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Discussion in 'Plymouth' started by Plymborn, Jun 19, 2016.

  1. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    David Suchet (Poirot) writing in the Telegraph on how he is structuring his week in lock down with his wife.....shares...'The thing that made me laugh this week'

    I saw a cartoon sent by my wife's cousin......picture the interior of an aeroplane, all the nationalities sitting there, and an intercom announcement....."This is your pilot speaking, I'm working from home today ! " I love silly humour like that.

    Daily Telegraph...Wednsday...1/4/20
  2. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    I've been using some of my lock down time on going through old sets of DVD's... series that I stack away and like to look at a later time again. I know some people don't like looking at old stuff a second time.....which is good...it means I can pick up missing episodes cheaply in charity shops....but of course not at the moment.

    At present I'm enjoying watching....'Lark Rise to Candleford' again....I am enjoying it just as much as the first time I watched it....started over ten years ago....interesting how Brendan Coyle gets written out of the script at roughly the same time that he starts appearing in Downton Abbey as the Earl of Grantham's batman.

    Sorry if I'm boring some of you.
  3. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    There were a selection of Coronovirus jokes from stand-up comedians in the paper 10 days back that made me smile.

    The only one I can remember was "Having no sport on TV is doing my head in but it hasn't been all bad. I was sat on the sofa the other day flicking aimlessly through the channels when I noticed there was a young lady sat on the other end of it. It turns out she's my wife. She seems nice."
  4. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    Now this sounds dodgy.

    A pet cat in Hong Kong has tested positive for the coronavirus.
    The cat was sent for quarantine in an animal-keeping facility, where it was tested on Monday, after its owner contracted the virus. the samples collected from the cat tested positive. but it hasn't shown any symptoms yet.
    The city's agricultural and fisheries department said that "there is currently no evidence that pet animals can be a source of Covid-19" and encouraged owners to maintain a hygienic environment for pets and not to abandon them. Two dogs previously tested positive in Hong Kong as did a cat in Belgium last Friday.

    Daily Telegraph...Thursday...2nd April...2020.

    Just image animals being carriers of Covid-19 and not being effected by the disease....and therefore wiping out the whole of humanity.....facts can be stranger than fiction.....I need to patent the film rights to this idea......but who will inherit my fortune.....I haven't got any pets to write into my will.
  5. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Explains a lot of our cat's behaviour.
  6. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    If you haven't seen it, as one of a number of schemes, the club has a crowdfunding project to help support it through the football shutdown. Simon Hallett has dug deep into his admittedly very deep pockets to turn this club around and personally I feel I want to do the same in this very difficult time to a very much smaller extent.

    For every £100 raised, Argyle are donating one 20/21 match ticket to be distributed to NHS staff.



  7. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    FC Bruges have been declared winners of the Belgian Pro League.

    It's an interesting straw in the wind but Bruges were 15 points clear with 1 game to play!
  8. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    I have this awful feeling that what they do with the English leagues will just about sum up an absolute crap season. Our's was stop start from the outset and I commented a while back that it seemed so disjointed that I wasn't sure where I was. We seemed to have large gaps in the programme for one reason or another. For me Liverpool are the only club that are nailed on for the top spot and if they don't get it then that will be unjust. But it will only give the other club followers the excuse to chant at them for not completing and not being real winners. The rest of the leagues are hit and miss with enough games left for the picture to completely alter. I think we know what's coming in the end whether we like it or not.
  9. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    My preferred choice is that a way is found to complete the season, not least because that will mean the virus has been brought under control, if not completely defeated. I'm reasonably confident we'd go up although as there would be what amounts to a new pre-season, teams may not restart at the same standard they had previously and there'll be precious little time to put it right. Also, our fans are a factor relative to other teams in this league, especially away from home. All the players say how much they appreciate coming out of the away tunnel and seeing 1,000 plus Greens in the away end, rain or shine, whatever the distance. Would that be an issue if we were forced to play behind closed doors?

