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Sob on the Tyne

Discussion in 'Aston Villa' started by 2010 tops dog, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. 2010 tops dog

    2010 tops dog Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Bye bye Villa, dirty horrible team imagine how low your attendance
    Will be in the championship if last nights anything to go by
    I personally can't wait to see it myself
    **** THE VILLA
  2. PhilK

    PhilK Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Curious - these detestable loathsome fair weather fans of Villa danced and got quite HYSTERICAL attacking NUFC fans who, remember - had done nothing, and said nothing, against Villa or it's fans. No abuse whatsoever from NUFC - Villa. But what was the cause of the ludicrous levels directed against us that day in 2009 ?
    The press in particular and the media in general. The Villa fans proved themselves too bloody thick to think for themselves, and even QUOTED the press in their banners and chants against Newcastle fans ("New messiah" - the press started this after Keegan got the job - he was FIFTH in the fans wishes for manager) Or "deluded" - a quote by the repuslive Norwich supporting, Man U and Liverpool fans BUM licker Mick Dennis. Used to laughable levels by rival fans, but Villa more than any - DELUDED ???? 50,000 average when we went down - 45,000 average in Championship. Some "delusion"
    Will Villa get 40,000 in the Championship or are they as bad as they showed against US ? Full away end, yet only 30,000 when they need you most. CRAP SUPPORTERS. Will the press attack you as they did us ?
    Will they hell.
    You're not important enough.
    THATS why they (and you hypocrite fair weather fans) are OBSESSED with Newcastle United.
    We DO turn up
  3. Boa

    Boa Active Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    yeah ha ha viler
  4. Dorty Dogbreath

    Dorty Dogbreath keeper of the glow

    Nov 30, 2011
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    I think I can safely say they are most Newcastle fans favourites to go down. Or maybe QPR are? :cheesy:

    The ****s.
  5. PhilK

    PhilK Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    I'd love to see these loathsome hypocritical fair weather fans relegated.
    SOLELY because of their hysterical over the top beahviour against us in 2009. We had done absolutely NOTHING to them to warrant their disgusting response, and it's made unnecessary enemies out of NUFC fans.
    Why did they go so over-the-top ? Personally, I don't have a high opinion of Brimingham types in the IQ department to start with. The tedious accent doesn't help. Voted most boring British accent, with scouse second, I recall 10 years ago in one of the rags these dopes slavishly follow. Which leads me to the MAIN reason for their appalling behaviour. THE PRESS/MEDIA. These vermin have hated NUFC and their fans ever since we DARED take Shearer from under the noses of "their" club, Man U (Man U fans STILL rant. Nearly sodding 20 years after, but STILL they whine about it) and writers like Mick Dennis supplied vitually ALL of the moronic Villa "armoury" that day. We are "deluded" - we have 50,000 average thinking we should be top 6. If WE are "deluded what does that make fair weather Villa fans who think the same ?. Obsession with Keegan. Keegan came FIFTH in a local thing asking who do you want as next manager. Conveniently forgotten by press. Doesn't fit THEIR wants. We are deluded also for campaigning against the owners. AT THE BOTTOM OF LEAGUE. Yet Liverpool fans and Man U fans are CORRECT for doing the same to THEIR owners at the TOP of leagfue.
    I understand why Villa fans, not blessed between the ears want the media to do their thinking for them.
    Well, it doesn't apply to US. The media isn't carrying out a campaign against Villa like it did us. But we will celebrate when you scumbags go down. Only I doubt you'll come straight back up with a 45,000 average, thats for damn sure.
    You lot are everything you accused us of being. AND MORE
  6. PhilK

    PhilK Active Member

    Sep 25, 2011
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    ....one other thing. After the game, stunned Newcastle fans who had gone down knowing the non performers like Michael Owen etc couldn't give a toss, and we'd go down - were astonished at the hysteria against us. One said "You'd have thought they'd put their derby rivals down...we're not exactly that are we ? So why THAT ?" But the clincher was one Villa moron still ecstatic (why ?) ranting how Newcastle fans DESERVED it for still turning up in huge numbers to support a "crap team"
    That has to be the most moronic comment of all time....from a Villa fan
  7. Larry-AV

    Larry-AV Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I was at Villa Park when Newcastle went down in 2009.

    The winning goal epitomised NUFC's Season, the shot was going wide until it hit Damien Duff and went in.

    For Newcastle that year and for any Club, relegation is the consequence of failure over the Season, not just one match.

    I did not 'celebrate' Newcastle's relegation and I was of the opinion then that Newcastle would bounce back straight away, which is what happened.

    If some Villa Fans thought Newcastle's relegation was worth 'celebrating', then more fool them.
    They do not speak for me and I just hope we will not give cause for Fans of Newcastle (or any other team) reason to 'celebrate' Aston Villa being relegated this Season !!!
  8. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I was very angry in 2009 about it, but frankly it's nigh on four years ago and i've let it go.

    I like Paul Lambert, but he's getting it wrong playing kids at the back all the time.

    Aston Villa will storm the Championship!

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