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Off Topic Coronavirus

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by Sooperhoop, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I am afraid that it is only you that forms a conspiratorial link between the Coronacrisis, the Co2 debate, Marxism and the German Green Party ! The only others I have come across who form this link are the hard right - so you will forgive me in making the connection. I am actually a member of the German Green Party and I can assure you that they are all house owners, all married, and not a Marxist amongst them - in fact they have slid so far to the middle of the political spectrum, that I don't feel quite at home there ! Their idea of Green Sustainability is broadly to sell the myth that we can go on producing and consuming at the present rate but just using so called green technology (a purely technofix solution) - the idea that we need to call into question the whole idea of unlimited growth in a World of finite resources does not occur to many Greens these days, I am afraid to say. I can assure you that I do, very much, think for myself and it would help your cause greatly not to assume that everyone who does not share your conception of the World is either simple or ignorant.
  2. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Unfortunately you are stuck with the right/left thoughts and heavily indoctrinated without any knowledge of the origins. I am sure you never heard about Fabian Society before nor are you familiar with Frankfurter School. Science never mattered for the likes of you which has been proven so many times. Socialism is only the starting point of communism where we are lead right now. Communism is just the opposite site of capitalism on the very same medal. The "Komintern" had been totally erased by Stalin and that is what will eventually happen to todays believers in the same idea only with a new branding. Did you know that Marx and Lenin were sponsored by the financial system ? Why do fools repeat the same mistakes that can be easily looked up by sticking to a "good" idea but actually have been (mis-)used as "useful idiots" (Lenin).

    Forget about the narrative of "Right" vs. "Left" - that illusion is the reason why people fight among themselves never understanding the real intention behind it.

    If you do speak and understand German - read that book and try to understand.

    Der Todestrieb in der Geschichte: Erscheinungsformen des Sozialismus (Deutsch) Taschenbuch – 19. Oktober 2016
  3. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I am well aware of the Fabian society and its Christian Socialist origins in the 19th Century - those origins set it a little bit apart from the Frankfurt School which you mention, so I would not see them as one and the same in terms of their origins. The origins of the Labour Party in England owe more to Methodism than to Marx - but this aspect is missing from parallel groups in Germany. As an aside, I speak and understand German very well and have dual nationality. I fail to see the connection between the multi culturalism of the Frankfurt School or their, so called, Green counterparts and Marx - both Marx and Engels were rabid racists who believed that cultures and races which were not capable of developing a proletarian consciousness would be cast upon the dung heap of history (meaning extermination) - the later holocaust was, more or less, fully in accordance with Engels ideas. So presuming that the dream of peacefull coexistence in a multi cultural society has anything to do with Marxism is a massive mistake. Real Communism is not based upon Marx anyway - not on state ownership, or anything from above, but on the Commune and can only start from that point - Communist ideas predated Marx by many centuries. What I find most laughable is that you appear to classify everything which you don't like as being of Marxist persuasion - whether it's someone who takes Covid 19 seriously, a tree hugger in the Amazon, a multi culturalist, environmentalist - in fact anyone who doesn't share your view exactly. Apparently everyone who doesn't share your view of the World is either simple, or in league with a plot to take over the World <laugh>
  4. Uber_Hoop

    Uber_Hoop Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I’m enjoying this.
    UTRs, kiwiqpr and Steelmonkey like this.
  5. StortfordQPR

    StortfordQPR Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    I'm going to need an idiots guide to all this soon - some of this thread might as well be written in Chinese :D
    Uber_Hoop, Ninj and kiwiqpr like this.
  6. Ninj

    Ninj Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2011
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    let me know where you get yours Stortford...….however, you never know if you buy in bulk you might get a discount.
    Uber_Hoop and StortfordQPR like this.
  7. Uber_Hoop

    Uber_Hoop Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    If you need and Idiot’s Guide, I could very well be your man...
    Ninj, StortfordQPR and kiwiqpr like this.
  8. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    You might have heard of the Fabian Society but never understood their Marxists ideas. They were initiated by very rich people for the purpose of subverting the existing order and establishing a Socialist World Government controlled by its leaders and by the financial interests associated with them. The Fabian´s "coat-of-arms" consists of a wolf wearing a sheepskin and bearing a red standard with the initials "F.S." Again, this symbolism is undeniably based on the fact of the Fabian tactic of "permeation" and of achieving its ends by stealth. The German counterpart (Frankfurt School) has got the same in mind and you can see the results in today´s Universities where they have created an indoctrinated left wing, gender gaga following students that cannot even distinguish between equal rights and equality, tryring to attack everyone who does not have their believes - just utterly stupid, intolerant and dangereous. They have banned and burned books of writers that they believe must be "Nazis" and do not even see that they are exactly repeating German history.

