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Off Topic The "Discuss Anything Else" Thread

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by OddDog, Jun 23, 2013.

  1. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    Want a smile?

  2. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    And then there's this.

  3. stick

    stick Bumper King

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Go Summit
    morky likes this.
  4. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    Looking at the share price chart for today for Summit Therapeutics, it looks like the news released at 12:00 BST went down well as the price shot up from 157.5p to 171.5p in half an hour; however, it has now fallen back to 162.5p at 4pm.

    Looking on RNS, it appears the good news was the successful conclusion of the Phase 1b Trial of DMD, achieving their primary objective. It can be read on Morning Star. Not being a clinician, that is all Greek to me!
  5. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    For those who don't know about State Of Origin Rugby League, there is a charity game played each year by retired greats of the game. At a game a 4 year old boy escaped his mum and made it onto the football field. They were having a wonderful time and he wanted to join. What the players did was amazing.

    Deleted 1 likes this.
  6. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    Thinking of putting this on Oddy's pushbike.

  7. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    NHS ‘could prescribe E-cigarettes’

    Virtually every week we read stories about the cash-strapped state of the beloved NHS. There are too many old people needing NHS services; medicines are becoming increasingly expensive; and there are staff shortages (especially at weekends).

    Most smokers are weak-willed people who started because they could not say ‘no’ to their peers. They seem to be able to find money for nicotine sticks no matter how much the government increases the tax on them. They have money to burn – quite literally – so they can surely afford their own E-cigarettes. Why should the State be subsidising addicts who refused to listen to seventy years of scientific evidence and opt for an expensive slow suicide?

    The notion that they should get them supplied by the NHS at taxpayers’ expense just illustrates how stupid this country has become.

    What next? The NHS will supply your weekly grocery shopping to make sure that you do not eat junk food.
  8. Deleted 1

    Deleted 1 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I think free ecigs are a brilliant idea as they'll save me 40 odd quid a week. On the other hand the idea of another 30 or so years depresses the life out of me.

    Joking apart, aside from the typical snipe, I agree entirely.
  9. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    In answer to Angela Merkel's plea for a fair distribution of migrants within the EU, the nation of Slovakia (pop. ca. 5,500,000) replied that they would "accept 200 (two-hundred) migrants as long as they are Christian, as Muslims would not feel at home here"...........<whistle>

    Something must be done quickly (and that is very unlikely with our collective experience of these Brussels people) as things are becoming alarmingly out of control. Germany expects to have to 'house' 800,000 new migrants this year, and, I can tell you, the natives are getting very restless. Normally fair-minded and reasonable citizens are showing a marked shift to the politcal far-right way of thinking, as the government here just seem incapable of making any concrete decisions on this serious matter. They had better scrap this stupid Schengen Agreement quick, and start controlling the borders once again. As I have already said, things are starting to get serious, something has to be done, but quick! These migrants are all over the place, many of them able-bodied young men, who should be sorting out their own country's problems? I mean, our present day soldiers, our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents fought for their, and our, freedom, often under the most ghastly conditions. Many of whom gave the ultimate sacrifice.

    A bad, bad, business.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  10. Deleted 1

    Deleted 1 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Surely it is in everyone's interest for the super haves to help the super have nots to develop to a level where their inhabitants don't want to leave their homelands in search of a better life. That's not to say people should not migrate of course but the situation is getting quite difficult. Cameron likes to brag about how much we spend on international aid - well how about using it properly to rebalance the ludicrous inequalities? Very Utopian I know but in the long term I don't see better, more humane, alternatives.

