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Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by alwaysright, Mar 16, 2024.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    At the end of today's game a section of Gills fans decided to boo........ I'm not entirely sure if that was fair - and that comes from somebody who isn't afraid to be critical when necessary.
    I share the frustration of any fan who was disappointed that Gills failed to win - and that emotion was not helped by the way in which we conceded the Grimsby goal ( pathetic defending. ). BUT

    If the critics are 'honest', they would have to concede that the result was more about being unlucky ! I thought that Gills should have won the game... They certainly had enough chances (( which is a claim that hasn't been possible for most of the season. ))

    Today, Mahoney blasted two good openings - when he needed more composure... O'gie made an amazing run - and then chose to shoot (poorly), when a square ball would have given Naseden a 'tap in.' Hawkins had a great chance to score with a header - which could have been better directed (( much like 3 good headed, , missed, chances last week. ))

    Today, the fans might be critical of the quality of the end product - but not of the 'effort.'... These are L2 players - and will waste many chances... On this occasion. the finishing was poor - hence the result - but, I don't think it deserved fans to boo.
    brb likes this.
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Just to clarify.
    For today, I thought the players were a little unlucky ( plus made wrong choices - principally Mahoney. ))....... but to be a little fairer -
    I thought Hawkins did a great job of 'work.'.... He was desperate for a 'strike-partner' - but - as usual, Clemence decided to be negative in his tactics and formation -- -- and yet, towards the end of the game, it appears that Ehmer was given licence to go up front ( despite Gbode on the bench !)

    Whilst our players have the fairly limited quality of fairly average L2 players, the results have not been given any help with the dreadfully negative tactics of Clemence...... who I have needed to criticise (( more than once )), for defending throw-ins with ALL the team inside our penalty area --- and then, last Tuesday, when only 0-1 at half time, decides to withdraw our only 'recognised' striker !!

    Galinson needs to review in which direction he wants the team (( and the ball )) to proceed. At the moment, that direction ( on the manager's instruction ), is sideways and then backwards - which leads to down !
    brb likes this.
  3. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I didn't go to the game today, but I did listen to the full match commentary and I've seen some of the highlights. I'd say I really didn't understand the boo's at the end, that could even be heard via the live audio and even both commentators couldn't understand who the fans were booing at and why....however, I'd be lying because it seems to be the mentality in todays game. I also believe if you behave and act negatively (by booing), then you can really only expect more negative vibes in the future, because the players and coaching team will be as confused as we are. As the saying goes you reap what you sow, or...

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    Anyway, I love Ogie, especially when he goes on his little runs, I don't expect him to have a strikers mind, I just love the fact he goes for it and he ploughs through the opposition so easily, we need more of that spirit.
  4. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Is it unlucky that we've had 70 shots in the last 5 games have only scored 5 goals in that time? Now I wasn't at the game nor did I boo, but fans including myself are getting considerably frustrated at our inability to take chances. It is what will cost us making the playoffs which when we reportedly have a top 3 budget for the league, is really the minimum that should be expected. A large underachievement and the recruitment team's inability to find us a goalscorer or two in January seriously needs questioning.
    brb likes this.
  5. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I just think we are very good at shooting ourselves in the foot, and as fans we are also good at letting negative vibes sway us, such as accepting the loss of Neil Harris (I know you questioned it at the time), someone who now manages a Championship Club, although looking at the table Wall are still not safe yet.

    In my heart I was never overkeen on the appointment of Stephen Clemence but I didn't think it right to be negative about the guy, especially when his credentials stacked up, having been at Toon with Bruce.

    When as you say, you get 70 shots over the last five games, and only manage to score five, I have to think fate is just against us, it's in our dna to be that way, afterall SC at Newcastle says it all, about 70 years since they last won an English trophy, perfect dna match for us! <laugh>

    Sorry mate, bantz aside I haven't got an answer to it, all very strange.

    A question for you though PegLeg and anyone else that has thoughts on it, would you keep or pack Clemence on his way if we fail to finish in a play-off spot come season end?
  6. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I will try to answer this in a few parts. You first mention about the negativity which I appreciate there is still a hangover for some fans after being unhappy for so long during the Scally reign. Whilst it doesn't apply to all, there are still people out there who blame everything bad that happens with the club as being his fault and his alone.

    I do feel Clemence has some to blame with regards to the negativity. We were promised nice free flowing football when he came in and with exception of the defence needlessly playing passes to each other, I don't think we ever really saw it. Around Christmas (and the return to fitness of Hawkins), he abandoned that to play a 3-5-2 only. Whilst it's failed to decide on a couple of occasions bringing some positive results, the clean sheets which was our strong point has become more sporadic whilst our issues of being unable to score goals has continued. We got rid of experienced League Two players in Bonne & Nichols to bring in a lad who was out of favour at Burton (and seems out of favour here) and someone who we have yet to see in a Gills shirt because he's been injured since December. SC supposedly has the final say on signings and I think it's fair to say only Hutton has improved us thus far.

    I'd also ask what has Clemence done to get fans on side or to get us all pulling in the same direction? Harris understood what our fan base wanted, a team that is hard to beat and runs through brick walls for the shirt. Evans made it a us Vs the world mentality. What has Clemence done? Whilst he often says the things fans want may want to here, does anyone believe he feels a connection to the club or is he just here because it's a job? He's had 27 games in charge which has garnered 10 wins, 7 draws and 10 losses.

    Over the last 10 games we're 15th in the form table. If he doesn't make playoffs which was the minimum target when he came in then he's failed to build on decent ground work. Does he deserve a summer to build his own team I think it's easy to make arguments for and against. I'm not clamouring for him to go and I'm very mindful that it's been a fair whilst since a team got promoted from League Two after the team changed their manager mid season, but we can't really afford to stay in League Two for much longer with the plans the Galinsons have in place for us.
    gioblues and brb like this.
  7. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    Fair points PegLeg.