    Of course the agenda is to bankrupt as much of the economy as possible to take it over via nationalization which is their Great Reset to reconstruct the economy in only their vision - the Marxist idea. There are so many different terms for the very same, you may call it marxism, communism ... all the same outcome.

    Please read the following carefully. Untill now you have not responded to one of the facts I have provided which is a typical sign of deliberately ignoring the truth.

    Rockefeller Foundation keeps working on their autocratic Lock Step scenario

  9. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I am more interested in finding out what you think and in how you arrive at your ideas - this is a debating forum. Allowing for the fact that the Greens were only junior partners in government with the SPD for 4-5 years I fail to see how either of your bogeyman (either Greens or die Linke) could have had the power to come round to burning or banning books - only governments do that - or are you trying to suggest that the CDU are also Marxists ? I'm also interested in how you come to the idea that very rich people would have an interest in establishing a Socialist revolution ! you appear to disregard totally that there are many grades of socialism - in the Marxist World socialism would, indeed, be seen as a prelude to Communism. But that is not the case for so called socialist parties of the West who have concentrated their efforts to containing Capitalism, and using it for the welfare of the people, but not replacing it entirely. The establishment of Keynesian economics - what you call Soziale Marktwirtschaft - this has been the cornerstone of most left wing politics in Western Europe since the War. You appear to also forget that socialism and capitalism blend into each other in most countries in the World - there is no country on this planet where the whole of industry is in private hands. Even the USA has the need to keep some sectors under public control, and, at the other extreme, Lenin allowed private enterprise to coexist with what he called Communism (which actually wasn't Communism at all but Statism) - if you want to find out what real Communism is then try reading the works of Peter Kropotkin.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  10. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    PCR (polymerase chain reaction), uses a technology which greatly amplifies the viral genetic material if it is present. It actually uses the viral material as the starting material...
    So no virus:- negative result.

    PCR is an extremely reliable technique. It is so sensitive it can be used to amplify from a single cell, and so can pick up virus in a single cell.

    I really think you need to actually check your facts and not simply believe what you are told ... before claiming that we do not read articles, and do not check facts.
    BobbyD, kiwiqpr, Steelmonkey and 2 others like this.

  11. StortfordQPR

    StortfordQPR Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    The voice of reason....the ever level headed Beth :emoticon-0115-inlov
  12. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Well, by just copying the Wikipedia definition that does not mean that you have presented any facts at all. The PCR test used in the diagnosis of Covid-19 is very likely to give false positive results, and the tests are indeed unreliable.

    The ct-qPCR Test (unapproved for diagnostics) and its administrative procedures are not only flawed (problems with adequate swab) but are a non-specific, catch all test which is known for giving false positives for flu-like viruses as well as many others.

    These tests do not give adequate clues about the amount of viral infection (slight or severe) and whether or not the virus is alive since it examines elements of RNA debris, not the entire genetic sequence. Detection of a dead virus has no clinical meaning as they are present in any respiratory disease unrelated to the disease itself.

    Clinically and epidemiologically PCR test "positives" or test "negatives" are useless and can be outright misleading, giving false information about virus spreading dynamics as well as create artifacts of clinical cases of COVID that are not there.

    The PCR test "positive" does not necessarily imply disease even if the presence of the virus is confirmed by full sequencing, also the PCR’s RNA fragments do not definitively make a clinical case for COVID attribution.

    "Negative" tests for respiratory symptomatic patients are also problematic as they give no clue to physicians about possible diagnosis of other possibly present respiratory diseases.

    When my mother (Retirement home) was tested the first result was invalid, the 2nd test was positive and I insisted on a 3rd one which was negative - this happened to several other people. If she had been positive it would have meant 2 weeks in Quarantine. This has happened so many times and can be easily looked up.