  11. SwanHills

    SwanHills Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    That's quite right, Dan, but any older and former expatriate will tell you that for the last 60-years we've been doing things so wrong. In sub-Saharan Africa for example, all the 'have' countries did was to shovel money to them, in most cases, which mostly went into the pockets of corrupt local politicians with Swiss bank accounts. It was so obvious that the correct thing to do was give them material help and the required professional expertise and training. This was not done sufficiently, far too much money, billions, was poured into the 'developing' countries' coffers and into the pockets of the unscrupulous. Result, after 60-years these countries are still 'developing'. It will never end.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  12. Deleted 1

    Deleted 1 Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Absolutely - what a bloody waste :-(
  13. QuarterMoonII

    QuarterMoonII Economist

    May 31, 2011
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    A large proportion of the ‘refugees’ trying to get into Europe are fleeing war in their own countries.

    Those travelling through Turkey to Greece and the former Yugoslavia countries are escaping Islamic State and civil war in Syria. If we want to stop them fleeing, military intervention is the only option but there is no political will for that.

    Many of those fleeing sub-Saharan Africa are also fleeing from wars, many of them being waged between Muslim and Christian militia. It is a bit unrealistic to expect us to intervene in all of those countries as well.

    I agree that the Schengen Agreement is a joke. Without it there would be no camp at Calais.

    There is no realistic prospect of being able to eliminate the traffickers so we need to put them out of business.

    David Cameron needs to grow some balls and start telling Brussels what needs to be done. Stop fishing people out of the Mediterranean and transporting them to Italy; return them to Africa. Patrol the coast of Libya, stop anything that floats and turn it back to Africa if it is stuffed with migrants. Turkey is virtually turning a blind eye as migrants pass through so get an EU force together and start patrolling the other side of their borders.

    Europe cannot handle a continuous stream of migrants looking for streets paved with gold. When the EU Referendum comes along in Britain, this is the Brexit campaign’s biggest asset – get back control of our borders.
  14. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Surely the answer lies with the United Nations? This is an international body with 193 member states whose remit is "maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, fostering social and economic development, protecting the environment, and providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict."

    So why the **** doesn't the UN get its finger out, create some meaningful mandates to allow military intervention to crush IS and other militia and return the affected countires to some sort of stability. If this isn't done soon we will have a true humanitarian disaster on our hands.
    SwanHills likes this.
  15. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I wonder wether my prediction that Tiger Woods will win again on the PGA Tour will be proved correct this weekend.

    He's leading half way through his 3rd round and has been striking the ball like the old Tiger. I backed Snedeker and Schwartzel before hand, so I'm kind of hoping he doesn't run away with it. But it's looking worrying for the rest :biggrin:
  16. SaveTheHumans

    SaveTheHumans Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    He was alway's going to win again Shergar. If it's this week then good, if not, it will be some event down the line. Form is temporary but class is permanent.
  17. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    There where plenty saying he was finished and wouldn't win again, having said that he hasn't won yet. But like you say class is permanent.

    He needs the win this week or his year is over, as he won't qualify for the final 4 tournaments of the season :biggrin:
  18. SaveTheHumans

    SaveTheHumans Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Yeah, a solo second may well suffice too. Be good to see him in the fed ex play-off...The big guns in behind are closing in though, Scwhartzel, Casey, Snedeker and Webb. All to play for, should be a good finale come Sunday.
  19. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Yeah would still fancy Tiger to see them off though, even though I've backed Sneds and Schwartzel.

    I think this course suits Tigers game these days, as it's not very long, it's more about your approach shots being accurate, so he's not required to take to many risks off the tee. On these longer courses I think he makes to many mistakes with the driver, which drains the confidence out of the rest of his game.

    PS I'm amazed you include Casey as one of the big guns. I'm sure Tiger is petrified of him <laugh>
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  20. SaveTheHumans

    SaveTheHumans Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2012
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    Yeah, it's suiting more but it's a good confidence boost. The timing is slightly off with his driving, it's not a massive problem and he just needs to find the slot one day and it will click for him. His whole game plus his putting looking very good this week. I won't get carried away with this week from him whatever happens but I hope he continues to regain his best form. The game is better with Tiger and him vs the young guns would be great to watch over the next few year <ok>

    Good luck with your golf bet.

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