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Cardiff City Not 606 Awards Thread..

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by Swamp, May 17, 2012.

  1. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    hi, its been an enjoyable season both on this board and for cardiff city, now lets sign off the season with a few end of seasons awards...

    1) Most respected member:

    2) Most popular member:

    3) Funniest member:

    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) :

    5)Best opposing fan poster:

    6) Most annoying opposing fan:

    7) Best Thread:

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member:

    9) Most argumentative member:

    10) Best New Member (since say the start of the season)

    please log in to view this image
  2. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    1) Thai
    2) H
    3) BfB
    4) Siam
    5) Mabon
    6) Aussie
    7) Aber's music thread
    8) Sparks
    9) Dai
  3. EldonBluebird

    EldonBluebird Active Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    This should be fun, But also very difficult. Apologise to those i dont mention <ok><ok>
    1) Most respected member: Clingo / Oldsparkey
    2) Most popular member: Siam / bluesheep
    3) Funniest member: H bomb / ITIWRAN
    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) : Swamp / ccfcremotesupport
    5) Best opposing fan poster: Mabonjack / Thai canary
    6) Most annoying opposing fan:The hypocrite or the regurgitator, will go with Knackeredjack over crackerjack
    7) Best Thread: Abers music threads
    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Oldsparkey
    9) Most argumentative member: Aber / John hughes
    10) Most Missed Member: Blue Prophet

    Well that was a lot more difficult than i thought :emoticon-0102-bigsm
  4. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    1) H Bomb
    2) Blue Sheep
    3) Aber / itiwran
    4) Dj rhondda
    5) Thai Canary
    6) Crackerjack followed closely by knackered jack and dragonphiljack
    7) Blue Sheeps prediction threads
    8) Hilts 24
    9) JH. enough said... ;)
    10) cant think of 1 at the moment....dead passive ;)

    i've added a new one, 10..
  5. H bomb

    H bomb Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    1) Most respected member: clingo
    2) Most popular member: Too close to call...I'll say Proph
    3) Funniest member: ITIWRAN
    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well): OldSparkey
    5) Best opposing fan poster: ThaiCanary/bongo
    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Knackeredjoke.... no contest
    7) Best Thread: Abers Music Thread x3
    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member:... another close one... I'll say Hilts
    9) Most argumentative member: JH... he could start one in an empty room :)
    10) Most passionate member: Rhondda_DJ (stolen from Sparkey - the idea, not the award :))

    jeez, that wasn't easy <ok>
  6. DerekTheMole

    DerekTheMole Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    1) Most respected member: H bomb

    2) Most popular member: Siam

    3) Funniest member: aber

    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) : Swamp

    5)Best opposing fan poster: Thai

    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Phill

    7) Best Thread: Not sure never been on the music one :eek:

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: OldSparkey

    9) Most argumentative member: JH

    10) Best New Member (since say the start of the season): Me :p
  7. taffthefish

    taffthefish Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    1) Most respected member: Clingo doesn't post as often but always makes good observations and rarely offends
    2) Most popular member: JH - he gets more response to his posts and even when not posting some folk raise issues about him. Has reined in a little which has stopped some posting about him.
    3) Funniest member: I'm inclined to nominate JH as I laugh my arse of when certain fans bite oh to easily and make it about them when not even remotely connected to their team.
    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well): OldSparkey
    5) Best opposing fan poster: Thai-Canary
    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Knackered/Norway Jacks both equally annoying
    7) Best Thread: All the music thread
    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Hilts
    9) Most argumentative member: JH a no-brainer think he'll win this hands down

    Damned difficult when all I have to go on is postings made on this board. However, as I have never met any of you good folk (bluebirds) I have based my votes on postings and threads made on this board.
  8. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Good thread.

    A difficult one as many members contribute in different ways, have gone for a shortlist and emboldenned the 'winner'. Unfortunetely the short lists are shorter than maybe a year ago. Hope some of the guys who have gone quiet (gone altogether, or reading but not posting) re-consider and come back over the summer.

    1) Most respected member: Hilts, Sparkey, Cling

    2) Most popular member: H, Taff, Blue, Siam

    3) Funniest member: Aber, JH, ITIWRAN

    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) : Rhondda, Taff, Siam, H, SWAMP

    5)Best opposing fan poster: Thai Canary, Mabon, Robbie (when he posts)

    6) Most annoying opposing fan: KJ, Norway, Phil, and all their aliases

    7) Best Thread: Prediction threads, Aber's Music thread, Banter thread

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Hilts, Sparkey,

    9) Most argumentative member: JH, JH, JH, JH

    10) Best New Member (since say the start of the season) hard to remember who is new.

