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Postecoglou & Lange (& Paratici) Watch

Discussion in 'Tottenham Hotspur' started by Dier Hard, Apr 19, 2021.


Next gaffer, who's your preference?

  1. Arne Slot

  2. Ruben Amorim

  3. Luis Enrique

  4. Ange Postocoglou

  5. Brendan Rodgers

  6. Graham Potter

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  1. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Football BSider claim that Scott Parker might be off the table, as John McDermott is pushing for him to made England U21 coach
  2. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Scott Parker is not ready for the job anyway
  3. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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  4. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    That is a great idea for a thread!
    The real Madrid at wembley one is a great shout...the Dortmund one at wembley would be too.
    The Changing Man likes this.
  5. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Agree with most of what you said barring this bit to be honest mate.

    I don’t think we have been much more watchable under Mason.

    Second half against Southampton we turned it up a notch but Kane and Son obliterated them at Saint Mary’s under Jose.

    Against City we were utterly dreadful. Granted it’s City but that was as bad as pretty much any performance under Jose. Winks and Hojbjerg DM pairing, bringing Sissoko on to join them too while taking off the best performing attacker of ours on the day? If that was Jose people would’ve been rioting on here.

    Against Sheffield we were in complete control and obviously Bale got a great hattrick but they really are one of the worst teams to grace the Prem and I said similar after the away fixture where we by far the better side.

    Then Leeds was just a bit of a mess. I think Mason wanted us to go toe to toe and yet we just couldn’t really do so. VAR going full VAR for Kane’s goal didn’t help but nonetheless Leeds deservedly got the three points and we were all left disappointed with result and performance, as we have been for most of the season.

    All in all I don’t really see much difference if truth be told. There may be more intent with regards to the formation and selection but the style of play hasn’t been great. I think there may be a feel good factor seeing Mason in the dugout instead of someone that let’s just say split opinion but I don’t think we’ve been any more watchable. Funnily enough Kane’s actually looked very poor since Mason came in, albeit I do think he’s been rushed back... Surprise, surprise.
  6. Billy The Spur

    Billy The Spur Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2011
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    No, I am saying nobody will remember average league finishes, obviously, all kinds of seasons are remembered for all kinds of seasons, but winning silverware is the whole reason why we bother, otherwise what is the point.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  7. The Changing Man

    The Changing Man Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    On current managerial performance Scott Parker should not be anywhere near getting the job at Spurs.

    I applaud Fulham for giving him time and not doing what most clubs would have done and sacking him and I really hope that he gets to stay and try and get them back up

    But anyone with 2 relegations on their CV in their first 3 seasons is not ready for us yet, I know that the first one is not down to him entirely as they were doomed before he joined There were things to admire about the way that he gone about his work, and he made a better fist of this season than Fulham did of the one before, but they were still in the bottom 3 all season.

    I wonder if he is the first manager to complete a season with a premier league club without ever leaving the relegation zone?
  8. The Changing Man

    The Changing Man Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    We as fans all want to see us win things, of that there is no question

    But I recall in the 80s when we had a bit of a reputation for being 'a cup team' we were always reminded by the pundits of the time that anyone can win a cup its only 6 matches. The really good teams were those who ground out results week in week out and were consistent in the league.

    No one can argue with the stats that for consistency in the league we have never been better, and particularly under Poch we were good at beating the cannon fodder something that has not always been the case

    But trophies have dried up that is also undeniable, and to me we have gone from a side who were at best flakey in the league but turned up in the cups winning semi finals and finals quite frequently to a side that too often falls when the pressure is really on.

    Spurlock has often spoke here about 'the minerals to be winners' and there is no doubt in my mind that this is what we have lacked in this period too much close but no cigar and the blame for that must be bared equally by owners, managers and players
  9. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Can only answer for me but I bother cos I love going to games with my daughter's and my mates...I even love going on my own. The atmosphere is a huge thing along with the "belonging" to something" aspect. The excitement of a game, the hope of a good season etc is enjoyable.
    I enjoy watching us in the pub with mates.
    I enjoy the build up to games, chatting about them and then dissecting the result.
    And in more recent years I enjoy chatting on here.
    My youngest told me she is looking forward to still coming home to go to games once she leaves to go to University like her sister did.
    These are reasons I bother.
    There are plenty of teams who also win very little or nothing and I think their fans get as much enjoyment etc from their team as a fan from any successful club.

