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Off Topic Coronavirus - 606 tales from the Inquiry

Discussion in 'Charlton' started by lardiman, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Boris's relationship with Cummins reminds me of Blair's with Campbell..... and will probably end the same way as a disgraced PM !
    lardiman likes this.
  2. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    Probably a better analogy than my RD/Meire one.

    But my one had a football element :emoticon-0100-smile
    deleted..... likes this.
  3. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Saints alive! :emoticon-0131-angel
    Half a dozen senior Church of England Bishops have added their voices to the criticism of the Prime Minister.

    Their problem is that Boris has decided to flatly refuse to acknowledge that Dominic Cummings has done anything wrong at all.
    There is not even the slightest admission that Mr Cummings even did anything that is mildly regrettable, or contrary to the spirit of the lockdown.
    There is no contrition, no admission of any kind of mistake.

    The Bishops point out that if the Prime Minister is saying Dominic Cummings has done nothing wrong, the strong unspoken message that goes with that, is that the British people have been fools to obey the rules that we were all too dumb to understand in the way that Dominic Cummings did.

    We have been lied to and misled, and taken for mugs by this arrogant Government.
    They believe we are mindless sheep who will accept any nonsense, just because we obeyed the lockdown rules so completely.

    The Government has gone into 'bunker' mode now.
    Blaming everything on their political enemies and denying there is even a real problem.
    Everyone knows that just is not how things really are. And no amount of denial will make it so.

    If the Prime Minister and his Cabinet truly believes this is not a serious matter that will probably undermine our fight against Coronavirus and cost lives, then we are all in big trouble.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    deleted..... likes this.
  4. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    In light of the confusion yesterday, the Government wishes to clarify the lockdown rules.

    Cummings 03.png

    That's better. Even the Plebs can understand this.
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  5. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Plebs may be able to understand that but I am not sure Cummins can <ok>
    lardiman likes this.
  6. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    According to the BBC News website (6 minutes ago)
    Dominic Cumminfs is going to "make a public statement and take questions over allegations that he broke Coronavirus lockdown rules".

    No time is given for this statement and Q&A session.
    Just "later on Monday".

    No location is given either.
    Outside 10 Downing Street would probably suit Mr Cummings.
    A Police station interview room would seem more appropriate.

    Will he
    • be contrite?
    • Admit he did anything wrong?
    • Admit that what he did doesn't look so good, and has given Boris a right headache?
    • Attack the press for hounding him and his family?
    • Deny he went to some local beauty spots while in lockdown?
    • Deny he traveled to Co. Durham more than once?
    • Try to convince us the life of his kid was in danger?
    • Blame everybody but himself?
    • Resign?
    • Say nobly that he's stepping down for the greater good while still maintaining he did nowt wrong?
    We'll know some time before midnight apparently.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  7. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Dominic Cummings is holding a press conference in the Rose garden at Downing Street at 4pm today.

    If I was Boris Johnson I would be a bit worried right now.
    If Mr Cummings decides to be defensive, hostile, rude and arrogant, the already strained bond of trust between the British people and this Government will be broken.
    If that's the way Cummings plays it, the man must be immediately sacked.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
  8. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    With luck he has offered (and had accepted) his resignation.
    lardiman likes this.
  9. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    That would be nice, though he doesn't need to call a press conference just to announce he has quit.
    Somebody with any humility would just go quietly.
    But obviously not this guy.

    I'm guessing he wants to defend himself, and personally explain why in his mind he has done nothing wrong.
    It's impossible for an intelligent person such as him not to see that what he has done will look wrong to many people, even after moving beyond his political enemies. But will he even acknowledge that the perception of wrongdoing is partly his responsibility?
    Or will he take the view that all the anger being felt over this matter by ordinary people (including NHS workers, carers and others who have made painful sacrifices during the lockdown) is mistaken and undeserved?

    I'm hoping he will announce that he is stepping down.
    Even if he presents it as a noble act of self-sacrifice for the greater good (ooh, I bet that was a novel concept!) and that he is in fact the innocent party who has been gravely wronged.

    Yeah, whatever Dominic.
    As long as you're going. That will probably be justice enough for most of the rule-abiding folk that you've insulted.


    Personally I can't see him wringing his hands and begging forgiveness, whether or not he actually quits.

    But if Cummings blusters it out and does not resign, this matter will just continue to grow along with the damage it is causing.
  10. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    On the basis of a job offer from a south east London football club in need of a CEO - experience not strictly necessary.

  11. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Nice to see Durham Police are on the case.

