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A Serious Question!

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by Masky, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. bongojack

    bongojack Active Member

    May 30, 2011
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    Ignore button we all know where it is at any time for anybody
  2. mustyfrog

    mustyfrog Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    the thing is H noone else does it, JH is a silly boy/man/person who loves attention. i personally like offering opinions on this board regarding the c'ship, hope bluebirds get promoted this season, aint hard to have banter but always one asswipe takes it to a personal level and you know who i mean, shame you quit H
  3. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    I think you misunderstood what I meant regarding the decent poster part.

    I was refering to the point someone made that we Swans fans jump on a thread that doesn't even mention Swansea. While this is correct, it doesn't mention Swansea, because it is JH that has started it, we automatically know its aimed at us. If you, or Siam, or Swamp to name a few, started a thread simlilar to his, we may not automatically pressume it was about us.

    As for handling him, I can. But there's reading rubbish, then there's reading what he writes. He can't indulge in decent conversation, and has a pathetic school playground name for us, it's pathetic.

    But as suggested, if you guys don't like us posting here, ban us all, or delete us. But most of us just wish to have a laugh with some of you guys, none of us mean any harm.
  4. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Am I missing something, or has this thread gone a little off topic? ;) Sort of remember that it was something about which Cardiff players would make the Swansea side, so in a maybe futile attempt to get it back on subject I will offer my own opinions; Swansea have many good players, and so do Cardiff.

    The thing is though that the players have to buy into the philosophy of the club - we don't have any superstars, we play as a team with each player working for the good of the team. Our success has come from players being given the freedom to play without fear of recrimination if they make mistakes; and it is not something that has suddenly happened this season, but has been a gradual progression.

    Many thought we would have to change our style of play to stand any chance of Premier survival but this would have been suicidal; we are successful because every member of the squad is comfortable with the way we play, this being well illustrated by the way Gary Monk slotted in when Ash was unavailable against Fulham. We can't afford superstars and, to be honest, I wouldn't want the ego that accompanys them. Every squad member is equal and plays for the team, not themselves!

    So in answer to the original question I would say that there are several CCFC players that could easily fit into the Swansea side - McNaughton and Whittingham (as suggested by Swamp earlier) being two! Any other suggestions would be gratefully received; or you can just carry on carrying on about banning!

    Just saying! ;)
  5. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I thought I joined a Cardiff City board, that's me done, no more.
  6. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    You are seriously suggesting that Swans fans are not welcome in commenting on: "Would any of the current Cardiff City side get into the Swansea City side now?" What are we coming to?

    Hughs is actively encouraged on here by some and then you moan when the Jacks 'bite'. This comment: "They seem to have half a dozen spoilers, ready to jump on any Cardiff post. JH got banned from the Swanc board for doing just that". Er...no. He has threatened violence on two occasions I can think of and the decision to ban I'm sure wasn't taken lightly, though it was absolutely nothing to do with me.

    Swamp spends quite a bit of his time on our board. Others, including Sparkey, aber and ITIWRAN and others from 606 have also posted, though less frequently this season to be fair. Ironic that ITIWRAN is one of the guys spouting off the most yet in days gone by he's lived on our board wumming for fun.

    Most don't have a problem at all but Hughs was beyond the pale. The Swansea-obsessed threads that he's putting up over here these days (the ones that are irritating the hell out of most of you) we've been putting up with for years.

    Oh, and back on topic. Whittingham. <ok>
  7. swans-cartoonhead

    swans-cartoonhead Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2011
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    Oh, and back on topic. Whittingham. <ok>[/QUOTE]

    Good man KJ - and thankfully Hughes is not typical of the Bluebird posters, most of whom are articulate and offer constructive debate (even BouncyBalls!).

    Think JH is typical of many students - first time away from home - can masturbate in front of his PC without fear of being caught by Mummy - and the new found freedom goes to his head - he can hide behind his keyboard and voice opinions that he would never dream of saying out loud to 'actual real world people!' ;) But as adults we should encourage him to voice his opinions and not stifle him, as to do so may cause him irreperable harm in his formative years!

    See - I can do banter a little bit - although it is a foreign country to me! ;)
  8. Domdimdom

    Domdimdom Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I have to say that I thought this was a half decent thread.......what happened to it?
  9. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Dom - the timing was bad for this thread to be put up. Nothing wrong with the subject, just the wrong time.

    Unless of course, The Masked Man is JH..................<laugh>

    Rhondda - you can't be serious mate? No need for that - there's more to this board than the current crap being posted (incidentally, that includes unecessary stuff by JH) to make you want to continue posting. Do what I do and ignore it for the most part. <ok>

    Our visitors are too quick to blame JH for their presence. It's more to do with respective current club form than that, and to only be expected. I would bet my shirt on it that if it were the other way around, quite a few CCFC posters would be across there giving it large.

