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Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by calmcumbrian, May 14, 2017.

  1. calmcumbrian

    calmcumbrian Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    The display that our side produced against Swansea was embarrassing to say the least! We need a new manager as the current guy in charge hasn't got a clue.If we stick with Moyes I fear for our club.Only one team looked like it was trying in our game today,and it wasn't us!!Get shot now Mr.Short or we are doomed!!Bring back Big Sam!!
  2. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Sam will not come back... As for Moyes, he certainly seems devoid of any passion or ideas and the team have reflected that this season.
    Makemstine Roger and Deleted like this.
  3. grandpops

    grandpops Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Devoid of any passion? The man oozes negativity and misery and the other Chuckle Brother on the bench beside him is neither use nor ornament.

    Motivation, selection, tactics, substitutions, recruitment. All terrible and all the things a good manager should excel at. I can`t think of a single reason, not one, that says he should be here next season.

    Continuity is all very fine but not if we`re going backwards. I have no confidence at all in Moyes being capable of turning things round. Give him the money we got from the FA for Sam and tell him to **** off.
    Billy Death, LAMackem, RTB and 4 others like this.
  4. fredor

    fredor Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    I agree 100% with the sentiment of Embarrasing but I believe the way forward is with Moyes, I feel that given the overall ability of these players and the number of very confusing injuries and the time taken to recover from them Jesus Christ would have struggled , Moyes never stood a chance from the beggining , do you really believe given the same players and money Rafa would have done any better , one of the failings in the past has certainly been the turnover of managers the last one very unfortunate but it happened move on, I sincerely hope that this can be a new beggining even to the extent of playing a few seasons ( Not too many ) in the championship
    haslam and Nostalgic like this.
  5. Burly Hurley

    Burly Hurley Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Sam is ancient history. It's just daft asking for him to come back.

    However the last 9 hours have given me some hope that Moyes won't be in charge come August.

    I just hope thats not wishful thinking on my part.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  6. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Wow! Underline fest(who are you forcing your point too?), fantasies of Sam coming back. Dude you need holiday.

    Still think you're deluded like. Moyes being the problem would be simple to fix. Unfortunately our track record proves it's deeper than the dugout. Sacking David Moyes will not make one jot of difference to our fortunes. 15-16 of the present prem seasons we have 4 season of tv money into their squad and in most part they've invested well, we're way behind on the quality and have stopped investing at their rate.

    Run a business and that takes in 500k with 1m million outgoings. You're ****ed no matter what ****er you drag off the dole whack on a manager name tag. It's the infrastructure of the club that is the poison. Moyes is just a byproduct of said poison, there's loads of other bi products of said poison. Take Rodwell, the only player without a release clause, set to earn 60k a week in the championship. It's another bi-product of a poorly ran business. Many will find away to blame that on moyes too, but it's nowt to do with him.

    Fact is we've got an owner who has winged 180m of debt not knowing what his was doing. Stop blaming the results of his decision making and blame the man who made the decisions. until everybody does that we'll get know where. How can we pull in the same direction when people are so blinkered that the bigger picture is passing them by?
    cumbrianmackem likes this.
  7. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    All see above. New owners will bring in their own man. Short is THE problem at our club, not Moyes. Moyes didn't hire Moyes, Short hired Moyes.
    Marra SAFC 77 likes this.
  8. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    for what its worth, As a Sunderland fan and someone who has absolutely zero influence on who owns the club....what we ALL have is some opinion on who manages the football team, if even that opinion counts for nothing. In my near 55 years of following our club, this guy is firmly on the top 3 of the WORST managers who we have had in that time. Regardless of Shorts bad decisions, one he can get right, is sack Moyes....NOW
  9. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    So the next bloke can be told he doesn't know what he doing when he falls flat on his face. Keep passing the buck. Bruce, MoN, Sbragia, PDC, Poyet, Dick, Now Moyes, Next, next, next. Pointless, they'll all be ****e until we're rid of short and the club is ran right. Because no manager good enough to solve this from dug out would touch us with a barge pole. Throwing good money after bad has never ever been a good thing. It won't be here either imo.
  10. The Little General

    The Little General Well-Known Member

    Nov 2, 2013
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    He reminds me of Wilkinson, a guy who got lucky at Leeds as Moyes did Everton. Moyes is washed up, useless.

  11. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yes f ucking miles you dopy t wat.
    salad fingers likes this.
  12. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree with everything you say there Bri but for the life of me i cannot see one reason to keep Moyes he is f uckig useless to be fair i would be happier with no manager than that useless bastard.
    Brian Storm and Makemstine Roger like this.
  13. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I guess we will agree to disagree.....but for the life of me, as such as I'm sick of changing managers every season, this guy is a waste of space, washed up detrimental figure for our squad. Not the kind of guy you need to get out of the Championship. Yes the club needs a total overhaul, every man and his dog can see that...but a start would be a manager who can at least motivate players...not a chance with Moyes. He has lost the dressing room and certainly lost the fans...
  14. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I totally agree that there's deep rooted problem's at the club. That shouldn't cover David Moyes failure though.

    His recruitment and team selections have been awful. He has lacked the ability to motivate our team and I'm still not sure what our actual tactics are under this man.
  15. Makemstine Roger

    Makemstine Roger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Moyes is crap,he wont take us anywhere but down,here we are, all hoping he will come good,but even Wandy can see its no use, The man is devoid of the skills it takes to succeed.
    calmcumbrian and Marra SAFC 77 like this.
  16. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree with all of that, except the last four words, which were utter bollocks
    Marra SAFC 77 likes this.
  17. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ok if we stick with Moyes.
    He will spend what money short will give him and attempt to build his team
    ( attempt)
    I don't think he is the man to rebuild our team.
    We are now in the fizzy pop.
    This is our opportunity to start again and get it right.
    If short stays more likely so will Moyes and I feel we will have no progress under Moyes.
    We will just tick overkeeping our heads above water.
    It's really going to be a long slog until we have a new owner and manager
    That's when we will move on
  18. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    The club is riddled with problems and has been for much of the last 10 years. However, we've had managers who've come in and struggled against those problems, doing their best under difficult circumstances, until the owner panicked and fired them, the lazy players asked for them to be sacked, or they'd had enough of the **** they had to deal with. The current manager, however, was a defeated man before he got here. He's shown none of the fight of his predecessors and has looked a shadow of his former self as a result of his experiences in Manchester and San Sebastian. No matter what the problems are at the club, a man with that kind of baggage was not, and is not, what we required as a manager.
  19. Tel (they/them)

    Tel (they/them) Sucky’s Bailiff

    May 11, 2011
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    Calmcumbrian is filling in for Monty.
  20. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    He's a top paid manager with 4 years still to run. Say he's 40k a week that's an 8 million payoff. We know we don't have it spare(as we're running at a loss), 8 million the bank won't extend on the overdraft(We've been told they won't extend) and 8 million Short is refusing stump up himself(He's said he sank enough in even though it's loans).

    Have a whip around. If fans raised enough to sack him I bet Short would sack him, in the meantime it's not a matter of what we want, it's a matter of accepting the way it is. FACT is Short doesn't need to sack him at the moment.

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