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Spare Parts (F1 odds and ends)

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by Masanari, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    My favourite solution is finding a way to harness dark energy and matter but first we need to know what it is. I have worked in IT most of my life, one of the biggest, IBM. I worked with guy who we called the moon man, he was assigned, by IBM, to work at Nasa developing software for 1960s moon shots. It amazes me, the compute power they had on those early space flights was not enormous by any stroke of imagination. I suspect a modern F1 car has more. There is much we do not know or understand yet.
    Mobile phones are credited with causing brain tumours, microwaves were, I believe based on rumours, used in military communications and my car radio would scramble every time I drove through a military communications line of fire. I put up with minor health issues due to emissions from the old 'green screens' as we called them, similar to the old TV tubes. I know because as soon as we moved to LED, the issues went away. 737 Max shows the human flaws in developing software , even today. We are capable of good development when commercial pressures do not take priority, our Air Traffic Control system is a case in point, I remember the care that went into that development (back in the late 80s). It was delayed more than once to get it right.

    As for F1, noise is a factor in the spectacle. Yes, I hope Lewis has the chance to at least match Michael's record.

    I did some geological self study a few years back, looking at sea levels in the recent past. The earth is the earth and it will react and do irrespective of how our economic system works. Nor do our scientists really know what is going to happen or how quickly. We are intelligent apes but pretty stupid in many respects.

    The times are changing, I too am older than the official retirement age but still run my own business, my opinion is formed by experience. Without getting on my hobby horse, it is not all my generations fault, Greta is wrong and Attenborough is wrong to apologise. We did not consume like the generations that followed, I struggle to make my children realise this. We had veggie patches in our gardens and lawned front gardens. Now, no veg patches, and carparks for front gardens.
    I will stop now or this will become a book worthy of 3 volumes.
  2. ErnieBecclestone

    ErnieBecclestone Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
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    Well yes, what the hell can we do !!! there are so many issues to sort out, we didn't realize the industrial revolution was not quite what we thought and had such a negative side, its easy to see now that any action or force has a equal and opposite effect. Not to mention Religon or plastic lawns, Greta actually knows nothing and is simply an indoctrinated tool.

    Oh yes, the 737 software issue is actually criminal how Boeing farmed out the software generation required for a passenger jet to such an incompetent company is beyond belief.

    Going to stop now before I get arrested.

    Stay safe.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
    Justjazz and ched999uk like this.
  3. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    It's all about money. What's the betting that they could cut more corners by getting a 3rd party to write the software. So in the even of an issue they could blame the 3rd party????
    What I don't get is how anyone ever thought a single gyro module was reliable enough to 'take control of the aircraft'!!! They don't do that on the engines and most, if not all multi engined aircraft can fly on a single engine! Utter madness to allow a single sensor to control the aircraft.... Maybe it was that the processors running the software are just too old and slow (tried, tested and cheap) to allow it to monitor more sensors. So having 2 gyro modules would have required completely different processors that were significantly more expensive.....All very interesting.......
    Justjazz and ErnieBecclestone like this.
  4. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Did you know, the screen on your tablet, mobile etc, maintains its orientation as you turn the device using a micro gyro. A chip manufactured by ST Miro Electronics based in France and Italy. Saw a lot of changes in 45years in IT.
    The Boeing 737 Max is grounded, there won't be any orders and existing ones cancelled in my view and in light of some airlines going out of business.
    Boeing could be in trouble
    ched999uk likes this.
  5. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    I did know about the gyros. I fly racing quadcopters and they also use 3 gyros and 3 accelerometers all in a single chip made by InverSense (MPU-6000). The complete Flight Controller including the chip is about £30. So I guess the gyro chips are peanuts!!!!!
    I worked on Typhoon aircraft engine and afterburner development a good few years ago. So I too have some insight into the IT and flight data systems :) You do have a few years on me maybe 15 or so :) Been out of that side of things for almost 18 years! Have friends who also worked on Airbus electronic systems which provided some interesting discussions....