    They receive news that three people have entered the County Durham area from London, including one who is showing Coronavirus symptoms.
    These three have arrived at the home of relatives, and are self-isolating.

    They then decide on the basis of that information that there is no need to mention the issues around Coronavirus lockdown rules with the people concerned.

    The questions of why these people had just driven 260 miles, and the possibility that they had made one or more stops along the way, are matters that the Durham Constabulary did not believe were worth looking into.
    Did that decision have anything to do with the Police knowing the three people were Dominic Cummings and his wife & child?
    It certainly should not have done.

    Not very thorough policing.
  12. TC (Lovely Geezer)

    TC (Lovely Geezer) Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    All the rags all over Cummings about breaking lockdown rules.
    So much so, that here they all are breaking social distancing rules to get the best pics <laugh><laugh><laugh>
  13. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    That was a very good try by Dominic Cummings to gain public sympathy.

    He was relatively humble, relatively quiet, portraying himself as a simple family man.
    He didn't rise to the hostile nature of some of the questions.
    He did not come across as arrogant or confrontational in his manner.

    However, he does not accept that he has done anything wrong.
    • He believes he had every right to drive 260 miles.
    • He believes it was OK to drive 30 miles to a beauty spot and walk around there for 15 minutes, because this was his way of finding out if he was well enough to drive all the way back to London.
    • He believes it was OK to go for a family walk in woods after stopping the car to allow his kid to go to the toilet.
    I'm sorry Mr Cummings, but you are a liar.
    You're less convincing than you think you are.
    And your actions today will only deepen political divisions which have now ripped apart the unity of people behind the Government's COVID19 strategy.

    The Right will back you and savage the 'left wing' press.
    Many in the centre ground and the left will not have believed you, and will certainly not be reassured.

    Your explanations for the visit to the Castle, and for your walk in the woods are so thin as to be unbelievable.
    Particularly the castle explanation.
    Nobody drives 30 miles to a beauty spot with their family in the car, and then walks around there for 15 minutes simply to test their eyesight or fitness to drive.
    You must think the British people are really stupid, to hope anyone is going to believe that.

    It follows that if you're going to lie about that, what else are you lying about?

    And despite the humble demeanor, your absolute conviction that you have done nothing wrong at all is just not going to wash.


    Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson have lost this one.
    The longer they carry on fighting their corner, the greater the damage is going to be.

    A defence of calling all journalists 'hatemongers' and suggesting that everybody who thinks Cummings broke the rules is just wrong (too dumb to understand the subtleties of the guidelines) is never going to win this argument.

    All it is going to do is deepen the National division, entrench the arrogant, privileged Right, and destroy Public trust in the Government's Coronavirus strategy.
    Conservative MP's must force the Prime Minister to sack Dominic Cummings.

    By backing Cummings, the PM is siding against the People, the NHS and everybody who has obeyed the lockdown rules and borne the pain and anguish that obedience brought them.

    The next time the Government imposes some rules, many of us will interpret them as we wish.
    And that will be our defence if any action taken against us.
    I wouldn't blame the Police for just giving up trying to enforce lockdown rules.
    Last edited: May 25, 2020
    Ken Shabby likes this.
  14. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    :emoticon-0157-sun: The beaches look pretty crowded in England today :emoticon-0157-sun:

    No problem. Everybody is interpreting the rules their own way.
    Fill your boots folks <ok>
  15. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    No problem with you visiting your mum now Lardi, you can say that you aren't doing anything different from Mr Cummings <ok>
    lardiman likes this.
  16. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Yep. I'll be off there next weekend <ok>

    Will keep 2m distance, won't go into the house but will chat on the doorstep.
    Will get her some shopping too and drop that off.

    If I'm not sure I can cope with the North Circular I might drive to the coast first and sit on the beach for a while.
    Just to make sure my eyesight is OK.
  17. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Lockdown rule changes:

    From 1st June

    Car showrooms & open air markets can open <ok>

    From 15th June

    All other shops can open <ok>

    As long as the shops are using safe social distance procedures :afro: ...2M... :emoticon-0126-nerd:

    Pubs and restaurants - nope, not yet :emoticon-0145-shake
    Football - not as we know it <wah>
    County Durham and beauty spots - use your own judgment :emoticon-0172-mooni
  18. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    You could take your mum to Greenwich Park for the afternoon so she can have a wee <ok>
  19. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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  20. lardiman

    lardiman Keep smiling through
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Is Greenwich Park open again? I thought the council padlocked all the gates...

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