    Sorry, but you need an update on your facts.
  13. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    We are in the Coronavirus forum and you are not interested in facts about it ? Didn´t you read the article I had attached - that is the road we are heading. Communism is just another totalitarian method (3rd attempt) to create an Orwellian dystopia. When he wrote his novel "Animal Farm" in 1945 he not only criticised Stalin for the genocide he created but also showed to us how the history can be changed by rewriting it at will. This is what Genderism is doing, sounds nicer if it is so colorful, but still the same. He then added in 1984 the following:

    “Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”

    Renaming Streets, destroying monuments et all is just a repetition of what has happened so many times before - it is amazing that so many people cannot see it, have no memory or are just outright stupid.

    Those BLM lunatics are not interested to overcome racism nor are the instigators behind that farce it is just another obvious attempt to cause trouble and nothing else. George Floyd was a criminal who should not have been killed of course. The only consequence should have been his arrest. Did you know that the 2 men knew each other, were working as bouncers in the same bar for many years - coincidence ? Did you know that the crimes commited by black people against white people is much higher (find attached the official statistics).

    Crime Rates 2018 in the US:



    Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support George Floyd!" & Here's Why! | Durtty Daily

    Well, do your homework first and start reading the following article.

    Rockefeller Foundation keeps working on their autocratic Lock Step scenario

  14. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    This thread is supposed to be about the coronavirus - does it have anything at all to do with BLM ? Only in your mind I think. I personally have little interest in the BLM movement, and find such things as the pulling down of statues about as pointless as the burning of flags - have I expressed any opinions on BLM ? So why are you throwing this at me ? Your hypothesis is that Corona tests are being fiddled in order to drive up the numbers, in order to create panic, and in order to justify a lockdown - which is all planned to destroy the economy deliberately. Apparently this is being done with the help of Greta Thunberg, in association with BLM (and presumably any other organization which you don't like). This is being organized by a few mysterious super rich people who want to establish a Marxist dictatorship of the whole World <laugh> By the way, I am not interested in reading crime rates from the USA in 2018 because it does not belong to this thread, and it is the last country on this planet I would visit voluntarily. Maybe instead of telling us all about this dystopia which you are dreading, and telling us all the things which you detest it would help to clear the air by telling us exactly what you do want - what would your ideal World look like ?
  15. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    Did you read the article ?
  16. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    **** you have made a mistake here, ButtHuber. IIwas a Professor of Neurobiology and I run a diagnostic lab at Oxford upto 3 years ago.

    Every day in my lab, me or my team run diagnostic PCR tests, including real time PCR and single cell PCR. So I do not need to quote Wikipedia like you do.

    Please do not quote rubbish at me and expect me to collapse

    The only fault in the viral PCR test is in the sampling.
    1 :10 is faulty due to sampling.
    How do we know ...we run human DNA Vs Viral PCR tests.

    If there is no human DNA in the swab...the sampling was in accurate..and is discounted.

    You are completely full of ( let's say ) wind...and leave it at that
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  17. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I presume you mean the one by Norbert Häring ? If so then it makes dismal reading but is only conjecture - but if, as he claims, we are heading for a multipolar World ensuring the dominance of the USA (which is, of course losing the industrial battle) why should this have a Marxist edge to it ? And what the hell does it have to do with the left and the greens ? Or are you just taking a swipe at everything which you don't like ? I will repeat the question which Stan asked - can you stop telling us all your doomsday scenarios and tell us what you actually do believe in, other than conspiracy theories ?
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2020
  18. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    I will not repeat everything again just because you are obviously suffering from concentration problems.

    In brief, just for you and last time:

    - Around every 70 - 80 years the financial system needs a reset and this is what it is all about.
    - A reset either requires a War or destruction of wealth
    - Covid-19 is being used what the World Economic Forum called the starting point for the Great Reset
    Covid-19 is being used to bancrupt the small and medium businesses
    - The Green Deal/Agenda (CO2 hoax) is the cover up for the new Communism (et all)
    - The Multinational companies will take over completely
    - Cashless Society with total control ahead very soon
    - Mandatory Vaccination or loss of movement, work etc.

    That is the story and if you cannot see it...well never mind, you might find out later.
  19. Butthuber

    Butthuber Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
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    You got angry with me writing my name "Butt"-"Huber" which only shows your feeble character.

    You only claim to be something - does not convince me at all.
  20. colognehornet

    colognehornet Well-Known Member

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I just do not know what is going on in that brain of yours ! What the hell can the complete take over of multinational companies have to do with a Communist takeover ?

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