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McCann in ? Or out ?

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Blaknamberblood, Sep 15, 2021.


McCann in or out?

  1. McCann In

    57 vote(s)
  2. McCann out

    134 vote(s)
  1. Real ale tiger

    Real ale tiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    I do agree with you shark. Its his attitude thats got to me. I didn't think the players believed on Saturday and their is a collective acceptance to letting in goals. In short he should have kept the back 3 at least untill honeyman gets up to speed
  2. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Most on here aren't really expecting a 'good season' though. That's not the issue. It's things like McCann's refusal / inability to change from a system & personnel that clearly isn't working, the dreadful set piece defending, seeing talent like KLP going backwards, his lack of guidance to a young team from the touch line, his stance that more experience wasn't needed, his attitude, etc etc. He might not have been given money to spend, but pretty much every player brought in has been his. We aren't going to get promoted with this squad, but it should be capable of better, just like the squad he had last time round. Him and Byrne are way out of their depth.
  3. DJBlackandamberarmy(No4)

    DJBlackandamberarmy(No4) Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    i found the switch back to a back 4 against Huddersfield the worst of the lot , id have preferred it if he just didnt bother changing it v Boro . its almost a pisstake really, change it, get the win and then go for the ultimate wind up and go back , as just to really emphasise he is the main man and will do what he wants....
    Real ale tiger likes this.
  4. Plum

    Plum Well-Known Member

    Apr 19, 2013
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    I know people say that Ehab insists on us being a 433 team but is it really true? Surely he can't be 'suggesting vigorously' to Terry that he must play that formation?
    OK, he sneaked one in v M'boro but he had the excuse of Coyle and Elder being unavailable. Was he obliged to play a back 4 once they came back?

    If he is under orders it might explain some of Terry's more defensive statements in post-match interviews, and it might go some way to explain why he still has the support (allegedly) of the players but please somebody tell me it can't be true?
  5. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I don't believe he's forced at all. I hate the Allams and think they're absolute morons but I really don't believe they care about formations. Some clumsy comments have been made by McCann, and Ehab when asked about it, which have allowed it to become established as truth, but I don't think they were really saying that 4-3-3 is enforced on the manager.
  6. DJBlackandamberarmy(No4)

    DJBlackandamberarmy(No4) Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    i agree, i wouldnt even be confident he would know the answer if asked how many players are in a football team.
  7. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Well we did because we brought in moncur and cannon etc

    how do you explain Blackpool doing better than us
    They’ve not spent money
    Mcann is not getting the best out of this team
    It’s as simple as that
  8. AlRawdah

    AlRawdah Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I suspect both things are true - we have a lower end of the division squad, and it isn’t being especially well managed at times.
    spesupersydera and PLT like this.
  9. City Man

    City Man Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2016
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    Shows the delusional reality some fans inhabit when they believe the owners are imposing a tactical template.
  10. Godrevy Buoy

    Godrevy Buoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    If we were getting hammered every week we could say that our players are not up to scratch but that is not the case. The players are working hard and doing their best and there has been no repeat of the Wigan scenario. It’s all about the formation for me and if Ehab is telling Terry what to play then he needs to have a bit of gumption and tell him he is the coach and he will play the formation he thinks is right.

  11. Mckechnie Orange

    Mckechnie Orange Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    i think Greaves post match had it right.

    Regardless of formation they set up to defend set pieces the same way and the fact is they conceding mainly from set pieces. He also alluded to the difference in quality up top - that they made their chances count with a quality finish and we didn't.

    It's the quality in both boxes that was the difference.

