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Off Topic Game of Thrones.

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Chazz Rheinhold, Apr 1, 2012.

  1. OedipusTex

    OedipusTex Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    I worry about that, too. There's a lot to resolve in a short amount of time. I have heard the final episode this season will be 1 hour 38 minutes, and that the average time for the next and final season's six episodes to exceed that. Is that accurate or merely internet rumor? I don't know. But there are still a lot of worthy candidates for the throne whose fates are left to be determined.

    Since there are only three episodes left this season, events should be building towards the expected season-ending cliffhanger. What will it be? Daenerys and Cersei in a mud wrestling match would get my vote.
  2. The greengrocer

    The greengrocer Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    As long as it's watery mud and not that thick stuff?
    OedipusTex likes this.
  3. Wade Wilson

    Wade Wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    i think last episode this season is something like 81/82 mins long.

    not sure about next season.

    What is for sure is next season will focus on the main Battle vs Walkers. So the Throne storyline has to be resolved before that, ie this season or early next season.

    My guess is the wall will come down in the 1st episode of next season. and the last episode of this season will have a group ( JS, Arya, Brienne and co) fight some of the walkers but then retreat.

    To be honest, since the introduction of the WW I haven't been interested in the throne politics. But there's so much to go through, I think they'll rush the fight vs Cersei, it could be done by end of this season.

    I don't see how Daenerys and Jon can focus on the WW AND at the same time focus on the throne, so I expect the latter to be resolved swiftly, unless I've got it completely wrong and it's somehow the other way round. But whatever Cersei's outcome, I doubt she'll still be around after the WW battle. Makes no sense, Let D and JS fight them and wait for them to come back and deal with Cersei, who just sat there waiting, I don't see it.

    It would be ironic if the battle for the throne became a second thought to the characters but that's essentially Jon's speech to Daenerys. He says while we worry about all this petty throne ****, something way worse is coming. And he's basically openly saying, I don't give a **** about the throne.

    Only the two ladies do and I think the way they're portraying Daenerys with her many titles, insisting Jon bends the knee, is a lead up to her eventually realising that actually maybe this throne **** is dumb, maybe Jon has the right frame of mind and I shouldn't obsess with it just because my ancestors did.

    That's my thinking but as I said, would kind of negate the entire point of the series and ultimately contradict the title of the series.
  4. Barchullona

    Barchullona Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2012
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    They will do whatever the scriptwriters decide they will do. It isn't real life for heaven's sake. Unlike Coronation Street and Emmerdale.
  5. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    We have seen Cersei's Modus Operandi over and over again. She makes a short term play that costs her in the long run.

    Tycho Nestoris of the Iron Bank said some very revealing things this episode. One was that the Bank does not Bet on winners and losers, it instead invests in the chosen victor. He also says the bank will support the Iron Throne once their debt is paid, not necessarily the current Queen, but whoever is on the throne. Second he appears to be flattering her by saying Tywin never paid his debt in full and she is really outshining her father by doing so.

    This is her big mistake, Tywin was no fool and he knew that while the Lannisters were in debt to the Bank the Bank had a vested interest in their success. By paying the debt in full Cersei has allowed Tycho to wash his hands of the Lannisters altogether. After what we saw on the battlefield we have a good idea whose position is strongest and who the Bank would like to back. This clearly contributes to the dire situation in Kings Landing with no grain and limited supplies. She will not Abdicate, instead force the dragons to destroy the city at which point the Kingslayer will be the Valonqar most assume he will be. The irony of this theory is in this case the Lannisters are undone by paying their debt.

    I've been thinking of a way to write what is above but someone on Reddit said it pretty much spot on for me.
    Idi Amin likes this.
  6. Fez

    Fez Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I liked the fact they moved it to the summer to give us a Season in the Sun <whistle>
  7. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Let's have no more spoilers lads. Cos it...
  8. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    please log in to view this image
    Oregon Tiger likes this.
  9. Mr Hatem

    Mr Hatem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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  10. Wade Wilson

    Wade Wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Hahahaha get the **** in, who should be bending the knee now Daenerys?!

  11. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Holy ****, I'm getting better at this prediction lark.
  12. Mr Hatem

    Mr Hatem Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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  13. Oregon Tiger

    Oregon Tiger Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    is Woy in GoT now?
  14. HHH

    HHH Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    ****ing hell. The magnificent seven or what...

