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A Plea for Sanity – Let’s get back to talking about Football!

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by swans-cartoonhead, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    We used to have a thread on both our sites for banter between our two sets of fans – see the Bluebirds still have it, but we seem to have mislaid ours – can it be put back please so that the children on both our sites have somewhere to play.

    That way the rest of us can just ignore it and talk about football!

    And please can fans of both sides stop hijacking threads that try to start decent debates/discussions.

    We know who the offenders are (from both sides), and hopefully, if there is a special place where they can all play, the adults can get back to talking about football without worrying about them.

    Now the children may say I am being a killjoy; but I have nothing against banter per se, have indulged in it myself on occasion, but it seems to be getting out of hand – if the children had their own play area then maybe the rest of us could get some peace to discuss matters of importance relating to BOTH of our great clubs.

    Swansea are performing excellently in the Premier League, and I for one would like to discuss this with the many decent Bluebird posters on this site without the gloating, and ‘rubbing their noses in it’ attitude of some of our children (it’s not big and it’s not clever). Similarly I would appreciate it if the junior Bluebirds would not throw their toys out of the pram with comments about how the Premier League has suddenly become absolute pants and that every team we beat are having an off day!

    Cardiff are also performing well beyond what was expected of them pre-season – they have a new team who are performing as a true ‘team’. Your young manager is building for the future and, for me, he is doing an excellent job – as are the players. Okay, results have been going against them lately, but there is still all to play for. I must admit to being a little embarrassed at the way some have set out to belittle what Malky is trying to do; he is building for the future, give him a break!

    I am chuffed with the way that the Swans are performing this season – but don’t feel the need to rush over to the Cardiff board going ‘Na na nana naaaaah!’ That is crass in the extreme and the sort of behaviour that, if repeated in ‘real life’ in front of my many mates from Cardiff, would quite rightly result in a smack to my smug face!

    So I would appeal to fans of both clubs – I am sure that most of you have mates who support your local rivals; so before typing from the safe anonymity of your living room/bedroom or wherever, take a minute and consider whether you would be happy to make the same comments to someone’s face! If the answer is no, then resist the urge and go play with the other children!
  2. aberdude

    aberdude Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    not a bad post cartoon but its not childish 2say that the standards have dropped in the prem,they have and have been for the last few years,there doesnt seem alot between where you are down 2 the top ten down in the championship....and what you are doing this term is testament 2that>>>>>.please dont think im trying 2 knock what youve done im not and you deserve 2be above all of the teams below you>>>but again its been a uninspiring season of not much quality for the money spent.

    ps as much as i dont like 2say it the jacks are one of very few plus sides 2the prem this term..............take that as a compliment and my opinion and nothing more.
  3. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Aber, I bet you took a big gulp before you typed that last bit lol, but thanks for the compliment, though I still don't think the PL standards have dropped, just lower teams getting better and not making the top teams look so good.
  4. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Thanks both - see, we can all offer our opinions without descending to name calling. Aber, I disagree, but you have every right to voice that opinion - just the kind of intelligent debate I am hoping for! ;) Now let's hope that other posters can keep up the standard! <cheers>
  5. ccfcrt0p

    ccfcrt0p Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Great post Cartoon.

    I must say I have tried to have a sensible debate on about 3 threads on the Cardiff board recently and all 3 have in my opinion been spoilt by a few idiots. Now I will say that I ended my posting on all 3 by slinging a few choice insults at one or 2 and mostly Jacks that had made the effort to come on with what seemed to be WUM comments. Now before it gets said I am sure that we too have a few that invade the jack board and do the same.
    It has become boring and the last 3 debates that I was involved in I didn’t bother returning too as for me perfectly good treads had already been spoiled.

    I love the banter but please let’s all just be a bit more sensible when posting on a decent thread and show just a little respect.
  6. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Well said mate - let's all get together and keep these threads on track - WUM's will raise their ugly heads from time to time, so let's just ignore them, if they get no response then they will have no reason to post!
  7. TycochSwan

    TycochSwan Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Totally agree cartoon! I've never commented on a thread on the Cardiff board before as they usually all descend into pointless name calling and point scoring! Which is a shame as I love a good bit of banter with the rivals ;)
  8. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Cartoonhead - the voice of reason.