    My least favourite choice is that the season is annulled. We've played 80% of it and teams are where they deserve to be, including us.
  10. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    I agree we are where we deserve to be as are all of the teams to be honest. But, if ever a club can find a way to dip out spectacularly then we support it, I just have a horrible feeling this is not going to end well.

  11. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I know what you mean.....

    However, chin up, if Liverpool are denied the PL championship, the outcry will be colossal and come not just from Liverpool fans. If ever a team deserved a trophy, the current Liverpool team do. They have been better than the rest by a country mile. And a half.

    So if they get given the PL, we'll be promoted......
  12. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    Great day for democracy.......Jeremy Corbyn is no longer leading the Queens opposition in Parliament.

    Keir Starmer is now the leader of the Labour Party.....good job that Rebecca Long-Bailey didn't get the job......deputy leader will be Angela Rayner,

    None of them seem likely to rock the boat much.....poor opposition all round.
  13. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    Today's coronavirus figures have gone up by 29 cases to a total of 434 in this borough (deaths are unknown of course)....two of those on ventilators I know.

    But I see that Plymouth have stayed the same as yesterday on 71 cases....that's encouraging.

    Went for our usual walk to our local park today....you see people busying themselves gardening, cleaning windows and for the first time in my life I saw a women with a feather duster sprucing up her... garage door....there must be lists of odd jobs that have built up over months being actually done and ticked off their lists at the moment.....I could offer them employment to do some of mine....but of course that unfortunately cannot happen.

    On a whole around here people are staying near home.....of course on the main roads I have no idea what is going on.....I am aware of some of my neighbours do feel quite fearful of the situation....other than our daughter doing a weekly shop for us the only contact we have with the outside world is a newspaper coming through the letter box....which of course you have no idea who has had contact with it....I notice the paperboy is sensibly wearing some form of gloves....haven't paid the paper bill for three weeks now...I'll expect they will want paying soon....I've got cash but of course no one wants that at the moment....and going to the shop which is also a convenience store and PO is probably not a good idea at my advanced age.

    Life for us all is not too normal and will be like it for weeks.....and for those who have to go out for work etc....bringing the virus home is always a possibility....but at present the West Country is fairing quite well....but for those of us who live around London the concern is greater....and we are fortunate to have our son and daughter living nearby....and they are adamant that we do not go out shopping.

    Should have played FG Rovers today.....I just wonder that if we have to finish this seasons matches....how will teams perform after months of not playing....will the form book be stood on its head and results will throw everything into the melting pot and the top seven positions change dramatically....who knows.....of course our predictions will be even harder than it was before the lay off....so that wouldn't of changed then.
  14. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    It's certainly quiet here in Plymouth compared to the norm: I was sitting in the kitchen after breakfast with the doors open the other day letting the sun in and I couldn't hear any traffic, building work, trains, just the birds. The Hoe looks pretty quiet even on a sunny afternoon......


    Not everyone is displaying the Dunkirk Spirit though. My other half is doing what she always does, adopting waifs and strays, and at the current count is running errands for 9 elderly and unwell people around the vicinity. Yesterday morning, she discovered that the reason some of these people hadn't received the prescription deliveries they were promised was because the chemist had failed to mention they were charging £5 for the privilege. One has cancer, another some debilitating disease and another is registered blind, so that doesn't seem too charitable for a start. So she was down in the queue before 9, full of righteous indignation for what is Dunkirk Spirit Fail No 1..

    However, it gets worse. A lot of the others queuing were of course elderly, but it became obvious that a couple of ne'er-do-wells were passing up and down the line approaching apparently easy targets and pleading some sort of personal crisis to ask for money and/or the use of mobile phones to rectify their troubles. Eventually the police were called and the culprits scarpered towards the city centre. It appears they were likely using the queue to get access to unwary pensioners' phones in order to arrange drug transactions rather than risking their own phone numbers and collecting a bit of cash on the side. How low can you get...........?
  15. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Further to the above.

