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Idiot of the week.

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by alwaysright, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
    brb likes this.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Obviously, after today's performance, this week's prize goes to the idiot with the whistle (( minus his white stick )), on the Priestfield pitch.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb likes this.
  6. gioblues

    gioblues Well-Known Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Not that different to Harris if other 2 teams win games in hand<cheers>
    alwaysright likes this.
  7. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb likes this.
  8. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I've been thinking it for years that the government need to ban the sale of fireworks to the public, we can't be trusted with them. Fireworks normally start around the end of October or beginning of November then go on for at least two months, covering Diwali, Guy Fawkes, and New Years Eve, and every other day in between, why?

    Just stick to the set dates it's not difficult, instead of frightening the life out of animals and the elderly.

    About time they were banned and allowed at public displays only, and those displays can only be used within certain date and timelines. We don't need them endlessly going off every night for two months or more. Idiots!
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - I fully understand your sentiments - but.......
    Selling fireworks is a ' business' - just like selling alcohol, tobacco, motor vehicles and much more......all of which leads to many deaths - unlike fireworks which, thankfully, has a very low mortality rate!

    There are many things with which people cannot be trusted - starting with voting ! The numbers do not hold up any argument that fireworks should be banned from general sale - unlike the examples that I have given...... I am afraid that there will always be idiots who abuse the privilege of life...Sadly, there will be innocent victims of the stupid actions by those idiots....We can only try to control our own destiny..... I try to anticipate stupidity in my vicinity - and take appropriate action to avoid or minimise the consequences ---- unless it's me that's being the idiot !
  10. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Idiot of the week has to go to whoever signed off on those bloody awful half and half scarfs they've released for the Sheffield United game. We were only playing them in League One about 6 years ago and they'll be going straight back down to the Championship. Incredibly cringe-worthy.
    alwaysright and brb like this.

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Pegleg - you misunderstand... the scarves are for the benefit of the Sheffield fans - as a mark of their respect in playing against The Gills.

    I am hoping that it seriously rains tomorrow it might dampen their mood a little !... I still haven't forgiven the patronising Police officer who boarded my bus when we arrived at Brammel Lane, the last time Gills played the Blades... she spoke in very belittling terms - if I remember correctly. she said that we would be seeing more than a couple of men and their dogs at a football match.
  12. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Bleeping idiot !
    There I am at traffic lights crossroad junction (( roads were narrow ! ))... I was signalling to turn right - and being held up by a flow of cars ( going 'ahead' in the opposite direction. ).... I had no choice but to wait for them to pass - and it was unfortunate for the idiot in the car behind me - but did this bleeping idiot think that the oncoming cars would simply vanish if he furiously sounded his horn ?? ( I'm surprised it wasn't worn out ! )......
    ...... so - when my way was clear - I wasn't encouraged to negotiate the right turn with any haste.
    ..... and of course, I gave him the customary words of encouragement for the rest of his journey - I told him to '' Bleep off. ''
  13. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Another bleeping idiot....
    Referee Anthony Taylor - for booking a Maidstone sub when he 'encroached' onto the pitch when delirium ensued after Maidstone's first goal....... real meanspirited to deny the moment of sheer joy without being jobsworthy...... I hope he gets two punctures on his way home.
    brb likes this.
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Today's ref ?....... a shove in the back is not a foul (apparently) - nor is continuous shirt pulling - I am surprised Hawkins remained fully dressed by the time he came off.....
    ....and, as for blatant handball (( no, I'm not talking about the one Gills conceded )) - it would appear that everyone else in the ground saw ball in hand - but not Mr. Magoo.
    ..... before the game started, when the referee's name was announced, I stated that he has 'previous' for doing no favours to The Gills.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  15. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    This is going to go down well...........how about my next nomination - Mr. S. Clemence !

    I know Gills have got L2 players - so I do not expect much in terms of 'achievements.' - but - I am getting extremely P'd off with such negative tactics....which can only be directions from the manager --- along with the defending of a throw-in with all the players in our penalty area ! (( for the umpteenth time ! ))

    What is the point of getting new strikers if no Gills player is remotely close to the half-way line !... I was going to add that you could have Haaland and Harry Kane up front - and you still wouldn't score --- but I nearly forgot about Kane's goal from the halfway line earlier in the season.

