and licensed clubs, licensed premises in hotels and pubs, casinos and night clubs.
    Cinemas and entertainment venues
    Auctions and open house inspections.
    Personal services such as beauty therapy, tanning, massage and tattoo parlours (but not physiotherapy).
    Outdoor and indoor markets, although “major food markets” (the prime minister cited Sydney’s Flemington market as an example) will be addressed by states and territories.
    Amusement parks and arcades, and indoor and outdoor play centres.
    Galleries, museums, libraries and swimming pools.
    Gyms and indoor sport venues.
    Overseas travel, with some exceptions such as aid workers and compassionate travel.

    Hairdressers and barbers can continue but must strictly manage social distancing and restrict the amount of time a patron can be in the premises to no more than 30 minutes.
    Boot camps and personal training must be limited to 10 people.
    Restaurants and cafes can offer delivery and takeaway only. Food courts in shopping centres may also only offer takeaway.
    Weddings restricted to five people – the couple, the celebrant and two witnesses.
    Funerals limited to no more than 10 people.
    Visits to houses should be kept to a very small number of people, including for family barbecues and birthday parties. States may choose to legislate to restrict house parties.

    Remaining open
    Shopping centres and other shops not specifically told to close, including bottle shops.
    Medical centres.

    The federal government’s advice is that it is safe to send children to school up to the end of the term, but some pupil-free days will be needed to plan distance learning.
    Schools will reopen after the term break with a mix of distance learning and in-school learning for all “essential workers”, defined by the prime minister as anyone with a job.
    There are differences in how each state and territory is managing schools.
    NSW: Schools remain open but it is up to parents to decide whether to send children to school, and parents have been advised to keep children home unless they need to work.
    Queensland: Schools remain open but it is up to parents to decide whether to send children to school.
    Victoria: Schools closed for school holidays. Due to return on 13th April.
    ACT: Closed.
    Tasmania: Schools remain open but up to parents to decide whether to send children.
    NT: Schools to remain open but optional for parents to send children.
    SA: Schools remain open but premier Steven Marshall recognises parents will take children out of school, allowing for increased social distancing.
    WA: Schools remain open but laws relaxed so it’s not compulsory.
    All states and territories are working towards re-opening in term 2, depending on how the situation changes over the next few weeks.
    There are no outright bans, although people are advised not to go and some Sydney beaches have been fenced off.
    It is up to the councils to enforce the outdoor restrictions on social distancing.
    Interstate travel
    NSW, the ACT and Victoria are the only states and territory to not implement restrictions on interstate travel. In the other states and territory anyone visiting will be required to quarantine themselves for 14 days upon arrival, unless they are in sectors deemed essential. Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Queensland have all closed their borders to a greater or lesser extent. Tasmania has said it will turn around visitors from interstate who do not have an essential purpose to their trip.
    Remote communities
    The restrictions in the Northern Territory do not apply to the remote communities because of the strong restrictions already in place in those communities.
  20. Snake Plissken

    Snake Plissken Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    We'll have to agree to disagree mate. I was at Amazon and they had ways of getting on to a network via intranets etc. and my current company does too. My offshore network is linked to not only Aberdeen but Trondheim in Norway as well. My onshore purchaser has also been based from home since early last week and she hasn't missed a beat. If companies want it to be done it will be done.

    You believe he's delayed each step due to finance but I think he's delayed each step due to the fact the country would have gone mental if he had locked down immediately. Ambulances vandalised and delivery vans torched are some of the smaller things already happening. One of those was an hour after he spoke last night! This is a man who knows his nation and knows it is full of ****ing idiots and is trying to implement things slowly so the imbeciles can get used to it slowly. If it was about finance, he wouldn't be offering to pay businesses to pay employees. I am a key worker and I accept I have to be at work, away from home in uncertain times but it is necessary to protect the countries infrastructure.

    You clearly don't like the man but please don't go accusing him of 'killing' people. People are killing people because they are stupid and think they know better! A simple but effective saying is 'guns don't kill people, people do'.
    RTB, farnboromackem, rooch 3 and 2 others like this.

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