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Off Topic Dark Matter and other Astronomy information.

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by BBFs Unpopular View, Feb 21, 2014.

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  1. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I did leave out Donga the plastic socialist, he gave a perfect example of his craving for validation on the gun thread, exclaiming a big thank you to someone because they agreed with him, as if it was a resease of pressure built up inside him and proved him correct.
  2. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Or here's an oil related one, conspiracy theorists love oil related stuff
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    Perfect example of TT's "debate".

    Posts bogus charts of a 10 year span in two completely unrelated areas to answer scientific data about the relationship of the sun and earth which are two parts of an interactive system, a science, data that spanned over a hundred years.

    Plus he mentions in the same post "conspiracy theory".

    All of this arose from a feral instinct because I posted a chart shoowing over 100 years of amazingly close correlation between sunspots and climate with Co2 having no correlation. Posting that chart has led to you three and your shadown validation seeker liker donga coming at me since yesterday, your obsession keeps you guys coming back, with garbage

    And you want me to take this kind of "debate" seriously, this is the sort of "debate" Tobes says I don't understand?

    I seen Donga showed up to like some comments because he is even lamer than you guys, he's a coward and seeks validation. When I debunk his posts he gets mad, it's so obvious. He has teh most misplaced arrogance I have ever seen on this board.

    Everyone else on this board can avoid these weird obsessions you guys have.

    Tobes, you don't even read my posts, you've proven that time and time again.

    You are one of those people that just waits for your turn to talk.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  3. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I'm gonna go back to posting stuff about science now. You three gentlemen can play amongst yourself. No meltdowns ok. I do not doubt there is much iritation over the internet wires atm that is masked by smiley faces
  4. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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  5. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    They we were posted after you started dodging and derailing so the thread got a bit silly, they were also
    in reply to another poster about correlation and causation, so perfectly on topic.

    Talking of staying on topic,

    can you please provide some evidence about piers corbyn winning bets about the weather or using sunspot activity in predicting earthquakes.
    That is all I want, no name calling, no silliness, no clips of airplanes, just some evidence please.
  6. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    What was it you said about cut and paste <whistle>
  7. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    can you please provide some evidence about piers corbyn winning bets about the weather or using sunspot activity in predicting earthquakes.
    That is all I want, no name calling, no silliness, no clips of airplanes, just some evidence please.
  8. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    That's what makes me laugh about you TT, you pick some obscure irrelavant part of a debate and you focus on that rather than the actual topic so as to avoid being proven wrong.

    Shall I email Corbyn and ask him for the betting slips? That's how ludicrous your question is asking for "evidence" he made bets.
    The real question is "is he as accurate as he claims" surely?

    That has been proven with his predictions of hurricanes 80 days in advance, predicting floods, predicting record snows in the UK in 2010 when the met office said different. Surely his science is therefor correct if it predicts real world climatic events? and yet you want to talk about betting slips.<doh>
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  9. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Tobes you still have not explained this, you just ****ed off and then came back talking about me

    When I asked Donga about this on that 9\11 thread he would not answer it either, he just got all codescending and arrogant. Not a coincidnce, avoid anything you cannot argue. The usual denial\cognitive dissonance outcome
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    It is physically impossible that the nose cone travelled through that tower, physicists call it cartoon physics, they are hollow and cannot penetrate 28 inches of concrete reinforced steel and the flooring of the WTC, impossible.

    Next you will tell me an egg can be thrown through a brick wall, because that's the level of ridiculous we are talking here.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  10. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    TT Corbyn sells his predictions, because they are worth money, they have value to contries for obvious reasons. I suggest if you actually want to learn something instead of playing games with me, do the research, start here

  11. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    The hole that wasn't there is somewhat debunked by the numerous tv live broadcasts that clearly show a ****ing plane smashing into the side of the building <doh>

    Were all the new agencies, cameramen and witnesses in the compilation of clips below all in on the conspiracy then? It's the most stupid claim in the entire farcical debate.

  12. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Denial <laugh> That footage is from the US, all of it is, and it is also known that much of US media are working for the CIA, shall I post a video of a congressional hearing that proves this point where they say they have people in the media?