    Bound to have missed a few, but all worth a chat.
  9. snlk/poksnbn

    snlk/poksnbn Active Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    Bloody hell talk about a tough article.I've been trying to stay true to Bluebird tradition and bottle this one, because every poster who posts on this board including several visitors make it a very special place and I could fill the categories twice, but here goes:

    1) Most respected member: The gentleman himself Cling.

    2) Most popular member: That bloke with the cats tin.

    3) Funniest member: DJ when he goes off on one.

    4) Most Valuable member: The blond one from Steps,can't think of his name at the moment.

    5) Best opposing fan poster: Mabs.

    6) Most annoying opposing fan: The Southampton idiot who posted continuous **** until he was banned.

    7) Best Thread: Swamps Cardiff v Liverpool Carling Cup Pre Match Banter Thread.

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: John Hughes I get you m8.

    9) Most argumentative member: Me now **** off.

    10) Posters I miss: Proph, Sweet Blue, Bennie, Frog (Hannnah) and many more.
  10. Kifflom!

    Kifflom! Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    <cheers> ITIWRAN


  11. Goodbyen0t606

    Goodbyen0t606 Active Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    1) Most respected member: Clingo / H Bomb

    2) Most popular member: Blue Sheep

    3) Funniest member: Aberrrrr

    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) : Sorry too many. Seriously! :)

    5)Best opposing fan poster: ThaiCanary

    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Dai and DPJ for different reasons!!

    7) Best Thread: I like checking in on the music thread.

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Sparkey and Hilts

    9) Most argumentative member: JJJJJJJJJJJ H

    10) Best New Member (since say the start of the season): Anyone who votes for themselves deserves it ;) Dead_Passive
  12. Swamp

    Swamp Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    come on lets get some more votes in, sheep you suggested this and you havent even voted!! <laugh>
  13. Blue Sheep

    Blue Sheep Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Ok, Swamp I was thinking bout my entry :)

    1) Most respected member: H Bomb, SiamBluebird
    2) Most popular member: OldSparkey
    3) Funniest member: Oldsparkey
    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well): Swamp
    5) Best opposing fan poster: ThaiCanary/bongo
    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Koby, Supersaint1 to 99
    7) Best Thread: ummmmmm
    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Hilts, Benni?
    9) Most argumentative member: JH
  14. DerekTheMole

    DerekTheMole Well-Known Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    I forgot about Koby! Hah what a dick
  15. BluefromBridgend

    BluefromBridgend Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2011
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    Okay here goes, with apologies to those not included (including me!!!!): -

    1. Clingo
    2. Blue Sheep
    3. Rubber Bullets/Aber
    4. Old Sparkey
    5. Thai Canary
    6. So many to choose from, KJ, Dai, Phyllis, Koby, Vetch, Supersaint and let's not forget Benni's stalker Ladyboi. But on balance the Bridgend vote goes to............Phyllis if only for his dodgy font!!!
    7. Aber's Music Threads, all 3 of them. 700 posts on thread 3!!!!!
    8. H Bomb
    9. JH
    10. Dead Passive - 'cos he said so.

    One more category as others have already suggested: -

    11. Most missed poster - Prophet - Roy, if you are reading this, I hope all is well with you.
  16. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Been awol from here for the past couple of days and just saw this - here goes then: -

    1) Most respected member: H bomb this year / McNourdling historically

    2) Most popular member: Blueybridgend and a re-morphed Bobby from the old 606 - both a credit to the forum

    3) Funniest member: Daiswan - he cracks me up

    4) Most Valuable member (posts often and well) : Swamp/Siam (got to keep in with the bastards)

    5) Best opposing fan poster: Thai (by a mile)

    6) Most annoying opposing fan: Mabon (why is he so bloody nice?) Aussie (why is he such a prick?)

    7) Best Thread: Any without Aussie posting on it

    8) Most Informed and Intelligent member: Hilts for his informed/awareness, and ccfcremote for his understated intellect

    9) Most argumentative member: used to be me when I get going about something, but I've learnt - at the moment, JH would take some beating.

    10) Most passionate member: - difficult one, but I've admired Rhondda_DJ on that score for a while now.
  17. DaiJones

    DaiJones Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    You been talking to my wife Sparks.
  18. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    BlueyBridgend - empty your bloody mailbox!
  19. H bomb

    H bomb Active Member

    Apr 21, 2011
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    ahh, good call Sparkey...I'll go along with that <ok>
    (going to nick it and add to my list)
  20. Xsnaggle

    Xsnaggle Member

    Feb 12, 2011
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    Bugger!!!! :(

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