    I think Boeing and Airbus will struggle. I can see a lot more aircrafts that will be needed for quite a while.
    Big Ern and Justjazz like this.
  6. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    There will be a need for flights for many years to come but I think both this and climate change will reduce demand. Businesses are embracing working remotely but successful businesses create their own culture, achieved by having everyone under one roof. Same is true for doing business but a reduction in global business & meetings I think will follow.
    Seeing how the world is responding to this, might be a rehearsal for climate change. I think there are a lot of positives to be found, but only if we get some F1 races this year. <cool>
    ched999uk and ErnieBecclestone like this.
  7. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Looks like Silverstone might take place behind closed doors. no firm decision yet. Fingers crossed.
    ched999uk likes this.
  8. eddie_squidd

    eddie_squidd Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
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    Justjazz and ched999uk like this.
  9. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    That is suggesting two races at both Austria and Silverstone, only a week between them, 4 races in total. That will be an interesting twist. I can't go to a sports bar so need to negotiate with a family member to get SkyGo. Still 10 weeks to go tho.
  10. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Not sure but if there are 2 races in UK won't they be shown live on C4? I suppose it depends on C4's contract wording if it just says any race in UK gets broadcast live via C4 or just 1 UK race a year is broadcast live? No idea how Silverstone are going to break even money wise with them giving refunds to all ticket holders! Hope Liberty give them some money to stage races!!!!

    I am a bit torn between watching F1 and allowing hundreds/thousands of people to fly all round the world when we still have this virus kicking about.

    I guess it's difficult for Liberty as they need income and so do the teams and governments need economies up and running asap all while balancing hospital capacity and infection rates. I guess Liberty, the teams and circuits need some lead time to get things organised, not to mention hotels, marshals, transport etc......So they have to start planning at some point.
    Justjazz likes this.

  11. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    No vaccine by July. With a good wind, vaccine by September. Bad wind, end, or at best middle next year. I have just been reading an article that essentially argues this is war, there will be casualties, i.e. the economy must pick up and only the frail will die. Nice! There speaks a journalist who thinks they will survive. In 1914, the war was going to be over in a year...hmmm, right! The coming months will indicate what the country and western world thinks of the 'at risk', most of whom are effectively dismissed with a 'they had underlying conditions', meaning 'it was their time to go'. Nice again!
    Be prepared, take responsibility for your own life, your chances of survival are improved if you are not obese and have your tonsils (yes, look it up, they are your first line of defence and if you had them out you are more at risk of lung infections, colds, even asthma).
    ErnieBecclestone likes this.
  12. Number 1 Jasper

    Number 1 Jasper Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    If you have an hour or so to spare . Listen to this . I found it very interesting .

  13. eddie_squidd

    eddie_squidd Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
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    We're getting the house ready to celebrate VE day. And... errrrr. Lewis Hamilton, obviously.

  14. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    So the 14 day uk travel quarantine is probably going to wreck F1s plans of starting soon
  15. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    best they have some good old fashioned non-chamionship races arond the UK then, keep all the title sponsors happy.
  16. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    Maybe not, Mid July, may be different.
    I just think the wealthy have got their agenda heard, economy before lives. There is no right or wrong direction. I think we should all wear face masks but we won't. I need to go to Geurnsey for 48 hours but that means 2 weeks quarantine on arrival there, 2 weeks quarantine coming back...a whole month wiped out, can't do it.
  17. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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  18. TopClass

    TopClass Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2011
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    This surprised me- the key thing here is where he goes next. Sounds like he stays as part of the group as opposed to going to Racing Point or anything.

    He’s done a fabulous job for Mercedes Benz in this hybrid era.
  19. ched999uk

    ched999uk Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Merc is starting to get interesting. Toto not commiting, Lewis still not in contract, engineers moving away from their main roll and rumours of Merc becoming just an PU supplier! I wonder when it will all come out.....
  20. Justjazz

    Justjazz Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
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    The sport generally is changing, perhaps taking some of the fun out of it for those who have been a part of the way it was. New rules perhaps needs a new generation. In my career I have seen significant changes requiring cultural shifts. Perhaps F1 is the same. Also, tweaking a world beating engine each year maybe is not stimulating the creativity anymore. Hope he finds his challenge. At 50 ish, mid life crisis beckons..<laugh>
    ched999uk likes this.

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