    You asked me if BBC were "in on it" BBC did not record those pictures they rebroadcast American footage in actual fact. BBC had no cameras there when this went down. So thre's that<ok>

    If you had half a brain to research you would know that the CIA started buying up media and news corps in the 70s in operation Mockingbird.

    Here we have the CIA in 75 admitting this.

    So lets get this straight, you are saying that this 737, flight 175 was a 737 cannot take a bird strike but somehow flew through the South Tower, how you do not question this scenario is beyond me, it's more about what you wish to believe at this point

    So you have debunked nothing with your video and you know it

    If you think the official lines is true then <doh>

    25 pages of that report is classified for some reason too, still have not been relased to this day, plus the US spend 65m investigating CLinton's blowjob and only 15m investigating 9\11.

    You can beleive nothng from US media, heck they've only recently been telling viewers in the US that the UK has no go zones where UK law does not apply and even the police don;t go into, that birmingham is 100% muslim and have their own law. <laugh>

    All for the clear anti Muslim campaign to create an enemy for more war
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  13. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    So Why CGI planes in the ****ing first place.
    Why even add planes, why not just say Al Qaeda bombed it? <doh>
  14. Prince Knut

    Prince Knut GC Thread Terminator

    May 23, 2011
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    :emoticon-0136-giggl The 'Socialism' tag in my profile is actually from Bill Shankly. Being a 'plastic' 'Pool fan, I'm unsurprised you didn't know that and keep attributing it to me.

    Every post you make on here 'validates' more and more my point of chronic overuse of cannibas. I don't need anyone else to re-inforce it anymore.

    Anyway, here's a cut-and-paste article of a conspiracy theory that you may indentify with.

    **** you, as Jung may have said. :emoticon-0173-middl
  15. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I never said CGI that is an open unproveable question the real question is how did a hollow nose cone pass trough the building. People keep avoiding the important questions.

    We know the plane was a 737, we know the nose cone is hollow, we know there was no exit hole.

    Are those not valid questions matey?

    Everyone else keeps avoiding those questions. They need answering surely.
  16. terrifictraore

    terrifictraore Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Your first post on the subject was full of your opinion, attacks on the IPCC and no evidence, What you did offer ias "evidence" was that he won month after month, so I questioned the evidence you offered as surely that's how debate works?

    As it turns out you have nothing to back that claim and whilst that says nothing of Corbyn it does call into question the rest of your post.
  17. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Yes no one can answer this, so they will side

    My post was about arctic ice greenland ice followed up by a video of corbyn, the ice data for both poles show ice is increasing, this is certainly evidence the IPCC claims are wrong, the follow up post after that was about the sunpots perfectly matcing to climate, again science that refutes IPCC claims<ok>

    If you disagree with the citations from the scientific institutions on record ice levels and increasing ice levels, where is your argument? You are sidetracking again.
  18. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I raise completely valid questions about the plane strike on the south tower and no one has any answer, because it is psysically impossible.

    No one has an answer except for questionable video evidence from a media apparatus known to be infested with CIA.

    @Bodanki You mentioned before witnesses, is it not possible that most interviewed witnesses were actors and even possibly some of the the journalist worked for the CIA? This is certainly a possibility. The CIA mix truth with lies to make them believeable.

    But it is up for debate, what is not up for debate is a 737 nose cone passing through 28 inches of steel and concrete and concrete reinforced with steel flooring and comng out the other side, leaving no hole, it is the stuff of Hollywood. Also it is known the CIA infest Hollywood too, they have produced many moives over the decades.

    CIA involvement in film making in the US

    How the CIA brought Animal Farm to the screen, CIA involved in a British movie..
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  19. afcftw

    afcftw Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2011
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    Guys you can refute his ideas without resorting to personally attacking him and his life choices. All the "oh look, sisu is crazy, he doesn't believe what we do so he is a psycho who's had his brain melted by cannabis" stuff is pathetic. I disagree with him often enough and if your so confident he is wrong you should be able to tell him that without trying to wind him up with little personal jibes and dismissing him outright based on him having admitted to smoking some weed.

    I understand the odd conspiracy theorist remark as he is a bit of a conspiracy theorist lol but this thread seems filled with poor form from a collective who are arguing with him.
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  20. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Mate you have to admit I am backing myself up here, they are attacking me because they have no answers.<ok>
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