    BTW, I notice Barcelona lost at home yesterday.......<laugh>
  10. Goodbyen0t606

    Goodbyen0t606 Active Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I think banning should a last resort and used for a poster who is continuously abusive or actively attempts to ruin threads.
    The excuse that some have used is that they are repaying us for JH. This seems pretty shallow and pretty childish.

    As for the topic. Whitts and I reckon you would to have Mason as well.....one for the future.

  11. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Siam, I wouldn't have thought we were "repaying" you guys for JH posts on our board, but it's more to do with his need for posting up numerous threads about Swansea. If these weren't put up, I and I'm sure every other Jack would post sensible replies in sensible threads. But seeing as he usually insults us with every post he makes, what can we do?
  12. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    I see the same ol swansea numptys are here again not talking about the thread headline ,happens all the time and before some of them play the innocent one was banned for violent threats .........and invited back (ok cobber) .
    lets not ban anyone unless its for vile comments and accusations ,its just a cyber football site not life and death and our mods and members seem to have a pair unlike the board mentioned .

    I think only one two swansea members have been banned and one of those now let back on as has been invited back .A few close to the mark but thats life and they make themselves look numptys so let them carry on ,its up to their mods to sort them out but if you have a look on their board the mod comments seem as worse as theirs ..........funny ol game this football ,lol

    As back to the question At least five of our players are Prem class ,i say Prem class as it is at the moment and we play different styles of football .
  13. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    So now a jack mod replying on the Cardiff board (off topic as well) wants to ban a Cardiff member from messaging on the Cardiff board????

    The worlds gone mad!!! lol
  14. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Hi John. Heard from ITIWRAN that you'd gone squealing to Syd and wanted me banned from here. How did that work out for you? <laugh>

    Oh, the hypocrisy. :)

    5 players you have that are Prem class (that wasn't the question btw) and would presumably get into our side? Name them. (You may have to go on the CCFC website because I know you don't go to see them that often, so I'll give you some time: http://www.cardiffcityfc.co.uk/page/Home ). <laugh>
  15. john hughs

    john hughs banned

    Feb 15, 2012
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    You heard it from Itit did you Gramps ............not my style but was told your vile accusations about that injured player of Boltons was removed.......so it should have been as well and Syd did ask but i dont belive in banning as i have a pair Pops.

    Seems your really are obsessed with Cardiff City as we see you here all the time but your messages are becoming so boreing now and most are getting fed up with your constant chip on your shoulder ,do you know you can message on the swansea board now?


  16. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    "He is a pain to you lot and, to many across here, is becoming repetitive and boring to be honest."

    Thats Sparkey talking about you. <laugh>

    Love it.

    Re the removed post it's interesting that you moan about people 'running to the mods' every whipstitch but then do it yourself. <doh> I told Swamp in a PM what I'm telling you. You bring such responses on yourself. If you were a decent guy it wouldn't happen. Truth is you're just a troll - and not a very good one either.

    Even your own have had enough of your crap and that's why you posted your 'match report' in an attempt to rejuvenate your crumbling support on here. Keep going and you'll win them all over. At least they won't have to read about a team that's 50 miles West and in a different league.
  17. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Whittingham , Turner would walk in.

    Gunnarsson , McNaughton , Mason and Miller are as good as what they have got.

    Hudson is a better squad player than Tate and Monk.

    The big difference is Dyer , Sinclair and Routledge - all players with pace we lack.

    Also due to being in the PL they have some very good loan players like Sigurdsson(excuse the spelling).

    Leon Britton decent player wouldnt get anywhere near our starting line up.
  18. H bomb

    H bomb Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    He'd need a hand to get on the bench :D

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  19. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Sorry Hilts, but Britton wouldn't get anywhere near your starting line-up? Our Leon has been voted 3rd best midfielder in the country by the managers assosiation, just behind Silva and can't remember the other one. So to say he wouldn't get any where near the starting line-up of a Championship team is a little stupid if you ask me.

    P.s. The Premier league has nothing to do with us having Gylfi. He's been at Reading in the past and I'm sure we coud have got him even in the CCC. Agree on Hudson, although Monk has been a revelation when called in.
  20. Hilts24

    Hilts24 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
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    Just my opinion.

    If he is the 3rd best midfielder in the country then he goes for at least £20m in the summer.

    However hes nowhere near that good.

    Disagree youd have got Sigurdsson. What wage is he on? Not what Swansea were paying in the Championship.

    Difference of opinion - no prob with that Ash.

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