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Boris reported to the Met

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by AshtonRed, Jan 25, 2022.

  1. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    I see Boris and his shenanigans has been passed to the Met to investigate, This country has become a laughing stock, resign man FFS
  2. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    the met are following up on rumoured past "crimes"
    Its a pity all police forces dont do the same...must be 10's of 1000's of similar events they didnt follow up on .... involving groups of less than 20 doing similar........
  3. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    We are talking about the Prime Minister, you can’t compare this to ordinary people, that the Police should be investigating the PM is ridiculous. Compare it to how the queen dealt with Andrew being investigated. Boris is a joke & not worthy of his position.
  4. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Yes but there are some important things to note:
    1. Some people WERE followed up on - and prosecuted - and fined £10k - which is nothing to Boris (some new wallpaper perhaps) but to 'normal' people would be a significant amount.
    2. The lockdown rules came from Boris's own government. THEY made the rules.

    it’s the same as the government smoking drugs.

    it’s the hypocrisy that’s the real crime rather than the actual act itself.

    good riddance you lying scheming waste of money and votes - and take your parasitic wife with you.
    Angelicnumber16 and AshtonRed like this.
  5. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What I object to the most is the continued 'heartful apologies' in the commons, but he then counters this by saying he's done nothing wrong !
    Everything is an utter mess, and rather than cracking on with tackling rising prices, inflation, energy bills, ongoing supply issues, the Ukraine situation, the NI protocol, illegal migration, French fishing permits, no chasing up the £4bn pounds of fraudulently obtained furlough money etc etc etc he's just defending the undefendable
    Go Boris, and take your Wife, Dominic Cummings and everyone else with you.

    But on the flipside, we all seem to agree.....who would take over and stabilise things and concentrate on the real job ?
    David Davies anyone ?
  6. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    shame on you BCRW .................... YOU DO COME OUT WITH SOME RATHER HATEFUL AND UNSUPPORTED RANTS from time to time, dont think you would get on my island....
  7. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I didn't mean to upset you JGF and I'm sorry you feel that way.
    If you are happy with Boris and his constant lying and squirming - then that's your absolute right. Fair play to you - and I know you're not alone on these boards or across the country.

    I have to say that in all my adult life I've never felt so angry with and ashamed of my Prime Minister and my country (which I love BTW) than now. Well, possibly on a par with Blair and the Iraq war maybe. Different reasons but the same emotion.
    It's really bad timing to have such a buffoon running the country because we need a proper leader who can be trusted to guide us through the Ukraine crisis.
    I have to add that there is nobody in the opposition camp right now I'd trust either. I strongly dislike the lot of them - they are ALL a disgrace to the flag and the people they supposedly represent
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  8. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    so why be so nasty regarding his wife .. who stays out of the public limelight, whom you do not know but can be so disrepectful and discourteous to!
  9. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    She has been reported to be controlling who he appoints in the cabinet according to who she likes and doesn’t like.
    Cummings (another horrible unelected character btw) was reportedly sacked on her own direction.
    I shed no tears for Cummings - in fact it’s nice to see him tearing lumps out of the current regime - a bit like watching Hitler and Stalin rip into each other.
    The ‘wallpaper gate’ was down to her too if reports are to be believed.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Sue Gray enquiry uncovers that she had a hand in those parties too.

    She is reportedly running the country through Boris.
    That animal rescue was down to her apparently:-

    Boris braces as damning Partygate report could be published TODAY

    Now, I’m all for animal welfare, but there were men, women and children who should have been airlifted before that chap and his dogs.
    That’s why I referred to her as ‘parasitic’ and why I want her gone from No’10

    Boris Johnson DID intervene to help Pen Farthing escape the Taliban
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2022
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  10. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    she has been reported as ... bit like us buying or wanting to buy James Vardy ... RUMOUR MONGERING


    supposition, SHE HAS STATED SHE organised the cake for his birthday. Sad to implement her into something else until facts are known

    There was a programme about the whole AFGHAN evacuation you obviously did not see it, some planes were forced to leave early, and not full, due to elements of the taliban over riding the agreement. Friends son was there he came back day before last. Cant say anymore, but it was not just friendlies trying to get on the planes! And certain peeps didnt make it as we know . It was a rush to get on board as many as could have been .. under loaded or overloaded!