    None of this is a dig BTW...I just think people have different reasons as to why they love football.
  10. PowerSpurs

    PowerSpurs Well-Known Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    So the supporters of clubs who have never won anything are just wasting their time?
    Obviously the aim is to win things but if the owner has to leave if that doesn't happen then there would be very few owners left.

  11. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Ultimately you watch the team in the hope that they win the game, you cheer them on in the hope that you help them get over the line. You have a great day leading up to the game with your loved ones walking up to the match discussing what you hope for from the team because ultimately you want them to win on that day...you want it to be that day for you...you want that day to end with a W because that’s the cherry on your cake of a day.

    I get what the game is for you but ultimately inside you as a staunch fan I know you are wishing we win and if we don’t it takes the edge off...I know that from your posts...I know you want us to win. It’s not one or the other...you want a perfect day...nowt wrong with that.

    You’re the guy who loses his **** if we predict a win on here incase it jinxes the result because there’s always that thing in you that wants Spurs to get the W...so much so that it makes us irrational...I get it all...I know what the game does to us.

    Winning is the soul of the game imo
    KingHotspur likes this.
  12. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I don’t think they are wasting their time but I bet even the most grounded fan dreams of silverware and glory for his team because that is why the game exists, to chase glory.
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
  13. Spurf

    Spurf Thread Mover
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I think you really miss the point, and as a result end up angry and frustrated. The game exists first and foremost because people enjoy playing it and then later enjoy watching it. Trophies have nothing to do with it. They are like getting a certificate for doing something you enjoy. The HUGE majority in football never get a trophy and it doesn't matter because playing and watching is what it is all about. This has all been corrupted by rich people and wanabees who are far more interested in money than football (hence ESL) The total bullshit about trophies carries as much weight as pundits and hacks waxing about City and their wonderful football team. I have no more interest in City than I do in the guy with a shiny new Bentley. In other words none it is irrelevant to me. Just enjoy the game Spurlock.
    SpursDisciple likes this.
  14. humanbeingincroydon

    humanbeingincroydon Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2011
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    Aidy Boothroyd surely went one better, starting in the bottom three before a ball was kicked due to the alphabet and staying there all season
    Last edited: May 12, 2021
    The Changing Man likes this.
  15. KingHotspur

    KingHotspur Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    If results didn’t matter then they wouldn’t keep score.

    The majority of teams might not win a trophy but their players and fans still dream of it and that’s the aim. Taking part isn’t enough
    Diego likes this.
  16. The RDBD

    The RDBD Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    The specific issue here is the proclamations from those as to
    what Spurs should have won and be doing in the past decade,
    above and beyond what they actually have done.
  17. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Trophies are the pinnacle of the sport and as Spurs fans we should be very disappointed to have picked up just one pot in the last 20 years for a club of our stature. To be blunt it’s pretty embarrassing.

    But it doesn’t mean you can’t cherish other aspects of the game. Don’t get me wrong, I was at the LC Final when we beat Chelsea and it was an incredible experience that I’ve yet to feel again as an adult. Though I was in Amsterdam (unfortunately not in the stadium) when we beat Ajax and that was absolutely mental. I was there when we’ve beaten two reigning CL champions in Inter “taxi for Maicon” Milan and Real Madrid. I’ve seen first hand both Cristiano Ronaldo (multiple times) and Lionel Messi play against my club, amongst many other superstars. I had the perfect view of Danny Rose’s goal, made sweeter that I was right next to the away fans for it. I saw Paul Robinson score a goal. I saw Zokora’s legendary post match winning dances. I saw the Keane and Berba partnership. I’ve seen Modric, Bale, Eriksen, van der Vaart, Lennon and Dembele all wear our shirt along with club grown greats like King and Kane.

    So yeah, you can definitely be disappointed at a lack of trophies for a club like Tottenham but there’s also a lot of things you can remember for many, many years to come that doesn’t involve silverware. If we can start combining the two though, that’d be lovely.
  18. KingHotspur

    KingHotspur Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    I’m not so sure judging by the comments of some posters.

    Each to their own and if they’re happy for one off victories here and there then fair play but to say winning doesn’t matter isn’t correct.
  19. KingHotspur

    KingHotspur Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2011
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    You’ve missed out your highlights of Winks in that :emoticon-0136-giggl
    The Huddlefro and Dier Hard like this.
  20. Dier Hard

    Dier Hard G'day mate!

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Knew I was missing something! Lol.
    KingHotspur likes this.

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