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Hull v Leeds highlights

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by LeedsLover, Mar 1, 2020.

  1. LeedsLover

    LeedsLover Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Another game of 2 halves.

    First half we were scrappy despite going 1-0 up to an early Ayling chicken goal. Second half we upped a gear then upped another halfway through the second.

    During second half our passing football was returning, not at its peak, but it was certainly a big improvement and a pleasure to watch.

    After Aylings early chicken goal, I said in match forum we can get 3-5 goals if we take our chances, and we did........Why this game and not previous games? which is a good question and my opinion on it later.

    We scored an early goal thanks to a deflection which flat footed the keeper, not taking anything away from Ayling cos his intent was to shoot.

    Second half we scored another early goal courtesy of Pablo from a Costa touch.

    Which brings me to Harrison and Costa.

    If Bielsa's instructions are take the ball to the goal line and pull it back to around the penalty spot, it's not working, but both players seem to do that. Harrison wants to dribble round every blade of grass then go back and try it again, it doesn't work cos Harrison loses the ball or falls over his own feet most of time, this brings our attacks and counters to an abrupt halt.

    Costa started doing what Harrison does a while back, again it's not working. They can do it a thousand times during a game, if nothing comes of it, it's not working.

    Most remember Sakho, good feet, good speed, but his end product was crap, everyone noticed it, everyone commented on it, and the majority were in agreement. Harrison and Costa do it and many say they had great games and are always a threat. A threat is just that, a threat, nothing more than just words with no final outcome.

    If you said to someone "I'm going to punch your lights out" that's a threat, just words, if you say it and actually punch his lights out, that's the final outcome, the end product, the result followed on from the intent.

    Harrison has these good games once in a blue moon, then resorts back to trying to dribble everyone and becomes greedy again.

    Harrison was crossing a lot earlier than normal, he looked up more and made some good passes to players in a better position, he switched sides and almost scored cos he was putting in a few long shots........I said a while back, if Harrison learns to cross earlier, take more shots and looks up before passing then he'll get more assists, score a few goals and learn about the impact he can create. I said that during a "once in a blue moon" good game he played. I went on to say "but I doubt he'll learn from it" and next game he was back to his old self, and has been up to this game.

    I reckon, during this game that Harrison, Costa, Klich and Pablo threw Bielsa's rule book out the window, resulting in a multiple goal win and a clean sheet. The way all 4 AM's played didn't seem like they were following the Bielsa rule book............Sadly, chances are Harrison and Costa will resort back to the rule book for next game.

    Klich, definitely MOM for me followed by Pablo. If we get promoted, these two are going to create big problems for the big teams in PL, if they're allowed to play as their normal selves. Pablo would be better suited to PL games as they tend to play a slower mode of football.

    Pirlo, what can you say, he played crap, and most agree on it. He did hit a milestone though, he notched up his half century of sideways and backwards passes he made in this game.

    Ayling, scored a good goal but slightly down on his last performance.

    Dallas, not a bad game but off the boil slightly again. RB and LB are not his natural positions, he does, and has played better in other positions.

    White and Cooper, both solid at back, a few scares from Hull strikers, but their shooting was off.

    Mieler, didn't have a lot to do, kept a clean sheet, what he did he did with confidence, still to be truly tested and we'll no doubt see that during next 7 games.

    Roberts on as sub, played a good game and scored 2 good goals, I'm sure Dallas will be telling Roberts he nicked the ball off his boot, however, Roberts is no replacement for Saiz, and never will be. Roberts doesn't have the Brain to boot relationship like Saiz, Klich, Pablo and Forshaw do.

    I don't think it would be ideal to start Roberts in the AM position, he's hot and cold, and like Harrison has a good game once a blue moon, however, it seems obvious Bielsa doesn't want to start JKA, or Poveda for that matter, so I'd like to see him start in Bamfords position to see how he fares after his 2 goals against Hull, it can't be any worse, but can only get better.