    I don't even know where my own thoughts are at with it, but maybe that in itself tells me what the answer is, that SC has to go if we miss out on the play-offs. I feel like I've gone back to the feelings of before the Galinsons come in - not that I have any expectations, but I know the owners will have, I certainly would have if it was my money I was ploughing into the club. I genuinely do feel for Brad and Shannon.

    Thankfully I'm not paid to make the decisions, because at the moment I'd be pulling my hair out if I was. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it shows we were right and we should have stuck with Neil Harris. Brad would have been guided on that decision, and without creating speculation, I'd love to know in finer detail how it all came about (NH going).

    Anyway, reading back on what I've wrote, I guess I have already decided on SC really, I just hope he can prove me wrong - you've even stated what has Clemence done to get fans onside, well from where I'm sitting not anything that I can instantly bring to mind, and as you know, I'm not often short on answers, even if I'm wrong. Let's just hope we take this to the wire, because if we mess up in the next few games, the fans will not be holding back on coming forward with the solution..
    The Gills PegLeg likes this.
  8. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Really doubt we have a top 3 budget although obviously more than when Scally was in charge.
  9. allbluelenny

    allbluelenny Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
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    I still feel PS should walk, The Galisons have the clout and want us to do well. The family has a business acumen second to none. And Gillingham FC is another business.
    It will always take time to adjust to a new business such as football, something he has admitted he knew little about, hence PS being kept around. Some might say what does PS know about football?
    But he saved our club, for which we still have to be grateful for.
    Clemence I felt should never have been offered the job in the first place, and his negative stance on lie-ups is proof.
    I thought we still had a chance of the play-offs but after the defeat to AFC that chance has gone, to many clubs around us with games in hand.
    But who knows what plans the football Gods have in mind. I still have the weekend of the 19th clear, which I have done since the season started.
    You never know I could be flying back to join the KOP xxx
  10. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I think it's highly plausible that we have a top 3 budget if you look at the players we've spent money on to buy since the Galinsons have come in. Just as a recap these are the players we've bought:

    Tom Nichols (£60k)
    Timotheé Dieng (£100k-£150k)
    Oliver Hawkins (£50k)
    George Lapslie (£50k)
    Jayden Clarke (undisc)
    Ethan Coleman (undisc)
    Shadrach Ogie (undisc rumoured to be £150k)
    Remeao Hutton (undisc rumoured to be £200k)
    Josh Andrews (undisc)

    Well over half a million spent on transfers and that doesn't include the higher wages of players like J.Williams, Clark, Malone & Bonne we've signed without a fee.
  11. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Wish we did actually no what fees were. Don't like undisclosed and also length of contr

  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    It's not often that I am guilty of apathy................
    but - at half time I couldn't even be bothered to boo !..........
    I was embarrassed at having wasted my time doing my 100 mile trip to Priestfield..... I had only decided to do so this morning. I'm not sure what I was expecting - certainly not a win..... But - with it being a 'dead rubber', I had hoped that the players would be allowed to attack - to go forward - for a change....... What did I get - the same rubbish as I have seen so many times this season.

    There was ' nothing-to-lose' - but Clemence gave his usual instruction to play backwards nearly every time. WHY?
    A friend next to me reminded me that - [on paper], the squad is 'better' than last season - and yet the end product isn't much improved. The entertainment value I would say has been lower !......If ever I needed convincing that I would be better entertained by watching paint dry - then today's first half performance left me in no doubt ............................so much so, that I decided I couldn't be bothered to stay for the second half.....

    do I hear some of you laughing ? .....I'm glad that I may have unwittingly amused you - because you wouldn't have been amused by the sh1t that was served up in the the first 45 minutes - not that excrement was exclusive to the Gills players..... The referee had a shocker - especially when he decided to re-write the rules of the game in the 26th Minute - as Andrews was wrestled to the ground after the corner had been 'taken.'.... It could only have been a penalty....... although, to be fair, Doncaster had a strong penalty claim later in the game................... but - I'm not going to blame the poor officials (again ) for another load of drivel from the Gills.

    At this stage, I have yet to renew my season ticket for season No. 62........... what I saw today greatly worries me - because I am unsure if Clemence can be trusted with perhaps even 'better' players that might be recruited..... The current squad have few excuses for the poor levels reached this season - despite their collective potential.....but - if Clemence keeps on telling the players to pass backwards((( whilst the players play a game of statues ))), then nobody is going to score...........The common denominator is : Clemence's instructions - which basically is anti football.....I'm really not sure if I want a 62nd., season of anti football.
    brb likes this.
  13. The Changing Man

    The Changing Man Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I thought that were signs of encouragement yesterday. I see Clemences instructions as wanting to keep the ball, at times I think he is as frustrated as we are when the ball keeps going backwards but we lack a playmaker who looks for the harder passes forward and as such we often go back instead Coleman has had a good season but he is probably the biggest culprit for taking the 'easy' option of the ball back to Ehmer or Masterson.

    This season has been a hard watch I agree, but I do think that sound foundations have been laid. Andrews performances in the last 2 home games have been very promising and whilst ifs. buts and maybes mean nothing at this point, if he had been fit for longer and if Hurtado had not been kicked off of the pitch then our January window may have looked a lot better than it appears now, and we may have scored more goals, turned a couple of those draws into win and now be looking at the play offs, considering how few goals we scored its remarkable that we stayed in the hunt for as long as we did.
    alwaysright and brb like this.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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