    The tactics that Clemence instructs - and which is rubbish to watch has not been working - but - Clemence continues to deploy them.... Mad or idiotic - You decide !
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
    The Changing Man likes this.
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    In fairness to Stephen Clemence....

    My next nomination in this thread has to be me -- but -- I am not on my own !

    I will concede to being an idiot - for continually coming to Priestfield to watch the same old crap.... The fact that Clemence gets paid for serving up the crap, and that I fork out very good money for the privilege of a plateful of excrement, obviously makes me the bigger idiot.
    gioblues likes this.
  17. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb likes this.
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I'm not sure if it's me, Shepherd or somebody who can't count to 3 !
    In recent times I have criticised Ben Shepherd (( on Tipping Point )) for his humiliation of contestants .....or rather, their lack of basic knowledge. (( ARGRS thread.)) - but - after yesterday, I might allow Shepherd his ridicule of the poor thick idiot on the show.

    BS...Q '' How many sides has an isoceles triangle got ''? (( again, really poor grammar by BS. ))... The contestant immediately had a brain 'freeze' (( obviously that didn't take long ! )) - He stuttered and spluttered. At first I thought he was stumped by the word 'isoceles' - but - I suspect that the word 'triangle' was a stretch for the chap.

    The guy then managed to somehow make his mouth move - but, really, it would have been better if that had frozen rather than his tiny brain... He said '' Er, er, um, er '' (( which actually were closer to the answer that he finally managed )) '' 5 ''

    Now, I swear that Ben Shepherd must need incontinence pants ! BS nearly fell over backwards in an hysterical fit of laughter...He struggled to retain any composure - and was having much difficulty to read the subsequent questions - whilst still wetting himself at the sheer stupidity of the thick idiot in front of him.

    At the end of the question session, Shepherd ( understandably ), couldn't help himself to extract urine from the contestant - reminding him the clue, ( triangle ), was in the question.. The guy then tried to offer mitigation - claiming to have been confused by the word isoceles. In a very uncomplimentary fashion, Shepherd told the chap. '' It's a triangle - they've all got 3 sides.''.... Perhaps he should have consulted a Reception Class pupil - they would know what a triangle looks like !...... Can you imagine the reaction of the contestant if he was asked to describe an Hypotenuse ?

  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    And these idiots are allowed to vote !

    Watching Lingo today – I despair for the intelligence of UK citizens.

    A 5 letter word to find ,( starting with F.)… The contestants make 4 incorrect guesses – their 4th guess is FIRES… The grid shows that the letters I & R are in the wrong place……. It took these morons as long as it took me to shout out all the swear words I know, before they sheepishly said ‘ FRIES.’

    And it got worse !

    Another 5 letter word, (beginning with M ) to find… Among the first two guesses, the letter D is highlighted as being in the answer – but – in the (incorrect) place in the guesses given.… 4th guess = MINE_. ……. These stupid people got their final attempt wrong – even with the bloody letter shouting out at them (( obviously the sound of me shouting more swear words made it impossible for these brain(less) of Britain to see the bleeding obvious .))
  20. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    There's an early contender this week - his name is Arti ( real name ! )
    With one of my bank accounts, I have a phone app...I've been requested to update the app - no problem !... I then log into the account - conduct some business - then go to log out..... This is usually clicking on a LOG OUT icon at the top of the page - not any more....
    Despite searching, I couldn't find a LOG OUT icon....... so I used an online chat to the bank to ask for its' location........... and had the misfortune to encounter Arti !

    I typed in a simple enquiry '' You (name of bank), asked me to update my phone app. .Done that - but there is no LOG OUT icon. Can you please advise me of its' location.''

    Arti answered: '' In a few words can you explain to me your request. ''.... At first I thought that Arti had typed in an answer without having read my scripted question..... So (( perhaps, like an idiot )), I retyped it - verbatim. ..

    Arti answered '' I am having difficulty in understanding your request. can you please provide specific details.'' !!!!

    At this point I decided that Arti must be moonlighting from his normal job of a Football referee..... I then typed : '' I am very sorry that you didn't understand my request written in English. Is there another language into which I could attempt to translate ?

    I don't think Arti was impressed. He stated he would ask another member of staff to assist..... enter Lauren - who was able to easily understand my question - and gave an answer ...((( which turns out that you now have to go through a couple of stages after rerouting to my profile page in order to find the LOG OUT icon )))
    brb likes this.

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