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Redknapp is not good enough for England

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by CFC: Champs £launderx17, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    He failed to get Spurs in the top 4 last season with a good Spurs squad in a very weak Premiership
    when Liverpool were in meltdown and Arsenal/Chelsea were at their weakest for 10 seasons.
    He has won nothing.
    He struggles to win the games for Spurs
    He has never had a massive job (Spurs are big but hardly United, Milan, Chelsea etc ...he has never worked a high-pressure European club where coming fifth is success).
    He has limited experience of European football (last match 0-5).
    He has baggage.
  2. Blue_Army

    Blue_Army Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    I think if you gave Jose, SAF or anyone else who has world class man management skills, they would probably do just as good a job then Redknapp... Did he not win the FA cup a few years ago? The question is could he do the same at a bigger club than spurs? I think he could, and i would love a manager who only spends what he can and still get results. England job is all about man management and he knows his stuff in that area.

    Just my opinion.
  3. Grizzly

    Grizzly Active Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I've been desperate to see a successful England team for as long as I can remember and I think 'Arry has exactly what it takes to make us successful, why, because he cares - there's a been a long line of 'yes' men who will do exactly what the FA tell them to, 'Arry wants England to succeed and is respected by the players for (dare I say it) his honesty and openness, he is the best man for the job.
  4. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Tactically he does not have European experience; and he is not a proven winner
  5. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I don't think you can call Capello a 'yes' man. He has gone right up in my estimations by walking out on the FA that have showed him so little respect over the Terry thing.

    Harry's CV is poor in terms of trophies and there are reasons he has never been given the big jobs (remember Spurs were also in disarray when he took over so was hardly a job the big names would have wanted).

    But he's had a good spell at Spurs, is English and I think would be the perfect choice right now given what is out there. If it means leaving Spurs in the ****, all the better. :emoticon-0102-bigsm
  6. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    True but we've been **** with managers like Capello and Sven (well average with Sven at least) who had proven pedigree.
  7. Grizzly

    Grizzly Active Member

    Aug 23, 2011
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    I agree with that.
    Any manager having his authority taken away from him is left in a difficult position and thankfully Capello decided he couldn't work in that environment, I think prior to that he's done and said whatever the hierarchy have wanted.
    Lets face it, how did he come away from South Africa with a job ?
    4 months and no captain or manager - couldn't have planned it worse could we ?
    And how stupid will the FA look if Terry is found innocent ?
  8. Blue_Army

    Blue_Army Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Is the success in turning Spurs into a team that competes not like winning the world cup?

    Also very much agree with "Chelsea- over 100......"
  9. wheretogonow

    wheretogonow Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I'd like to see us go back to an English manager and hopefully Harry would stand up to the FA and not be a yes man, that being said if it was a choice between Redknapp and Mourinho I'd go for the latter. Glad that Pardew ruled himself out of the job (like he had a chance...)

    There is a little poll on over at the http://www.thesackrace.com/ where you can cast your vote and it looks between the 2 of them but Roy Hodgson is also in the frame,
  10. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Hasn't Jose always said that he'd only manage Portugal? Also I think he has also said he'd only take on a national side later in his career.

    Personally I think Harry would be a fool to turn it down (massive job for an Englishman and Harry's last chance probablyto get a really big job in management).

    I think Jose would be a fool to take it. Why damage his reputation taking on such a poisioned chalice?

  11. Richmondoufc

    Richmondoufc Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    IMO Harry is the man for the job and so do most of the current England players judging by their Twitter statements. If not Harry then Mourinho would be great or maybe even Hiddink, after that there just isn't anyone I'd be happy with
  12. Robby202

    Robby202 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I don't for one minute think Harry taking the England job will enhance our chances one little bit. He won't pick any vastly different players and they will play roughly the same way. Taking for granted his man management might be better than Capello's was but that would still leave us a long, long, long way from actually winning anything.
  13. joseshivers

    joseshivers Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Terry should have been suspended from all international football until the investigation is complete. Cappello has found an excuse to get himself out of the embarrassment that will be England in Euro 2012.
  14. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It isn't just picking the players, it's the rest that Redknapp is good at, he'll get the players to play for him. As to his credentials, he took the Hammers from a yo-yo club to an established, and fairly decent EPL side. He did the same at Portsmouth, winning the FA cup in the process. Turned tottenham into challengers rather than the annual failure to make top the 8. And now has you lot looking over your shoulders. Chelsea fans should fully support Redknapp for England, otherwise Tottenham will be no.1 team in London , and if you consider how big a gobshites they are for a team that hasn't won the league in over 50 years, imagine what they'd be like if they did?
  15. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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  16. The Ginger Marks

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I think your right Joseshivers, had they have acted swiftly in conjunction with the manager they would still have a manager and some credibility. Its widely known that the F.A. are the most gutless clueless bastards in Christendom reeling from debacle to debacle and are a laughing stock aka world cup bid. The fact they acted three and a half months too late and the manager clearly stated if he had the F.A.'s blessing to play and captain the side against Sweden he would still be able to play until the case is reviewed.

    Capello also wasn't happy about JT's trial by media and the they only acted as a result of said media pressure. I never liked Capello as an international manager as he had no pedigree at that level. Capello has risen dramatically in my view since telling the F.A to F.O. for his integrity in not bowing to this bunch of bungling sycophantic arseholes.
  17. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    'Arrys done a good job with Spurs. They are sure playing better football than us , without the so called stars. All you can ask of your manager is that every player plays to the top of their ability for him. Tactics are another thing altogether. Brendon Rogers gets his players up, 'Arry does, AVB doesn't, though largely because he is seen as a threat to the gravy train by too many of them. Next year will hopefully ring the changes.
    Still "Arry good choice for the job, as long as they don't give him a 5 or 6 year contract.two years should be enough to judge him.
  18. Blue_Army

    Blue_Army Member

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Spurs are a millions miles from the number one team in London, and as for Harry for England, he is the only choice after Gus (who i doubt would want it)

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