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The #LUFC Breakfast Debate (Wednesday 22nd September)

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by ellandback, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Good Morning. It's Wednesday 22nd September, and here are the latest headlines from Elland Road

    Leeds hold their nerve in shoot out drama

    Leeds held their nerve during a tense sudden death penalty shoot out to reach the last sixteen of the League Cup last night; but had to fight tooth and nail against a makeshift Fulham side, who had made eleven changes to their starting line-up! Leeds too made changes to their first eleven, handing out starts to Shackleton, Roberts, Summerville and Cresswell.

    A trip to London has never been high on Leeds wish list due to their dismal record in the Capital, but did just enough to keep their realistic hopes of Silverware alive. It was a welcome break from the mounting pressure of the Premier League.

    Whilst Leeds enjoyed more possession, the hosts had more chances as well as six efforts on target, to Leeds three, but neither side could break the deadlock within 90 minutes. Successful spot kicks from Rodrigo, James, Phillips, Firpo Gelhardt and McKinstry sealed a six-five victory over the Cottagers after Meslier's smart save denied Rodrigo Maniz. The young Brazilian had a torrid time, squandering the lions share of Fulham's chances during the match; that's not to say his older namesake did much better!

    We can breathe a sigh of relief that the casualty list has not increased further, and look forward to Struijk's return after the West Ham game. Charlie Cresswell's almost faultless display at the heart of the Leeds defence had many demanding the 19yo should be given a starting slot on Saturday against the Hammers.

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    Bielsa post match comments

    Pressure getting to Radrizzani

    Leeds Chairman Andrea Radrizzani laid into a Leeds fan after posting when he saw as a sarcastic comment on social media platform Twitter! The offending post took place as Adam Forshaw was introduced ten minutes into the second half simply saying “Our savour is now on.”

    The fiery Italian later responded saying “Bunch of haters! Enjoy the win and support always our club and all our lads,”. When Leeds fan @leeds_carajo87 woke up this morning to a barrage of comments, he quickly issued an explanation:- "Who said I was hating? FYI Raddz before you start getting into spats, I'm actually a fan of Forshaw think he's a great guy so don't think sarcasm is always a thing". The post was accompanied by a picture of him with Adam Forshaw!

    Is Radz starting to feel the heat, having not strengthened the Leeds midfield? At the end of the day, the buck stops with him! Like it or not, Leeds did not do enough in the Summer transfer window. We all knew we were light in midfield, and needed to strengthen but didn't. Perhaps Radz is feeling a little sensitive,

    bucks_is_leeds likes this.
  2. Jammy 07

    Jammy 07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    It's official.

    We're on a cup run <party>
    bucks_is_leeds and NostradEmus like this.
  3. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Morning all :emoticon-0148-yes:

    On Radz fair play to him, but it was a bit of a self inflicted wound. 3 windows ago were were buying Cuisance a midfielder, it fell through. We still haven't bought that midfielder due to the prices asked. Radz made the mistake if replying to a tweet from a fan asking when the new midfielder will arrive, he replied Forshaw. Well that was a silly tweet and this is the result.
    ristac likes this.
  4. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    This is the thing that stood out last night with Charlie Cresswell and some will have noticed him organising the defence waving his arms and pointing where he wanted players to go. Thats why hes skipper for the 23s, thats why hes a leader and respected at the club. 19 going on 29
  5. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Morning all…

    Great performances from those U23s making the step up, they really were determined to stake claims. Just a shame we were somewhat let down by the more established players. This was a reserve Fulham team and we made hard work of it, not because we had to use a few U23s but because the more senior players were a bit of a let down on the night
    SIDDAS likes this.
  6. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    The senior players have been equally poor ever since pre season
    SIDDAS likes this.

    SIDDAS Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2021
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    We won which I'm happy about, taking the young lads out of the equation for obvious reasons I can't say I'm chuffed with the performance in 90 mins
    Had spells but so we should against a complete changed 11 from Fulham from whom none will start their League game come Saturday.
    Hopefully this win will bring some confidence back and bring some smiles to the dressing room and kick us on for West Spam.
    bucks_is_leeds and ristac like this.
  8. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Part of another piece on Charlie Cresswell:

    As per Sofascore, he won the most duels of any player on the pitch (12 of 18), and made the most interceptions, clearances and blocked shots of any of his Leeds teammates too.

    That’s not to mention how good he looked in possession too, registering a game-high 121 touches – yes, you read that correctly – and 87 passes, while only Kalvin Phillips was ahead of him for most completed long balls.

