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Big Sam - England Manager

Discussion in 'Manchester United' started by BigFox, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. BigFox

    BigFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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  2. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    He's limited technically and tactically. That's all that matters imo and now that we've settled for what I consider the bottom of the barrel, I'm wondering who we go for after he's failed?
    cytrax likes this.
  3. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    He's a million miles from the bottom of the barrel.

    He's a manager who has consistently created decent competitive sides out of mediocrity and mediocre is exactly what England are. He's perfect for the job.

    Who would you rather? A foreign manager who could not give a flying **** for anything other than the grossly inflated wages they pick up for being half arsed chancers? Because that's gone really well before.

    No young up and coming manager, either foreign or British, operating in a top league would touch it so it came down to him as the only feasible option. The only potential foreign manager who I believe would give it his all and is at the right time in his career is Wenger, and he ruled himself out early.
    Stan likes this.
  4. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    I'd prefer neither. It's not a choice between one or the other. He is the bottom of the barrel because we've limited ourselves to a British manager. He may have rescued relegation fodder but I'd like to think our ambitions should be higher than that. None of that matters anyway, what's ironic is that in terms of the football on the pitch he'll be no different to the past 4 managers we've had. That's what's been missed and is the most important point. We're simply repeating the same dire approach and circle of mediocre football and under-achievement we've seen on the pitch for the past 15 years.
  5. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    How do you know?
    He has never been in the position to field the best talent available and so has had to be pragmatic and play to what he had.
    The one time he did have some decent players (at Bolton) they were pretty good to watch most of the time.
    Regardless of where he has been and the restraints put on him he has never failed at the job he was given. With a choice of any English player he wants he may just surprise you.
    ITS_NOT_JUST_A_GAME likes this.
  6. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    I don't agree at all. (With Treble)

    What the last few managers have done, without fail and to a man, is pick who they think they should based on whether they are flavour of the month and which club they play for. This is exactly what Allardyce will not do, so that's a start.

    I also doubt he will pick players who are injured or unfit, which all previous England managers have done of late. All of them.

    I very much doubt you'd see him pick Wilshere over Drinkwater and I very much doubt he'd load the team with players from a side which finished eighth because he'll know those players are ****e.

    I also think he picks and plays players in their actual position and not lump them in the side paying somewhere alien to them because of who they are and who they play for.

    He'll be nothing like previous managers in every respect.
    Diego likes this.
  7. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    He'll also give a ****.
  8. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    You could have two likes for this one but I would have to log out then in again so one will have to do :bandit:
  9. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    The problem is I can say exactly the same about his inexperience. At most of his clubs he's had to work with players of a certain level trying to achieve survival. This is different, he's working with the best we have. And I'm reading people saying that he should be working with the best we have with the aim of survival? Therein lies the problem.No, he has to work with the best we have to actually challenge for trophies.

    I've just read what Chief has now posted and I think the point I'm making is being missed. It's not about who he picks or doesn't pick. Like the past 4 managers Allardyce will not excite our players or help them to play dynamic footbal that truly brings out the best in them. The only time he got to work with any half decent squad, it was at Bolton and it was physical, route one football for the most part. It will be one dimensional and no different in terms of its dullness to the likes of Sven, Capello, McCLaren, Hodgson. I have to keep repeating this, but I'm looking at it purely from what happens on the pitch. It will be more of the same.
  10. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    In simple terms, if he was any good he would have naturally risen through the ranks to manage a top side - but he hasn't. He seems good at keeping sides together in adversity, keeping them in the promotion fight etc, but that isn't what England need. I would have been happier with Klinsman. First of all he has international experience and it also seems that the regime he established for Germany is pretty much intact today - an obvious testament to it's success. I'm afraid that England will fail miserably under a mediocre and tactically naïve manager.

  11. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I don't give a ****. I only care about England cricket <ok>
  12. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    To be honest, this is exactly what England need.

    They need a coach who is familiar with them, who will play a style of football familiar to them, in a language familiar to them, playing them in positions familiar to them.

    England are relegation candidates when it comes to it, in relative terms. We simply are not of the same ability of the better teams than us and need to be managed accordingly.

    They need what Portugal had and that is what they are now about to get. It worked for them.

    Why is Allardyce tactically naive?
  13. Christiansmith

    Christiansmith Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    No I wouldn't. Without sounding nationalistic, England needs an Englsih manager. Just like Wales needed a welsh manager and brillant he was too. Klinsman was right for Germany but is not right for England. England, however crap they are currently, are one of the superpowers of world football. What does it say to the english managers and coaches if foreign managers are constantly being appointed and sacked without bringing success?

    The passion and fervour from an English manager will be genuine. We won't have the cringing sight of Erikson blasting "God save the Queen" when playing aginst Sweden.

    For me Big Sam is absolutely the right choice. We have the players and what we need is a genuine team.
  14. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    But do we - really?
  15. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    We've got decent enough players, not world cup or Euro winners but good players to form a competitive squad, they just need to be managed.

    Big Sam will manage them correctly. He won't take any pissing about, there won't be any ****ing headphones, if you're off form or injured you won't play and he'll have them playing good football.
    It's not rocket science, it's international football so essentially part time. You get someone in who is just going to bamboozle them tactically and technique wise for a few days here and there and then they go off back to their clubs it will not work with these players, that much is bloody obvious.
    Christiansmith likes this.
  16. Christiansmith

    Christiansmith Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    That much is obvious. The England set up could learn a thing or two from the Welsh. What they created was a club like atmosphere. So when the players came together for internationals, they were joining their "other" club. The players knew each other, their strenghts and weaknesses, their positions around the pitch and how they could cover each other. Everything was like a club. The manager cared and the players cared. It mattered to them that Wales won.

    What happened to England against Iceland was simply disgraceful. Players couldn't do a ten yards pass. No control of the ball. No leadership. No one cared. Whilst the players were looking for direction from the manager, he was busily putting his head into his hands. Hodgson and LVG: both **** managers, turning good players into ****. Big Sam will have the passion and the dynamism to get these players going.
    cytrax likes this.
  17. Red Hadron Collider

    Red Hadron Collider The Hammerhead

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Well all will be revealed.
  18. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Yep, I can just see Big Sam storming up a tactical triumph against Italy in the semis of some tournament. After all, he's got all that relegation side experience to fall back on.
  19. Chief

    Chief Northern Simpleton
    Forum Moderator

    May 17, 2011
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    Who do you suggest who WILL do that?
  20. glazerfodder

    glazerfodder Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2011
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    The world of international football is littered with managers of various nationalities managing the teams of a different nation. The problem in this country is that we don't have any genuine home grown talent that can operate at the highest level, hence all the overseas managers now operating at the top cubs in the PL. People have to realise that if you don't have the right talent at home, then you either do what we have just done - taken a bottom 3rd PL manager and put him in charge of the national team who will be playing world-class opposition - it can't work. Option B is to do what the PL clubs have had to do - find someone overseas, and as I have said, my preference under that option would have been Klinsman

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