    Well done mate. <applause>

    Got to hand it to the Swans for what they have achieved this season and hope they continue in the same vein to the end - apart from their away game at Spurs!!! In my book Sigurdsson is the January transfer window signing if the year. Hope Huw digs deep into his pocket to sign him permanently in the summer although his parent club now seem loath to let him go - I wonder why?

    I've said elsewhere I don't believe we will go up this year and would prefer to avoid the playoffs and all the heartache failure brings in that arena.

    I hope Malky has been sat on his Malaysian wallet on the basis he can get better value and quality in the summer so we can have a proper go next season.

    That doesn't make me a non-fan as I still want us to get some good results. I will be at all our remaining home games and want to end the season on a high note rather than the crest of a slump. I've just become more of a pragmatist since Christmas. I've been watching the game for nearly 50 years and seen enough to know the signs when a side has reached the extent of it's abilities. We needed fresh blood and energy in the last 2 1/2 months to revitalise our efforts. For whatever reason it didn't happen and we are where we are. But next season we can start again with fresh hope.
  9. Crackerjack

    Crackerjack Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Ya good idea (whistling ) .. Lol !!
  10. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Cheers Bridgend - and can't agree more! Malky is building for next season sure - but this one aint over yet and can see you in the mix come the play offs! Whatever happens this season, I think you will be in great shape for the next! Good luck for your remaining games! <cheers>

  11. Goodbyen0t606

    Goodbyen0t606 Active Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I agree with all of the above.

    I think the Prem standard has dropped at the top. Then the next level of teams seems very even, with he bottom 3 or 4 looking like championship teams. This does not change the fact that Swansea have done a great job to be sitting in 8th and may even end up ahead of Liverpool!

    As for banter, it will never end. The mods may well have to move any thread that appears to be a banter thread into the appropriate area.
  12. CopperQuarterJack

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Did Cardiff fans pre season expect to be outside the play offs at this point in the league?

    Surely they would expect play offs as a minimum at the end of the season?
  13. bongojack

    bongojack Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    "Youv'e all done very well" Nurse where's me tablets.And good luck to BOTH teams for the rest of the season,(But i DO like a bit of good banter though)
  14. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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  15. mustyfrog

    mustyfrog Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    has the standard of the BPL dropped - i would say no, others are catching up. do i want cardiff promoted - yes, do i want this sensible post to continue - yes, am i off to fiji next weekend - yes.
  16. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    To be honest I think standards have dropped in both the Prem & the Championship but I don't think it should be used as an excuse to bring Swansea down.

    IMO they have done a lot better that expected and fully deserve their 8th place.

    What annoys me is the standards of referees and linesmen it seems to get worse every year.
  17. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    i'm not throwing my toys out of the pram when i say that i believe the standard of the PL is lower, its an opinion..its not 'suddenly become rubbish' but since around 2008 ish when there were 3 PL teams from the last 4 in the CL, i believe its gotten slowly worse, just my opinion though..

    JH apart, bluebirds on here want to discuss our team, witness the the transfer thread by H as a perfect example of how a jack is out to derail a good thread, i'm not having it that it is 6 of one and half a dozen of another, but thats the past, and as long as people like cracker, KJ, musty etc can stick to football no0one has any issue with anyones right to post on any board..

    but it would be nice if certain people could stick to talking football i agree <ok>
  18. Crackerjack

    Crackerjack Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I would love to talk only football , just keep finances out of it & there won't be a problem from me . Cardiff are an easy club to return fire on that issue , otherwise ... good luck !
  19. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    its fine to talk football finances, i think its a very important aspect of football, especially with things like FFP coming in.
  20. Crackerjack

    Crackerjack Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Then you'll be held accountable for what you say , simple !!

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