    I have some sympathy for McCann but the fact that an 21 year old centre back interviews better than he does certainly doesn't help his cause.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2021
    Geo10, Evington, GLP and 2 others like this.
  12. originallambrettaman

    originallambrettaman Mod Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Shows the delusional reality some owners inhabit when they tell the fans they're imposing a tactical template.
    Evington, Godrevy Buoy and Kalman like this.
  13. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    They weren't clumsy comments at all, and there's no delusion going on. We hear and see it with our own ears and eyes!
    It's been repeatedly stated, by Ehab, Darnborough and McCann that the 'club' have decided on a playing philosophy (of 4 3 3), that McCann 'bought into' the philosophy when recruited, and that signings are made to fit that philosophy.
    The 4 3 3 can be deployed with a little variation, which is what we've seen from time to time (e.g. 1 v's 2 of the midfield 3 sitting deeper, or how attacking 1 of the 3 plays (think to Honeyman previously pressing sometimes even in advance of the forwards v's playing a bit deeper at other times) .
    We see 4 3 3 played out week after week, month after month, irrespective of whether it's working or not. There's only 1 game where 4 3 3 (or the mild variations of) hasn't been employed under McCann and that was v's Boro, due to Coyle and Elder being out. Even then, McCann would not admit it, but instead waffled around it.
    McCann either believes fully in this 'philosophy' ****e, or else he's too weak to stand his ground. Whether the answer is the former or the latter, it means he is not the manager our players need (as in, if it's the former then he's ridiculously naive, if it's the latter then he's ridiculously soft / compliant / a puppet).
    Evington and brownbagtiger like this.
  14. Blaknamberblood

    Blaknamberblood Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    It really isn't rocket science is it ? We have an improved performance playing 352 so what does numb nuts do ? Changes the formation again ! Is that the actions of a smart manager ? Someone with some tactical nowse ? The man is a complete imbecile as far as tactics go. We've seen it repeatedly where opposing managers have outhought the muppet. Him and his equally thick sidekick need to be out ASAP, this squad ain't world beaters but drastically need direction, and with a smarter manager we would be a lot better off then we are now in this league.
  15. Kalman

    Kalman Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    An owner can’t come out and say “we have a particular playing style/tactical philosophy and recruit players based on their ability to fit into that system” without giving credence to rumours that said owner pressures the manager into playing a certain way.

    If Ehab said “I have full confidence in the coaching staff and recruitment team to play the system they feel is best suited for our squad and identify players they want to bring to the club”, nobody would be questioning whether Ehab is making tactical decisions to enforce 4-3-3. Once again he’s opened his big ****ing gob and spouted bollocks he has zero clue about.
  16. Mckechnie Orange

    Mckechnie Orange Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    But surely if the insistence is coming from above then if he does stand up and object, they'll just replace him with another puppet.
  17. Gone For A Walk

    Gone For A Walk Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Possibly, even probably. Although a) it might make Ehab & Darnborough at least stop and think, b) it would cost the Allams, which might put them off, and c) it might (I personally doubt it) give McCann more chance of showing that he's a decent football manager.

    I include Danborough as I believe he is as much if not more the source of this 'philosophy' as Ehab is. I expect it was hatched between the 2 of them.

    As commented ..... "McCann either believes fully in this 'philosophy' ****e, or else he's too weak to stand his ground. Whether the answer is the former or the latter, it means he is not the manager our players need (as in, if it's the former then he's ridiculously naive, if it's the latter then he's ridiculously soft / compliant / a puppet)."

    If he had anything about him, and wanted to prove himself a success, he would stand up to Ehab & Darnborough on this; which likely means he actually believes in it.

    McCann isn't right for us, neither would another puppet or rigid 4 3 3 disciple be, if that's what he's replaced with
  18. Blaknamberblood

    Blaknamberblood Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I honestly think the philosophy spoke about had nothing to do with playing styles .. it was towards finding raw talent, and moulding them into a saleable asset which the Allams could profit from. Brentford adopted this approach but with a subtle difference, they reinvested into the squad to improve year on year ! The Allams just see it as a way of lining their pockets
    Evington, PLT and Kempton like this.
  19. spesupersydera

    spesupersydera Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2014
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    How very measured and reasonable of you - it'll never ****ing catch on here though!
    Mckechnie Orange, Plum and AlRawdah like this.
  20. LeftSaidFred

    LeftSaidFred Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    I'd question the 'at times' bit, more like 'at all'.

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