  11. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There's no smoke without fire as the saying goes
  12. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    JGF - we all can mostly base our opinions on what we read/see in the press - and the press can be very opinionated, putting its own spin on stories they publish/broadcast.
    Everything is 'rumour mongering' in that respect - unless you have actual insider experience.
    By the same token, for example Prince Andrew could be a really nice man who you could safely ask to babysit your 14-year-old daughter....... It's only press reports and various accusations that suggest otherwise.

    However, stories tend to be closer to the truth when you read the same reports in both the left wing AND the right wing press. If the Guardian AND the Telegraph, or the Mirror AND the Sun / Mail / Express say more or less then same thing, then there is probably some truth in it.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2022
    RedorDead likes this.
  13. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Estimated that the enquiry will cost up to 1mil, get your house broken into and you get a phone call and a crime number (in case you can afford insurance) and no investigation whatsoever.

    Of course he should go absolutely no doubt about it, but I can't think of one of the self serving wasters in Westminster who in his cosy position actually would go until pushed, that's the way it's always been with politicians and the way it will always be, unless people take time off from blocking roads, pulling down statues and calling out ex cricketers for calling a batsman a batsman and force change to our ****ty corrupt political system. A system that 2 weeks ago saw Barry Gardner claim that he had been in touch with MI5 for 2 years over half a mil he collected from a suspected Chinese spy and the very next day claim the very first he heard about this was YESTERDAY, a system where a convicted criminal who although thrown out of her party is still being paid and claiming expenses, a system where 7 MP's from the same party have been jailed in the past 10 years.

    It's the system and the total lack of quality of our political self servers that is the problem.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  14. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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  15. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    But even worse than the cost to the taxpayer and waste of manpower, is the knowledge that despite the wonderful Met Police now investigating 'Party Gate' no criminal charges will ever be brought against anyone, as apparently for that to proceed, it would have needed to be done within 6 months of the criminal act taking place. So why not cut the pretence and save the effort and money right now ?

    As far as I know that last thing being reported on was in April 2021 which is at least 9 months ago.

    Boris clearly has no humility or shame, and he will either be forced out soon, or he and the party will be taken to the cleaners come the elections in May and will then be ousted.

    He and his government have totally lost the trust of the English people and they won't forget all of the lies and hypocrisy or the failure to act on important election promises. If she is involved to the degree that some political commentators believe, then Carrie with her animal loving, and green ways, has a lot to answer for.

    The recent North Shropshire by-election was proof of what will happen come May when one of the safest Tory seats ever was lost.

    But like all ex high profile PM's or senior politicians, a very lucrative after dinner speaking, TV career, and/or meet Bojo (or maybe Bozo is more appropriate !) tours will keep his lies going for years and his coffers full to overflowing.
  16. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I am not sure about the 6 months reference, unless that is specific to the lockdown legislation.

    As for your last paragraph, you left out the knighthood.
  17. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I must be getting forgetful...……………..<laugh>
  18. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    And spinning lies blowing smoke up the arses of violent and repressive regimes in exchange for 6mil or as a true multi millionaire with a reported 60mil of wealth, buy a property in London through an off shore account thereby not paying over 300k in tax, just like a true socialist.
  19. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Yet, I honestly believe, Boris & the Tories are the best we have currently......and as for trust.....there isn't one out there!!
    Reliant Robin TC2 and Jiffie like this.
  20. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    ... so, if I steal something, or kill someone and it's not reported to the police within 6 months of the crime then I can't be arrested?

    If that's the case then Rose West should call her lawyer right now...........

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