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Hurst media comments....

Discussion in 'Ipswich Town' started by Westlake33, Aug 15, 2018.

  1. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Now a lot of people will LOVE honesty, transparency etc.

    I actually despise it.

    You're a player, you realise you weren't good enough, just lost on pens then the manager comes out and goes absolutely mental at you.

    Then as a squad you get a long coach journey to endure after.

    Really not happy given how long he's been in the job this approach. Slated various players over the summer.

    He goes and sells some quality then signs his own men. Fair play - risky but sure, your players you wanted.

    Players are going to buy into this or love it and we'll start to click - or the dressing room will absolutely HATE him.
  2. Nuggets

    Nuggets Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2011
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    I disagree with you on this one, Westy.

    If he had come out and praised players, brushed off the loss, or refused to comment on the lack of effort and application several of them put in last night, then I would've doubted his ability to identify the issues and he would have been doing the travelling fans a disservice. He picked and fielded a strong team last night with the desire to win the match. We didn't, and the most notable factor in this was the lack of effort put in by several players. Recent performances from Knudsen, Chambers, Ward, Sears, and even Bart have not been up to their usual standards, and it's about time Hurst called them out for it. He may have tried to do this internally, and he may have been a lot harsher, but something had to give. The fact he asked them questions and didn't get much of an answer demonstrates to me a lack of leadership and responsibility taking within the squad.

    Also, Hurst did not go 'mental' in the clip, in fact I don't think he lost control of his emotions once. He kept calm, although evidently frustrated, and simply answered the questions posed to him, expressing his disappointment at performance levels. I think he's entitled to do that. He didn't single anybody out in particular (but I think anyone with a pair of eyes of a decent grasp of football will know what players he had in mind).

    The truth is, we've been a club in decline over the past couple of years. A narrow relegation (aided by inspired solo performances from Lawrence and Bart) and then last season where, without some inspired signings and that early run of form where we seemed to score with every shot, we would have had a similar season of struggle.
    San Diego likes this.
  3. Scowey

    Scowey Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2015
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    I'm quite comfortable with Hurst coming out and making these sort of comments off the back of what was a particularly poor and rather flat display. I think had he glossed over it (Something Mick did occasionally and we criticised him for it) then I would have had more issues with the response.

    My only concern is that if we have another poor showing in the next few weeks whether he'll make similar statements. If players are regularly being 'called out' then that only serves to cause disharmony within the group (Something Keane was guilty of) so I hope there is a response from the players and this one off criticism is the jolt that a few needed, otherwise our issues are far deeper than Hurst's demeanor to the media

    Also, he didn't single out any player, which had he have done, would have rang some alarm bells as there are a few that are already poorly thought of by fans and a stray comment about Chambers, Jonas, Sears etc. would only secure their status as "Chief Scapegoat" until the next public dressing down of another player
    San Diego and Nuggets like this.
  4. Bigalreigned

    Bigalreigned Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    I'd rather Hurst's response than Mick's standard "The opposition were good,blah,blah,blah".
    We've got to accept this isn't going to be an easy fix and be patient.
    San Diego likes this.
  5. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    The only question really is can Hurst be critical of himself. There's no right or wrong answer when it comes to conducting yourself after a defeat - but this is a big improvement on Mick McCarthy coming out after a defeat and giving a stock answer about how we played well and we are doing well for the resources we have.

    Personally I think it's the manager's job to motivate his players and any criticism of his players is yet another criticism of the manager.

    So far we know he has problems:

    - With tactics
    - With the quality of the playing staff
    - With players' motivation

    On the face of it that looks like a recipe for disaster.
    fieldmarshall and Westlake33 like this.
  6. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    I'd rather everything kept inside - don't think airing dirty laundry in public is an especially intelligent idea.

    He's gone a little bonkers here, and this isn't his first rant. He hasn't dug anyone out this time, but he sure goes mental for fun.

    Players are either going to love him or this is going to be a horror show.
  7. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    I'd rather hear this myself.

    Sure, I'd LOVE to know what the manager is thinking - but that shouldn't leak from the dressing room.

    Soon as you have a manager saying all sorts of stuff a lot of the respect is going to go from the players.
  8. fieldmarshall

    fieldmarshall Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2011
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    Everything he said was valid, and the players have a responsibility to the Club, the fans who've travelled hundreds of miles blah blah, but the responsibility is Hursts, lousy performance, sub standard contribution from some players, lack of motivation, he got the players he wanted so it's all down to the manager, it's his job for Christ's sake, that's what he's there for!
  9. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Talk is cheap.
  10. fieldmarshall

    fieldmarshall Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2011
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    So was Hurst.

  11. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Sheffield Wednesday are proving that money doesn't guarantee you success. Watching them vs Sunderland.. two very very poor teams.
  12. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Sheffield Wednesday is an interesting one.

    I've ( sadly ) split with my partner who was an owl, so been to quite a few times including Wembley and the play off H semi v Brighton with them.

    I said back in 2015/16 when we started, that they had THREE years to get promoted essentially, with Chansiri throwing a ridiculous amount at it.

    Ontop of what they've spent on transfer fees, they've got PLENTY of earners on £25- 35k p.w

    Absolutely unsustainable. Ticket prices are a joke there, and I know many an Owl will be upset with the situation.

    So that's the other way in this league. They've now got a transfer ban, are likely to have to sell key assets in January and summer 2019 unless they do end up going up this season.

    FFP IS starting to bear a little bit of fruit............ but there's still TOO many in this league chucking a fortune at it.

    With our strategy, do I see us realistically going up next 19/20 / 20/21? Not one jot. We're more likely to flog various players next summer, start again....... with bucket loads of other clubs spunking a laughable figure in this league.

    To my mind, we're far more likely to go down before we ever go up. Just my thoughts.
    fieldmarshall likes this.
  13. YorkieLancsHampyLondoner

    YorkieLancsHampyLondoner Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Sorry to hear about your partner Westy...

    The mistake Sheffield Wednesday have made is that they have got caught in the middle by spending a lot but not competing with the biggest spenders. That's what some on here are proposing we do, but £10m / window is no guarantee of promotion let alone the £5m suggested.

    Brexit is about to smash the system to smithereens next season - transfer fees and wages for non-Brits will sky rocket, players will be denied work permits, there are going to be clubs going bust - and we are going to find ourselves in pole position to take advantage when it does (more by luck than judgement).
  14. Westlake33

    Westlake33 Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Happens mate. One of them........ but yeah I still look out for their results weirdly!

    Here's hoping your theory is correct!

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