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Off Topic If you are a smoker and can't give up

Discussion in 'Horse Racing' started by Ron, Jul 9, 2019.

  1. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Many smokers find it difficult to give up smoking but there is new hope, not known to many, and the success is stunning. My son was a heavy smoker, as was my wife, my daughter and her husband. Until recently. And I have to say, I am somewhat shocked (and happy) with the turn round

    Some people turn to vaping and it doesn't always work. This is because the widely available vaping machines aren't very effective. Well if you are interested in something that definitely works, like magic, read on

    Amanda and her husband decided to try vaping to cut down on smoking costs. BUT, after considerable research they concluded that it depends which "machine" you get and what liquids you use. The machine they bought was an expensive version and it was worth it. They both stopped completely in one day, and within a week started to feel healthier. My wife, amazed by this, became curious and tried it. And, she bought one and hasn't wanted a cigarette since. My son, a total disbeliever, could not ignore what he was seeing and eventually decided to "Give it a try". It is incredible that even he has stopped smoking and feels that his breathing has improved markedly. It's quite funny now when I hear them discussing the various flavours, menthol, caramel, pina colada etc The immediate benefits have been
    - improved well being
    - social; I see them a lot more as they don't have to go outside or to the garage before, during and after meals and several times during an evening
    - the kids don't have to be told to "Go away, I'm smoking"
    - cost savings are significant

    They still have to buy the liquids but that is a fraction of the cost of smoking. Again, there are cheap versions of these and more expensive versions, but the cheap versions are lower quality and not so effective. Further cost savings can be made by buying the ingredients and making your own mixtures

    One of Amanda's husband's brothers had tried vaping but carried on smoking. BUT, when he took their advice to buy a "professional machine" he stopped smoking immediately

    If anyone is interested in giving this a try let me know and I will provide the site where these "machines" can be bought. I don't think they are available in shops where, it seems, only the cheaper less effective ones are sold

    Don't ask me how it works; I have no idea. But to me, to see 5 heavy smokers give up so quickly and have no desire to smoke again, almost rates as a miracle
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    Cyclonic likes this.
  2. NassauBoard

    NassauBoard Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I thought this was going to be a subliminal give up gambling post.
  3. smokethedeadbadger

    smokethedeadbadger Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2011
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    Reading this Ron I felt like it was going to end with a Nigerian man asking for my bank details
  4. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    No, I'm serious smokey. If anyone finds it difficult I could not be more convinced than seeing what has unfolded before my very eyes
    smokethedeadbadger likes this.
  5. redcgull

    redcgull Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    Never smoked in my life, got other demons there haha, but I congratulate anyone who can give up on the ciggies and smoking. Good stuff Ron, hope they stay off the hard stuff for a vape filled world...<ok><applause>
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Me neither red (apart from a few when I was a kid, handing over half a crown and a note to the shopkeeper for a packet of Woodbines, then running of and puffing away. Quickly discovered they ruined the taste of my food and that was that.

    Another benefit that my son found was that he no longer reeks of smoke (something he was very conscious of)
  7. Chaninbar

    Chaninbar The Crafty Cockney

    Dec 30, 2011
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    I'm always amused by these vapers who seem to have no comprehension of the cloud climate they leave in their wake. Still it tends to smell better than smoke.
    redcgull likes this.
  8. CaptainPops

    CaptainPops Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2013
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    Thanks for the insight Ron. One of our neighbours owns a vaping shop and is very knowledgeable when it comes to all the machines and flavours. Lol.

    I used to smoke...gave up the day the smoking ban came in to effect. That helped me as no longer was i surrounded by smokers in a pub but the main thing is the mindset. I didn't use any patches, vaping machines or anything, I just decided to give up and maintained a strong mindset. I am firm believer that if you really want to achieve something you can do so..
    redcgull, Ron, rudebwoy and 1 other person like this.
  9. OddDog

    OddDog Mild mannered janitor
    Staff Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    I smoked for 10 years then read „The Easy Way To Stop Smoking“ by Allen Carr. Great book which just opens your eyes about how stupid smoking is (without being condescending). Stopped 19 years ago and never been tempted to start again.
    redcgull, floridaspearl, Ron and 2 others like this.
  10. Resurgam

    Resurgam Top Analyst
    Staff Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I am a smoke and I will admit, that I do enjoy it.
    I suppose I really should give up smoking though.
    My 16 year old daughter asked me why I didn't give up.
    I told her I was fat enough as it was, and if I gave up the fags, I'd probably eat more.
    Her reply?....

    "I'd rather have a fat dad, than a dead dad!"

    Maybe it is time for me to seriously think about giving up.
    Cyclonic, redcgull, OddDog and 2 others like this.

  11. Reebok

    Reebok YTS Mod
    Staff Member

    Jun 30, 2011
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    There's nothing more righteous than an ex smoker! If I can do it so can anyone :) It's true though, put your mind to do it and don't weaken. I smoked from 16 (not particularly heavily) and in fact gave it up for 6 months for a bet (10 bob) which didn't get paid as he didn't believe I'd done it, so I started again - that'll show him <laugh> But when my heart disease was diagnosed in 1985 I quit on the spot. It's one hell of an incentive though!
  12. rudebwoy

    rudebwoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    No one was born with fags in their mouths , it’s a learned habit and likewise it can be unlearned , like others i just went cold turkey and hung in there , had a couple of relapses in twenty seven years , no more than three months , haven’t touched tobacco for ten years now !

    ps , would like the option of neat marijuana as an occasional relaxant but the drug testing at work prevents such a thing
    redcgull and karlos5001 like this.
  13. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Unfortunately Reebs that is the only incentive for some. Interestingly though none of my family made any attempt to get the others to stop, in fact made more of an attempt not to as they knew what effect it would have. They had to believe what they saw and tried it
  14. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    SmokTech is the name of the company that sells this miracle machine if anyone is interested. If I had some spare cash I would buy some shares in this company
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    LG likes this.
  15. I've been on them for 35 years and still enjoy it - don't really see a reason to give up. Personal choice provided you don't pollute everyone else's space - which I don't. No kids and I suspect the nieces and nephews would enjoy shaving a few quid off the student loans. Is all good.
    redcgull likes this.
  16. floridaspearl

    floridaspearl Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2013
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    I’ve smoked on and off for forty years. I’m four months in to abstention. It’s tough I must admit.
    redcgull likes this.
  17. Cyclonic

    Cyclonic Well Hung Member

    Mar 4, 2011
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    What an act. <laugh>

    redcgull likes this.
  18. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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  19. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Article here on the dangers of vaping. It can be quite frustrating trying to move to the next slide


    Sounds quite frightening but it seems there is no evidence to suggest that the findings can be linked to all forms of vaping and that most of the victims have either:
    • vaped drugs (sometimes off the street)
    • been suffering from other disease(s)
    Victims appear to be in USA only and mostly young people

    However, I thought I should post it given the thread topic and worth keeping an eye out for any early signs to be safe
    Cyclonic likes this.
  20. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As has been mentioned above, and has always been my belief, the best way to give up is to use your will power and stop. This thread was intended solely for thos who don't have that will power.

    Also Oddy mentioned a book which should be worth a read (thanks for that mention Oddy). However, my experience is that those who don't have the will power to do something won't bother to read anything that might help, whatever it is; especially if recommended by someone who has found it very helpful (I must stress that is only my experience)

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