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The Breakfast Debate

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by ellandback, May 24, 2017.

  1. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Good Morning Everyone

    As a new dawn rises, and we reflect on a new chapter on the soap opera that is Leeds Utd, let's spare a thought for the family of the Mother who is in a coma, not knowing that her eight year old little girl has died.

    When she does awake, how on earth can you tell her that tragic news?


    Andrea Radrizzani is the 100% of Leeds Utd.

    Cellino is no more!

    BUT, should Cellino be given more credit than he has been given?

    Is Leeds Utd in better shape than it was before he came along?

    I'd certainly say yes.

    Money was slipping through Leeds Utd's hands like water before Cellino turned the tap off (imo)

    Can that be said of any of our Chairmen in the last 15 years (and probably beyond)?

    What was your most memorable Cellino moment?

    For me, it was when he decided not to let Sky TV into Elland Road having messed fixtures about!


    We have also learned that Leeds have activated a clause in Garry Monks contract committing him to another twelve months.

    Monk is wanting, and expecting to sign a proper 2 or 3 year deal in the very near future, but for now that will suffice.

    Who remembers Nile Ranger?

    He has just been sentenced to 8 months in prison for fraud.

    Leeds wanted to sign him, but Cellino refused!
  2. lifecheshirewhite

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Cellino did a great job,sorting the financing side and has improved the team to a place,as the new guy says we are ready to move up the next stage.not saying much but the best we have had in 15-20 years and stopped Glorys man u friend getting his hands on the club for which I will be eternally grateful.
    FORZA LEEDS, OLOF, Irishshako and 2 others like this.
  3. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Morning all...

    Cellino was better than GFH and Bates, we needed his money at the time, we were going under with GFH and it was all set for Bates to walk back in.

    Glad we finally have someone credible in charge.

    On Twitter I saw a Cantona message to Manchester, I didn't bother listening, I just thought how he hasn't aged well and looked ill to me.
    Eireleeds1 likes this.
  4. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Every sympathy for all those who are suffering because of the MEN attrocity. But already getting a bit fed up of the way Manchester is being portrayed as some sort of Vallhalla. This concert attracted people from all over the country and its not just mancs that are affected. Two of the kids in hospital with serious injuries are from Harrogate. Lets get it right every city would have rallied like Manchester did, Its not even a British blitz spirit thing every city in the civilized world would have come out to help in the circumstances. I am not been churlish but the toe curling self proclamation isn't pretty.

    Regarding the unimportant (at the minute) issues of LUFC, they are far from clear.
    Are GFH still a creditor that will hold us back?
    How much did conman Cellino salt away before leaving (he had six months to raid the till).
    He is the worst owner we have ever had by some distance IMVHO.
    Ringo Lion and OLOF like this.
  5. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Morning all. Agree with Chesh and Ristac. Cellino left club in a far better place than it had been for many years and in a position to actually attract proper buyers but he clearly could not get it to the next level, likely pockets not deep enough. Now to Radrizanni. He will need deep pockets or great investors to fund the project to the next level. We are led to believe he has all the right contacts and Ive no reason to doubt it. All will become clear over the next couple of months when we see the calibre of players we sign. One things for sure, its a long time since weve had an owner with apparently no skeletons in his cupboard. Even mighty wasnt able to dig up any dirt on the Rad, in fact, he wasnt even able to make up and dirt on him. Keeping Monk for another year was probably best option as Rad will get a good look at him before committing to a new contract and Monk will likely feel the same, he gets to assess Leeds ambitions
  6. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Another pointer Eire regarding investors, Cellino comes to you and asks you to invest, you're likely to run a mile. A whole new ball game with Rad, like you I was on the fence about him, lots of talk and no action but that's all changed.

    The new T/O saga never dragged on, it's been concluded before June. He is making some proper backroom appointments, he has activated the year option on Monks contract, we're moving in the right direction at a realistic pace.
  7. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Agree fully Ristac. Plus he has done the best type of due diligence possible. Buying 50% and being around the club for a year now. Hed have had plenty of time to walk away if he saw major obstacles. For that reason Im not bothered about GFH anymore. Just dont want to get too positive too soon
    ristac likes this.
  8. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    During a discussion between two fans on Twitter, it was suggested that heading to England would be a high-risk move for Mateusz Klich (Reported Leeds target).

    It was a conversation the midfielder took note of and he replied with a meme saying "challenge accepted".
    Whitejock likes this.
  9. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Doesn't look like Pontus signing for us was concrete? When interviewed and asked about his Leeds future he replied:

    “Right now, I’ll go on holiday and get married, that’s the only thing I look forward to now, then I’ll go back to Leeds and we’ll take it from there. I’ll meet with my agent Martin [Dahlin] during the international break, then we all talk about my future and stuff.”
  10. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    You know how much I hate telling people "I told you so".

  11. lifecheshirewhite

    Feb 5, 2011
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    We've paid the first instalment on his transfer,posturing for more money and you are wrong again,don't you ever learn £££ <whistle>
  12. w.c.dukenfieldesq

    w.c.dukenfieldesq Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Morning all. Prior to Cellino joining the club was run as a cash cow. I believe Cellino was conned into buying the club with the promise of premiership riches. I think he genuinely wanted to make a success of it in spite of this but obviously he did not have the temprement or the ability, but the club does seem to be in a sounder financial position. We will have to wait and see what happens next but the signs look promising.
    FORZA LEEDS likes this.
  13. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Cant posture for more money if the deal is already done and binding. You rather proved my point! <applause><applause><applause>
  14. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    What did you tell us ?dont temember you telling us pontus was getting married.two words for you today "damage limitation".
    lifecheshirewhite likes this.
  15. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Those might be the words we are using for months to come when cellinos antics start to fall out of cupboards.
    Time will tell.
  16. lifecheshirewhite

    Feb 5, 2011
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    You can always try for more money(see Ross Mc greedy barsteward for reference)
  17. Chippy / Glory

    Chippy / Glory Senior Member

    Jul 3, 2012
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    Even greedy **** didn't try before the ink was dry.
    If that's his idea then we should sell him and get someone that wants to be here. he isn't all that!
  18. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Its just a general comment probably nowt else to say.
  19. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I agree, I have no doubt Cellino meant well. His big error was assuming SerieB players were on par with the Championship, he thought the route back to the PL would be far easier.

    You have to give him credit though, he has put his hand up, said it's beyond me and sold us to someone maybe more capable. I hate to admit it but for the last 12 months Cellino has been a damn good owner.

    Brought Monk in, didn't sack him after a shaky start, allowed 12 new signings and then allowed Rad a 50% stake, try before you buy.
  20. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Hes been ****e and milked the club for every penny he could get.then he sold and made even more while investing fook all.he had to sell as we had only one player left to sell in taylor.he followed bates model and the well ran dry.yes he could have sold viera and wood but who would buy us after that.good riddance to the italian nut job.may he never own another club .guys a crook

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