    Bamford, continues to humiliate himself with Bielsa's help. Bamford should tell Bielsa to drop him for the teams sake, especially with only 10 games to go.

    Bamford watches our AM's and defenders score, but he isn't, he just watched Roberts show him how to score goals, as Benjamin Bloom said "a penny for Bamford thoughts after watching Roberts score 2 goals"

    Everyone's excited and speaking through passion cos we won 4-0, no one can blame'em, been a while between drinks has that one.

    Passion has 1 eye, and for most has blinkers, a lot of things are said through passion rather than realism, and there's a difference.

    Keeping both feet on ground,

    Hull are fighting in the relegation zone, have won 1 game in their last 10 I think, plus, they had a few players out injured, but they still managed to give us a scare from time to time.

    We're not going to get an easier game during our last 10 games run in. There are teams fighting to get out the relegation zone, teams fighting to stay out the relegation zone, teams who believe they can still make the playoffs, teams who will be fighting to stay in playoffs, and a couple of teams who will be trying to overtake us to get into top 2.

    There's only 5 points back to Fulham, and 6 to Forest (if they beat Boro). A loss and a draw could see both teams banging on our doors.

    Both Connor and Joe give their comments and opinions through passion, Oscar is a mixture of both.

    I included Benjamin Bloom cos he talks in detail, not too many one line statements, he's very good at explaining things. Like me, he not only watches a game, but he sees a game as well, he notices things others tend to miss........I do however disagree with him about Pirlo being the playmaker, he's not and never has been.......If the intent is for Pirlo to be the playmaker then he's no good at it, he can't read a game.

    We actually have 2 playmakers, left and right in Klich and Pablo, a deadly duo when both are in tip top form, like we saw against Hull.

    A word on Bielsa,

    It seems Bielsa contradicts himself and is hypercritical.

    His stance on playing a winning team was contradictory during last 2 games by bringing Pirlo straight back into side........what happened to "he never changes a winning side".

    Berardi had 2 brilliant games, he certainly justified, and earned another start, but no, Bielsa went back on his word. He brought Pirlo straight back in, White, who had a very good 4 games at CM was put back into back 4 and Berardi was benched..................There's quite a few flaws where Bielsa's concerned.

    Going to be interesting to see if he starts Roberts next game, or bring nearly Bamford back into starting line up.

    From here on in it's hell for leather in top form, realistically, we can't afford to lose, and that's pressure.


    Ext highlights

    5 minute highlights incase the one above is took down.

    Bielsa post match

    Benjamin Bloom post match

    Connor and Joe post match

    Oscar post match

    Little Hull fan post match, seems to know his football.

    Roberts post match

    Fans eye view from different anglesw.

    Bonus memory lane highlights
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2020
  2. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    “Like me, he not only watches a game,but he sees a game as well, he notices things others tend to miss.”

    there’s always some comedy gold to lighten your day in a LL highlights thread
  3. Leedsoflondon

    Leedsoflondon Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2014
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  4. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Nothing wrong with your observational skills
  5. bucks_is_leeds

    bucks_is_leeds Jonny big spuds
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Dallas at left back is immense

    FORZA LEEDS Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Agreed, and I’m sure he’s got more pace now than he’s ever had.

    Wouldn't swap him for any other LB in this division.
  7. blonogasoven

    blonogasoven Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    The post questions Dallas - who hasn't put a foot wrong
    Harrison - who actually had a very good game
    Ayling - who scored the opener
    Roberts - who came on at the end and scored 2, as Eddie and JKA should have done

    AND Bielsa who picked a team that won 0-4!
    No matter how bad Hull were, we smashed them. WBA lost to Wigan at home.
    I don't give a **** about Fulham or Forest, we need to kick on.

    It's an hilarious read but it has got to be a wind up because otherwise you must have been watching the wrong game :)
    Whitejock, bucks_is_leeds and Gessa like this.
  8. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    That's because you don't see the things him and Mr Bloom do.
    Whitejock and blonogasoven like this.

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