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Dear Not 606 people (beware its politics).

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Red Alert, Sep 7, 2021.

  1. Red Alert

    Red Alert Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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  2. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    I bet she is on a huge wage to produce crap like that, just what the NHS needs.
  3. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    And all this while the Government are now going to break their election promises and try to increase National Insurance by 1.25% for the Social Care black hole, whilst trying to get out of the Triple Lock Pension promise they also made in their manifesto.

    Here's an idea Boris, stop these ****ing ILLEGAL immigrants crossing the English Channel at a rate of up to 1,000 a day and the £4.2bn that looking after these ****ing scroungers costs the tax payer every year which would pay for the supposed gap in the social care system.

    Don't give an extra penny to the NHS they will only appoint more administrators on huge salaries and the people needing treatment that has been with held 18 months for won't see any benefit from it.

    Boris, whilst being quite a likeable chap, is unfortunately a very weak leader and is getting worse, and the Tories now need a much stronger person at the top if they're not going to see Labour make some ground.

    Time after time he's failed to take action when it's needed such as over Cummings and Patel. This is the final insult if it gets approved.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Red Robin likes this.
  4. Cliftonville

    Cliftonville Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
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    I saw a screenshot of this and of this and thought it was a fake. It is real. Reverse the races and its a P45.

    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  5. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I want out of here ASAP.
    Britain is broken
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  6. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    A group of 8 right minded local councillors in Oldham are trying to get public buildings to fly the Union Jack in their constituent and have a portraits of the Queen put up in a bid to restore some national pride.

    Can you just imagine how many other local Councillors will vote that down to ensure it doesn't happen ?

    In the US Congress there are now 3 or more members who openly admit that they actually hate America, and these are the ones leading the group that want to change the Stars & Stripes flag into something more 'woke' and what's happening in America is rapidly being replicated here. The latest I heard was a University in Kent who wanted to tear down statues of Nelson and Francis Drake.
    Yet in France there are 36,000 Town Halls or equivalent nationwide, and every one has the French flag flying and a picture of Macron. Irrespective of whether people loathe him or love him it does represent a high degree of nationalism and pride which is something that's being rapidly lost forever here. In years to come we'll probably have the Afghan flag flying here as the majority of that country will be living here by then.

    We are approaching very dangerous times worldwide in my humble opinion with all of these illegals entering ours and others countries unchecked, and bear in mind not a single person has been returned to where they came from and of course they are all unvaccinated and the vast majority are fit and healthy young men who tell their buddies back in Syria, Afghanistan, West Africa etc that they wont be turned away once they reach these shores.

    ALL OF THIS MESS would be avoidable with a bit of guts and some proper leadership from the US and UK. Unfortunately, we have neither. One arrogant leader with his head in the sand determined to wreck our financial recovery, increase tax instead of looking at the ever rising cost of immigration, or scrapping the billions being spend on HS2, and the other senile old git, who has single handedly armed the Taliban with billions of dollars worth of military equipment and weapons.

    Forget Greta and climate change, it won't matter soon at this rate.

    I have voted Tory for as long as I've been able to vote (43 years), but that's me done with them and I'm not alone. This bunch are a disgrace to our nation.
    Red Robin likes this.
  7. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    I've just got back from Gibraltar (yesterday).
    It's their National Day on Friday and there are flags and bunting everywhere - all the streets are decorated with the Union Jack and their own flag.
    Wonderful - how it should be.
    Oh, and the population is VERY diverse over there - and they all get along fine.
  8. wizered

    wizered Ol' Mucker
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sounds that they are like all members of not606..<laugh>
  9. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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  10. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Anyone surprised ??
    They should call it the Woke Arms and ban all talking and stop people actually going to the pub. That would appease the whingers.
    Red Robin likes this.

  11. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Absolutely spot on-the country is as weak as i can remember -we need to get our own house in order.

    What makes my blood boil is he is spending our hard earned money on these scroungers hitting our shores.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  12. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    We are entering a unrecognisable country and the tories are allowing it to happen.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  13. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    This government is a disgrace.
    Angelicnumber16 likes this.
  14. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    Aren't multiple people here are frothing at the mouth over one blog by one member of NHS staff, and an imaginary situation where people might not be able to fly a flag?

    Looks like we have some more proof for the scientists.


  15. BCFCRob

    BCFCRob Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2011
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    The title of that blog is stupid btw though. It will undoubtedly cause more harm than good.
  16. Cliftonville

    Cliftonville Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
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    I am amused, perplexed and at times concerned.


    How can you ever have a serious conversation with a person who thinks like this?

    One of the recommended books makes a sweeping assertion that white people are internally racist and that the ideal of colour-blindness where people are judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character is wrong, and instead human intertractions should be defined by race.

    Numbers 1-5 are the teaching of Robin Diangelo from White Fragility. This dangerous nonsense is finding its way into schools.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
    Red Alert, Angelicnumber16 and Jiffie like this.
  17. Jiffie

    Jiffie Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2020
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    Frothing? maybe because it is happening day in and day out.

    Whistle Bob the builder at your neighbour and you get a criminal record, get your house broken into and you get fecking crime number, but no police attendance.

    The hypocrisy across the board is mind numbing, the BBC for instance has changed one of it's most popular shows, a question of sport and now it is beyond shocking, but they still employ Frankie Boyle and give him his programme when historically this man is responsible for some most vile jokes imaginable, but hey he's a raving lefty so fits in well.

    After the Euro's Tyrone Mings had a pop at Pritti Patel over her stance over the taking of the knee (which is surely a personal choice and not driven by any peer pressure, yeah right) but was quite happy to be coached by John Terry for 3 years.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2021
  18. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It used to be called character building when you were a kid and joined a firm straight from school, especially if it was in a non office based role.

    You had the p1ss taken out of you for all sorts of reasons. Your age, sexual naivety, height, weight, political views, football club you supported, what paper you read, what bands you liked, what beer your drank, clothes etc. That was my experience anyway.

    But funnily enough, no one got upset or called in Management to say they were being bullied or singled out, because it was across the board and you had to give as good as you got.

    In the late 70's, all of the 80's, and into the mid 90's I worked at Pennywell Road in Easton where there was a true mix of many nationalities, and all colours and creeds. Everyone got on, drank in the same pubs, had a laugh, and a bloody good drink, and there was never, ever, any issues, racial or otherwise. I also worked on the evening of the St Pauls riots in 1984 or whenever it was and had to drive a Transit van between 2 sites with St Pauls right in the middle of it but the Police were largely to blame for that.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  19. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I used to work on Cave Street between 1976-1978. All sorts of people within the company, all just accepted each other, part and parcel of life IMO, even had the occasion pint in the Inkerman and spent several sessions at the Bunch of Grapes lunchtimes & evenings!! Was defiantly character building for me.!!!
  20. Angelicnumber16

    Angelicnumber16 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I also drank in the Inkerman occasionally. And Lebeqs Tavern, the Amoury, Waggon & Horses and the 3 Blackbirds all on Stapleton Road and even once in the Black & White Café in St Pauls after a weekend on the p1ss in Torquay ! Had to walk to Stokes Croft to get a Taxi home as none of them would come into St Pauls to pick me up ! Happy Days
    Reliant Robin TC2 likes this.

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