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Openly Jewish man in London

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Smug in Boots, Apr 21, 2024.

  1. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    There's something just not right about this.

    I'm no big automatic defender of the police but there are serious calls for a Metropolitan Police Chief to lose his job in disgrace because of his terminology in a stressful situation. In attempting to explain his difficulty he told the man he looked 'openly Jewish'. He couldn't have looked more openly Jewish and, I'm sure, is proud to look openly Jewish.

    If I go to Newcastle city centre on derby day, and walk through the town with my shirt on, I'd expect to provoke people to varying degrees. The police wouldn't be happy, would say I was openly 'Mackem' and would ask me not to walk around like that.

    Just like the Jewish man I'm entitled to walk around wherever I like even though it's obviously a volatile situation. It seems he's deliberately trying to instigate a confrontation but claiming he's only having a stoll. That's really hypocritical imo yet highly placed people are leaping to his defence.

    If I used this tone with the Northumbria Police I know exactly how it would end.

    Taking issue with this, Mr Falter said:
    "My mindset? My mindset is I am Jewish in London and I can walk where I want."

    https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news...tense, extended stand-off,on film by Sky News.
  2. Essayyeffcee

    Essayyeffcee Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2019
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    I said exactly the same thing to the missus. Yes the guy should be allowed to wear the yarmulke at any time but if the police as well as the guy had any sense they should've realised that it could've been seen as a provocation near a pro Palestine march. Maybe the copper didn't handle the situation as he should've (when do they ever?) but instead of causing more friction, he should've explained the situation to the Jewish guy better and explained that he could be in trouble
  3. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    As far as I can see he did explain it quite well.

    Sadly the man was acting like a naughty child in front of a teacher, deliberately being obtuse and difficult.

    He knew, without any need for an explanation, what he was doing imo.
  4. Row 3

    Row 3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2022
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    Plod was perhaps a bit clumsy with his choice of words but that's about it. I would hate to have to manage situations like that in the current age when everything is being filmed on a smartphone. Demanding heads to roll is just taking the piss.
  5. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If you're no longer allowed to describe ethnic groups by how they appear then we're lost.

    Imagine giving a description, to the police, of the gang who mugged a Jewish man in London.

    'Can you describe these individuals?'

    'Well I'd rather not to be honest, especially not in a police station where I'm being recorded.'
    Oldsandy, young2077 and Diego like this.
  6. LBW

    LBW Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    It’s a difficult one this, we are apparently multicultural, does that apply when it suits others or when it causes less conflict. Personally I’m sick to death of these Palestine marches, It’s very clear we have a lot of animosity amongst the population towards everyone and every faith but if someone dares stand up against the obvious Muslim radicalism that’s very apparent in the Uk they are labelled as far right. It was only 80 years ago that the Jews were massacred by the far right, it appears that the Far Left now want their pound of flesh from The Jews. History hasn’t taught mankind anything, religion is a cancer that will never be cured sadly and the cause of most of the world’s problems. October the 7th was an act of war, if that was to happen on the shores of the UK or the USA what would people expect to happen !!
    Brainy Dose, robinoz and smithy in nl like this.
  7. Pure River Slut

    Pure River Slut Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Just watched the clips. The way he says ‘ law abiding’ pisses me off tbh and I think the copper has it right. He is being deliberately antagonist from that clip at least and it’s the coppers job firsts and foremost to keep people safe. Of course it’s bad that Jewish people may get targeted but crowds don’t behave like two people chatting and an antagonist in a crowd is a bad choice for someone tasked with safety.
  8. Pure River Slut

    Pure River Slut Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    This … the Far Left now want their pound of flesh from The Jews … implies you think this crowd want to massacre Jews and I don’t think that there will be many who are there for that. They may think that responding to a horrific event by creating multiple horrific daily events needs intervention. I wouldn’t march but I do agree with that bit. But I agree both Hamas Netanyahu and his supporters both share responsibility.
  9. alcoauth

    alcoauth Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2014
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    I’m not that interested in trying to figure out which side of the line is right or wrong wherever the moral quandary falls on this issue, because it’s just team sports at this point.

