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Off Topic Anyone involved in the Football Index scam?

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by Brucebones, Mar 15, 2021.

  1. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    It’s been just over a week since the **** hit the fan on this Ponzi scheme, company.
    I’d joined at the back end of 2019, only a little bit in as I felt Bowen would rise in value once he was sold, sure enough he did rise in value, it just didn’t get to what I expected, but felt there was still some room to go back up, didn’t sell at the peak, mistake 1.
    So things started slipping, but I was still in profit, so I put a bit more in, mistake 2.
    They took away the Instant Sell option, which was them paying out to buy shares from customers, instead implementing Order Books, customers buying from each other. Prices started rising in anticipation, mistake 3.
    Suspended trading when OB was implemented, looked positive, then the floodgates opened, people sold, prices dropped, mistake 4.
    This is the real point I should have dumped & run. I’d have lost a bit, but not the lot. I was quite lucky, I’d only put in what I felt was a reasonable amount to gamble with, about £150, about what I’d punt in a casino on a night out. I’d made a profit on most of my players so far, through waiting, so felt waiting a bit longer was worth the risk, mistake 5.
    As time went on I managed to get out about £50, the rest kept dropping, sell for £75, £70, £50, I just couldn’t believe it wasn’t going to change, I dumped some of the shares, had about £17 & about 50 shares left of Bowen, but the prices kept dropping, so I thought I’d get in on this & buy some “cheap” shares to bring down my overall cost of shares in Bowen, so when the prices did rise, then I’d lose a bit less. Mistake 6.
    Then last week, they changed the rules of the “bet” again. Meaning shares were basically worthless. So they decided to bring in administrators, looks like they’re going to be wound up. Looks like their licence has been suspended too.
    I’ve settled myself into accepting I’ve lost about £100. Learnt a valuable lesson when it comes to gambling. Don’t do stupid **** like this. Stick to the regular thieving bookies.
    I’ve seen many people saying what FI have done is like backing Leicester to win the PL at 5000/1 & then when they’re just about to win the title, the bookie changes the odds to 5/1.
    Some people are saying they’ve lost £1000’s in FI, like I say I feel lucky & I’m sure there was more than 7 mistakes that I made.
  2. AlRawdah

    AlRawdah Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I was alarmed to see Football Index advertised colourfully on the KCOM electronic hoardings on Saturday. I suppose they’ve paid so.....
    Chazz Rheinhold and Brucebones like this.
  3. Brucebones

    Brucebones Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    Shouldn’t be allowed now they’ve had their licence suspended. Forest & QPR both binned them as their shirt sponsor straight away, so not sure how they can still advertise anywhere.
  4. Chazz Rheinhold

    Chazz Rheinhold Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    My mate tried to get me into it a few years ago
    Knew it was dodgy and declined.
    He’s been a bit shady when I asked if he was still doing it
    SW3 Chelsea Tiger likes this.
  5. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Didn't get into it, seemed like a disaster waiting to happen.

    Glad I stayed away.
    Brucebones likes this.
  6. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Have I some beautiful tulip bulbs for you. I'll even throw in 50 acres of central Florida real estate. Offers ? :emoticon-0105-wink::emoticon-0105-wink:
    NB. Fresh out of the South Sea stuff.
    Brucebones and TwoWrights like this.
  7. Red top reader

    Red top reader Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
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    Gambling is for mugs, the bookies etc always win.
    My son in law told me on Sunday during a Mother’s Day meal he’d cooked that he was £250
    to the good and was waiting for a race that would net him £800. Of course the horse lost and the ****ing idiot put his winnings on the next race...
    lost that also. He won’t work out the yearly losses compared to winnings, my money is on the bookies. Spot the ball was the last gambling I tried, got so annoyed that I didn’t win, never gambled again. Still think to this day my cross was in the right place cheating bastards.
  8. tigerscanada

    tigerscanada Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
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    Mugs game indeed.
    If you could see/read the caption beneath the team photo on my avatar, it reads "Spot the Bald Competition". An oblique reference to tearing your hair out as you tear up your losing betting slips.
    Red top reader likes this.
  9. Kempton

    Kempton Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2011
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    You have to lose a lot of money before you get your head around it.

    There is a lot of money to be made gambling on horses, but you need to learn patience and only strike when you are certain you have a winner.

    Even then, you'll still get stung sometimes.

    Patience is key though, don't chase your losses.
  10. NaNaNa

    NaNaNa Active Member

    Apr 17, 2014
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    I put a tenner into it about a year ago to see how it all worked. Hadn't read anything about people's suspicions of fraud etc. Could see fairly early on that you'd need to throw a lot of money at it to make anything out of it.
    The players I'd "invested" in went through some good spells of form and were linked with transfers but their prices stayed the same or in some cases went down.
    It was around then that the news started to report it being dodgy so I unistalled the app and wrote off the tenner.

  11. LeftSaidFred

    LeftSaidFred Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    That ^^^^^
    Kempton likes this.
  12. over18and legal

    over18and legal Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    I invested £150 about 3 years ago.
    Bought some in Rashford and Grealish.
    I got paid a small dividend early doors.
    I ended up getting my money out 2 years ago at a total loss of £20
    Brucebones likes this.

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