    A female Malayan tiger called Nadia in the Bronx Zoo in New York has been tested positive for Covid-19....also affected three other tigers and three lions.
    They developed a cough....but are expected to make a full recovery.....it seems they caught it from one of the zoo keepers.

    So whilst out walking for exercise you wonder how many dogs might of caught coronavirus and are they able to pass it on to humans.....it doesn't quite help you enjoy a walk in the sun does it......<yikes>.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
  16. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
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    May 3, 2011
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    I think I might of mentioned this before.....that I've missed my real vocation in life.

    Saturday... nice and settled weather with plenty of sun.

    Sunday... the sunny weather continues and the temperature warms up.....the BBC news said ...that temperatures up to 22 C were recorded....that's nearly 72 F in real money.....and I had succumbed also to sandals and shorts.

    Monday...cloudy today but dry.....so I did my usual Houdini trick....yes that's right.....I put out a line of washing....I was probably out there for about 10 minutes... and before I could get back indoors with my empty linen basket it had started to rain.

    Now there are places in the world where they are desperate for rain....they do rain dances.....shoot chemicals into clouds.....hire witch doctors.....worship rain gods..... and anything else in desperation for rain to fall to save their crops and harvests from withering away.

    They are wasting their time....all they need to do is call for me....I charge by results only....so they're on a winner.

    All they need to do is....

    1.....Supply me with a washing line.
    2.....Plenty of washed clothing.
    3.....Ample amount of pegs.
    4.....Then take me to the required spot that rain is required.
    5.....Stand back and allow me to hang the washing up.
    6.....The more rain required the more washing needed.
    7.....When the rain as fallen enough...I shall take in the washing....just to make sure it doesn't cause flooding.
    8.....Pay my bill according to the size of the task required...into my Bank Account.
    9.....For annual bookings I would allow them a 10% discount

    Just think I could have made a huge fortune...bought Argyle....won the Premiership...won the European Cup....won the World Club Championship....taken over England with Argyle players and won the World Cup.....or done you all a favour by moving the PAFC franchise to Hayes Lane Bromley and having them on my doorstep and save you all the hardship of being the biggest city not to have played top level football.

    PS.....Just looked outside....and the rain didn't come to anything....so we better cancel the above....there must be a flaw in my rainmaking technique....a case of back to the drawing board.

    PPS.....I'm not sure if I'm going to make many more weeks of shut down.....you might of noticed.
  17. Plymborn

    Plymborn Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    May 3, 2011
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    Boris Johnson has been moved to the intensive care unit in St Thomas'....his condition deteriorated this afternoon......you couldn't make it up could you.
  18. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    After telling us what to do and how to do it and all that he is now putting the NHS at risk, Maybe he went on a weekend with that Scottish Minister in her "retreat". One thing for sure is he will get all the best treatment and won't have to wait for it. Don't wish him ill in that respect though.
  19. notDistantGreen

    notDistantGreen Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Seems he hasn't needed mechanical ventilation, just ordinary oxygen. Obviously I have no time for him following Brexit but in this crisis we need a Government that is SEEN to be stable and authoritative.

    I'm sure it is entirely stable: after all, for a start, that's why we have an independent meritocracy in the Civil Service. I just hope Johnson and Cummings remember that after this is over and resist the temptation to appoint political supporters instead of the biggest brains.
  20. sensiblegreeny

    sensiblegreeny Well-Known Member
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    May 23, 2011
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    I was listening to Radio 3 this morning for a while. Some random woman came on to say she was mortified to hear about Boris being in hospital. She thought he was a wonderful man and the best PM since Churchill. If I was Churchill I would be turning in my grave at that one. Boris has been PM for all of 5 minutes. He has so far done absolutely zero apart from lock the country down. Not his fault that one but it hardly makes him Churchill like does it. Apparently they let people like her vote.

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