    What I find more interesting is the constant infringing on our so called liberalism, the idea that all is fair and respect should be reciprocal and that we will all get along. That idea is terminal at this point and would take a literal miracle to revive yet I feel the bulk of our population are either ignorant to or in denial about.
  10. young2077

    young2077 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    Haven't watched the video but can get the gist from what's been said on here and in article.

    If a policeman can't tell someone not to walk down a street where the protestors are likely to be at the very least verbally abusive but very likely violent towards a certain group because you are clearly from that group then it shows the state of our society.

    The policeman should be defended and praised for doing his job, but instead he will be sacrificed!
    Nordic, Diego, gelders pie and 8 others like this.

  11. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The main thing people are latching onto is the use of the phrase 'openly Jewish' ...

    ... strange as he's deliberately trying to make himself look Jewish and presumably proud of being Jewish.

    What really angers me is that this man is clearly using the police to protect him while simultaneously seeking to compromise them. It's like the 'football hooligans' who shout the odds behind a line of police. They and, I guess this man, wouldn't be anywhere the point of conflict if they didn't have the safety net of that protection.
    samwise_new, Nordic, Diego and 5 others like this.
  12. Brainy Dose

    Brainy Dose Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2022
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    Yes,I think that's a fair point. He's flirting with the danger,presumably to try to stand up to it,but staying safe behind the protection,and the police cannot be blamed for seeing it for what it is and deflecting it. I'm struggling to understand the apparent outrage when a police officer gives someone the reason for their intervention...i.e."openly Jewish"...btw,what's offensive about that?.....,.when they would be derided to Hell and back if they'd have turfed him out without explanation. Can you imagine the swell of those who spend their miserable lives being offended on behalf of others if that was the case. <laugh>
    Nordic, Diego, gelders pie and 3 others like this.
  13. young2077

    young2077 Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2020
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    100% agree.

    What you have said reminds me of the woman who was lady in waiting for the Queen. She met a woman who was clearly proud of her black heritage and asked her where are you from (is she African, Carribean?). And when she answered London or wherever she said 'but where are you really from'.

    Very clumsily done but it seems very much to me like she was interested in the woman's heritage.

    She had to resign, by all accounts the charity campaigner eventually accepted her apology and that no malice was intended but why did it get to the point it did before that happened?

    I don't think this policeman has put it quite as badly as that mind you but seems like people look for the sinister in these things!
    Nordic, Diego, Whittylad and 2 others like this.
  14. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Watching the whole video, not just the clips, it becomes clear that while the Police Officer’s choice of words could have been better, he was carrying out the primary duty of maintaining the peace.

    The guy making the complain was attempting to cause an incident and use that to make a point. The fact that there are and were, in this case several Jewish groups on the March, who were clearly Jewish and they suffered no harm, is evidence that the March while anti Zionist was not anti semitic.

    As it stands he has managed to get the publicity he wanted.

    I do agree with the comment above that this was like football fans standing behind police line and shouting abuse at the other fans, knowing the police will keep them apart. In this case he wants the protection and he want to complain about police action.
  15. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sunack should be told to keep his beak out or pop down to the front line and show them how it’s done, interfering tossa. If I was that policeman I would have said crack on but don’t even look at me for help when you are getting the s hit kicked out of you.
  16. Washysafc

    Washysafc Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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  17. Whittylad

    Whittylad Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    I dont think the cop has done anything wrong . I just think he could have had more backing from the commissioner of the met instead of quickly issuing apologies. Back your officers you weakling.
  18. Pure River Slut

    Pure River Slut Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2019
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    Diego likes this.
  19. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What soft bastards are at the top these day.
    Montysoptician likes this.
  20. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    We're interested in where people are from and what their heritage is.

    If we're in Timbuctoo and we meet an English speaking lad the first question is 'Where are you from?'

    No big deal.

    How demoralising to be on the front line of potentially violent situations and be pulled up, by your boss and the Prime Minister, for grammatical nuances ...

    ... if you record anyone on the planet, for 24 hours, you'll find something that will offend someone.

    Rishi Sunak says something offensive every twenty minutes <laugh>
    Nordic, Diego, Whittylad and 3 others like this.

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