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Promotion songs

Discussion in 'Portsmouth' started by devonFRATTONiser, Apr 13, 2024.

  1. devonFRATTONiser

    devonFRATTONiser Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I remember when we got promoted in 2003.
    Promotion was sealed in a Tuesday night win over Burnley.

    Before the game there was a rather light hearted discussion on the old BBC 606 site about promotion songs.

    While I'm sure it didn't make it to the Fratton End, I recall some wag suggesting a song going to the tune of The Muppet Show.

    It's time to Play up Pompey
    It's time to get it right
    It's time to win promotion
    To the Premiership tonight

    Anyone remember that?
  2. SaintLapras

    SaintLapras Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    I must admit I don't know the Muppets theme.

    Also I wasn't a fan then, I was one of those glory supporters that became a fan during our premiership years. About 2005 to be precise.

    Though I do remember the old 606 forum. A forum that was literally closed at like 10pm at night, that's pretty bonkers when you think about it.

    Also I remember starting a thread in about 2006 which parodied a bunch of songs to make them reflect Portsmouth. One was hey Jude that became hey Harry, and there was a version of ordinary world and others I can't remember. Dunno if anyone remembers that thread.

    And it was on 606 that I became Pompeylapras. I can't remember the context but there was an incident when for some reason a bunch of us changed our names to various Pokemon. Which I carried to not606 but now they seem to have removed the functionality to change your user name so I'm stuck as Saint Lapras forever
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    pompeydownunder likes this.

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