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Dirty bastards

Discussion in 'Wigan' started by 2010 tops dog, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. 2010 tops dog

    2010 tops dog Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Lets hope the same happens to your players
    Utter scum
  2. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    This post is a bit unnecessary.

    Two reasons;

    1) the 3 people who support Wigan will be at the ground, and probably don't post on not606 anyway (do they even have internet in Wigan?)
    2) I hope they'd be as disgusted as we are at that horrible thug <ok>
  3. 2010 tops dog

    2010 tops dog Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    G, they had the cheek to clap him off when he was subbed
  4. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Most of their 3 fans probably didn't see the thuggery though...
  5. magicbus

    magicbus Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Hope the same happens to him dirty tw@t how Halsey missed that I`ll never know needs to pack in refereeing altogether useless
  6. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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  7. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    It would seem there is even less activity on the Wigan not606 board than there is at the Wigan turnstiles?

  8. Tom_BCFC

    Tom_BCFC Billy Bibbit
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    overreaction much ?

    Yeah it was a bad tackle and maybe should have been sent off, but seriously it's not like he went in the tackle with the intention of breaking his leg <doh>
  9. Hugh Briss

    Hugh Briss Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Oh i'm sure you'd be towing that line if it had been your player on the receiving end. <doh>

    More to the point, in the context of the game as a whole, Newcastle United have been mugged, assaulted and have literally had insult added to injury.

    All the very best of luck in your fight against relegation. <ok>

  10. cronemeister

    cronemeister Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    That actually makes me feel slightly sick watching that back.

    There's absolutely no excuse for a challenge like that. Wigan fans may think slightly different when they come on here and read this and slate me for my comments, but I can assure you that if that had been one of our players that made that challenge I would be of exactly the same opinion.

    No doubt someone will be along soon saying he's not that sort of player, he's not like that etc etc etc, I'll give you all a tip, he made that challenge so he ****ing IS that sort of player. He's ****ing dived into that challenge with his leading foot knee high and a player directly behind the ball. Mindless ****ing thuggery of the highest order ! I hope Carver managed to connect with his face at half time as well, but I suspect not.

    I hope the FA throw the book at him and ban him for 5 games at least.

    I like your manager, but his post match comments are just ****ing sackless.

  11. HP Sauce

    HP Sauce Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I'm going to be charitable and assume that the emotionally incontinent, hypocritical keyboard ****s on display here are not representative of NUFC as a whole.

    First -terrible tackle. Deserves all he gets.

    We were cheated at your place earlier in the season, so what goes around comes around in terms of the advantage gained from the handball. Incidentally, Taylor did the same thing to Gomez that Figueroa did at the SD - and we didn't get a free kick.

    Yes we appplauded him off. If you're suggesting that you wouldn't have applauded off a NUFC player in a similar situation - when he was subbed, not as a result of the red card he should have got - then I think you either don't ever go to games, or you're just a hypocrite. We also, to a man, stood and applauded off Hiadara. That's how we showed our respect and our regret at his injury.

    As for the size of our crowds - witty. Original. We are little Wigan, and we have been taking the piss out of self-important clubs populated by inadequate "customers" for nearly a decade and I hope we continue to do so. If you could achieve with your resources - proportionally - what we achieve with ours? You'd be champions of Europe. As it is after 30 games you're six points in front of us, though we have a game in hand. THAT is the difference between our clubs that matters.

    So - again, sorry to the lad Hiadara. As for the rest of you - take your martyr complexes and piss off.
  12. HP Sauce

    HP Sauce Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Yeah had a look round the Newcastle boards and I see that the people on this thread aren't really representative. Kudos.

    It was a shocking challenge and I'm sure that we're all ashamed - no-one more so than Calum. But to come on here and slag off everything about Wigan because of one moment by one player, it's insanity. Seriously.
  13. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    intentions, when someone runs you down wit their car by accident does intent come into it? <doh>

    it was a cowardly tackle not just bad, and completely inconsiderate at the very least. To risk ending a fellow professionals career just to try get a touch on a ball is a joke.

    intent means fk all mate. No wonder United flipped over the Nani red when you see what players get away with in the PL week in week out.

    Halsey, joke of a human being never mind a ref,
  14. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Yeah not sure why Wigan are being blamed. Calum should never make a challenge like that again, it was cowardly mate, Lucas Neil broke Carra's leg with a similar cowardly tackle.
  15. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    The Geordies have no room to preach about how to react to 'horror' tackles

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  16. magicbus

    magicbus Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    So if McManaman gets his kneecap dislodged by an opposing forward then Martinez is gonna say `` Oh well its an attackers tackle `` Yeah right
  17. - jordan -

    - jordan - Active Member

    Oct 6, 2011
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    dirty bastard. should be banned for however long the player is out injured for. you can take the boy out of merseyside..
  18. Obi Wan

    Obi Wan keeper of the peace
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    TOPS, no real value in this thread. Can you either remove it or at least change the language and tone it down. As suggested on another post, kids can come on here too. And it's not their fault.

    We'll never agree on topics like this as two sets of fans, so a direct attack won't help anyone.

    As much as I have lost all respect for Martinez, what happened yesterday is not the fault of the fans. And for anyone who says they cheered, well I've seen plenty of posts from their fans on other forums who said they hadn't realised how bad it looked until MOTD last night. Nobody likes to see a player injured like that.

    Yes I am angry and frustrated, but I'll keep those emotions on our board. <ok>
  19. TheJudeanPeoplesFront

    TheJudeanPeoplesFront Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I notice the "you did this" argument has emerged as the leading troll line... Let's not forget that there's probably not a poster on the board who wouldn't have condemned that challenge, and a few others our players have made in bygone seasons, or that it was at the very least near the floor... We don't want to see our players committing such fouls or being on the receiving end, as I'd imagine the Wigan fan doesn't either (<laugh> this is the busiest this board has been all year... stop crying about it and start taking a few friends to games!).

    McManaman's utterly pathetic attempt at tackling is fully deserving of the stick it's getting (the variety of odd hexes, however, are blatantly ridiculous... Death? Leprosy? Still, at least the latter chap wants Callum to contract something that's curable). Maybe the outrage will make brain-dead footballers who make these stupid challenges think twice (whatever colour shirt they wear) next time, and to that end social media is proving quite useful for once. Same goes for wishing Haidara well on his twitter, nice touch by different supporters. I've pointed the other Wigan fan that way already <ok>
  20. Jesus Was A Geordie

    Jesus Was A Geordie Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Wigan fans are as responsible for McManaman's tackle as we are for Nolan's (from the 2008/09 season FFS) so kicking off at them won't solve anything...The people who should take responsibility are the referee, Martinez and the boy himself (who it turns out ruined a Man City player with a horror tackle in an U21s game a little over a year ago).

    I understand Martinez' allegiance is with his team and therefore the player, but his comments left me angry and the ref's silence even more so! I believe there will be I'll feeling for the next few times our teams meet!

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