    What team that is.

    Mr Hatem likes this.
  15. Wade Wilson

    Wade Wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Somehow I highly doubt they'll capture one and then stroll to King's Landing and convince Cersei. They've clearly planted the seed that she doesn't really want to reason with anyone anyways, even if she chills for a bit, she's still doing it with intentions to screw D over eventually. Surely something's gonna go down and **** the plan up.
  16. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    I disagree. I think they'll actually end up having a 'truce' with Cersei, which will of course be completely ignored by Cersei herself, and she'll either attack them whilst they go North or abandon them, which leads to Jaime finally turning fully face and turning on her.

    Think we might be finally be seeing Cleganebowl *airhorns* when they met up with Cersei too. If we don't get it yet, we are going to get it next season. IT HAS TO HAPPEN.

    Also, she isn't pregnant, I'm certain that's a ruse to keep Jaime onside, as he's starting to really turn. And if it turns out she is, that little baby is miscarrying or getting aborted. Gotta keep the masquerade up.

    Another point - that clip we keep seeing of them in a circle? I don't think they're being attacked by Whire Walkers there. Just a feeling.

    Who I think is dying next episode: Thoros, Benjen and Viseryon. Yep, Dany's gonna come to the rescue, and the NK's killing a dragon and taking it for himself (which will be howhe destroys the wall). As for Benjen, I think Jon is going to stay behind whilst the others get away on the dragons, and Benjen saves him (hence why in the trailers we see someone who looks like Jon going very fast on a horse in what looks like beyond the wall - and they didn't take any horses with them).
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
  17. Wade Wilson

    Wade Wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    Yeh fair enough. jaime has to kill her for redemption, there's just too many signs and he's still clinging a little. Yeh she's defo not pregnant it wouldn't match her prophecy of having 3 dead kids. Maybe they'll bring back a Walker, just seems mental. I think she won't even get to that point.
    I think they're showing that despite all the evidence and sound reasoning in the world, she won't have it. It woudn't surprise me if she just secretly told Jaime she was gonna screw them over, while he actually realises that all these tales are true. He might end up being the one leading the army to the big battle, without her around. She's definitely done for.

    I'm not gonna comment on the last point, I guess you don't watch the trailer/previews for the next episodes.
  18. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    I definitely think they succeed in getting a Walker, purely because in the Season 7 trailer when it shows what looks like the Hound in what looks a lot like the Dragon Pit in KL, he's standing in front of a large crate. Might seem like a bit of a leap on face value, but I think that's got a Walker in it. Have a look for yourself

    (It's at 1:21 on this:

    There's actually a couple more clips from what must be the next episode in this trailer - includig the horse I mentioned and some fire... hmmm.

    Like Cersei said in this episode, she needs to be more like Tywin with her enemies now - Tywin would definitely 'agree' and then turn afterward.

    Oh I saw the episode 6 trailer, what are you disagreeing with? Just curious.
  19. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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  20. Wade Wilson

    Wade Wilson Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2014
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    i actually think you're spot on. I never watched the season trailer so I'm scrolling through all the scenes that haven't come across in the first 5 episodes yet. .

    1st off, when they're in a circle, there are 12 individuals but only 7 I think left the wall. So who are these other people.

    Jon knocks someone out before posing, that looks like a wildling, could be a WW wildling but it looks human to me, the WW are more like skeletons. Also there's fire in the background, so ****'s gone down already it seems.

    Viseryon definitely turns, that looks very likely and can't wait for that. It does look like snow on the horse and yes where did the horse come from? and it looks like he's fleeing injured. He's unlikely to have abandoned them (unless they all die). Not sure about the rest leaving on dragons. The colour of John's coat seems to gradually get whiter from the prolonged stay in the snow (unless I'm just imagining things) and the colour on the horse resembles the one when he fights one of the NK's henchmen at 1:23 I dunno.

    So it feels like they were out to fight WW, these all come out of this little gap in the mountain or something, they run to this higher vantage point, fight them but somehow they seem to encounter someone else probably before the WW, maybe wildlings who disagree with Tormund or something.

    Not sure about that 1:21 footage. It seems so out of place if we haven't seen it yet because it does look like the hound but that makes no sense now.

    I was just wondering if you watched ep 6 preview because you don't think they fight WW but they definitely do

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