    And, writing in his post-match player ratings for Leeds Live, Beren Cross gave him an eight, saying: “Excellent display from the centre-back, who slotted in seamlessly to the defence. Was happy to mix it physically with the Fulham forwards and just as comfortable raking long passes over the top for his team-mates. Never looked troubled.”

    Speaking about Cresswell earlier last season, former Leeds striker Noel Whelan was glowing in his praise about the 6 foot starlet, saying: “He is the future, he’s one for the future. At that centre-half position he’s got great attributes, he’s very calm on the ball, a great size to him, he’s quick, he can head, he can pass. He’s the modern-day, young centre-half.”
  9. hemase

    hemase Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2013
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    Morning all,

    First off all if the lad who tweeted our saviour is now on wasnt being sarcastic I would hate to see what he sounds like when he is as that of exactly how it comes across. I think his arse dropped out when he saw the reaction.

    While I agree Radz started this one with the original Forshaw post can you imagine the amount of abuse or criticism he sees or gets every day. Why do so many fans feel the need to tag him in their own personal little rants against players?

    I for one like that he is willing to go to bat for his players. It shows a passion for the club at all claim at want to see.
  10. Jammy 07

    Jammy 07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Absolutely right.

    How some fans judge player performances is totally non sensical. Take last night on here for example, most were happy to say Forshaw did well and that Firpo was dogshit and a failed signing. Truth is both were ok for where they are in their seasons so far.

    We need to see far more balance and nuance applied before sounding off on public forums about players, especially when it's in a negative fashion.

    Top marks for Radz in sticking up for the lads.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2021

  11. foolee

    foolee Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2020
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    I think we’ve come along way with owners and he is a good one. He’s done everything in his power to get us where we are. Yes, he’s a business man that wants to make money but we aren’t going to make any money by not becoming a bigger club so he wants what we want. He’s put more money into the club than any of us fans ever could and still gets slated for it. They did try and get a CM but it didn’t work out. Apparently they were pretty pissed off when Gallagher went to CP and he would’ve been a perfect fit. Rads also has a lot of people working under him and a lot of people to keep happy which isn’t an easy task. Still spent 50 million in the summer as well so can see why he gets pissed off with some of the comments made. It’ll effect the players too as they’ll see what’s said on social media and we could end up being our own downfall.
  12. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    The soft barstewards.
  13. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Makes no difference if we had a worldy playing and he had a bad game….. wonder if PSG fans are slagging Messi off for being subbed on his home debut the other night?
    Marcos Barber likes this.
  14. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Slightly unfair?

    If Raphinha has an off day for us nobody says he should be dropped?

    Before the season started you did want player of the season Dallas replaced too, you’ve not been a fan of Roberts for a while either so I don’t see a difference in those opinions and those who feel Forshaw is not the answer and Firpo being not of the quality some had hoped?

    Not having a go at you mate, just that if one player is open to discussion then all are and I’m definitely not condoning the guy on Twitter, if he tagged Radz in then it serves him right
    Doc likes this.
  15. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I quote:

    "Oh and Forshaw was crap when he came on.

    He's all emperor's new clothes with no knickers."

    But I totally agree that players should be given a chance, no matter what their accent.
    FORZA LEEDS, oldschool and ristac like this.
  16. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    You were not in the slightest impressed with Forshaw yesterday, quite critical of him actually <ok>
  17. 2 pennth

    2 pennth Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2016
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    In other words be careful what you wish for
    southernwhite likes this.
  18. southernwhite

    southernwhite Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
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  19. Irishshako

    Irishshako Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Thank **** twatter and FB weren't around in the days when football was just that. Radz has done a great job for our club, but he must remember that those fans who he has had a go at have probably been here alot longer than he has and will probably be here a long time after he has gone.<ok>
    Doc likes this.
  20. Jammy 07

    Jammy 07 Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2014
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    Those comments were to highlight to the forum how ridiculous it is to base any solid opinion on a dodgy stream broadcast by ELLTV.

    I've no idea how Forshaw did really because the majority of the time he was out of picture. Could have been doing some excellent covering or scratching his arse for all I know.

    Some like you blono, rightly objected, whilst you Risty Wrist-slasher Ristac continued your withering assessment of Firpo.

    Each to there own I guess, but maybe we can debate what being a fan entails exactly ? As Mr Radrizani has highlighted some cause more harm than good and we as a club would be better of without them.

    Not you Risty by the way <ok>

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