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Is Being a Defender Uncool?

Discussion in 'Norwich City' started by Dangerous Marsupial, Jan 24, 2011.

  1. Dangerous Marsupial

    Dangerous Marsupial Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    To begin this inaugural discussion I would like to tell you a story. I was in the waiting room for the dentist not so long ago and was bored out of mind. I looked at the reading material and to my surprise found some old (But still Lambert-era) matchday programmes from Carrow Road amongst the usual bilge these places have. I was having a flick through and I came across the page of the 11 mascots and it seemed they had all been asked to name their favourite player before the match. To my surprise 9 of them all named Grant Holt and the other 2 Wes Hoolahan. Now, I'm not for a second saying I don't love both of those players, but I was surprised that not one person had said my favourite Adam Drury who has been a servant of our club since before I had even taken my year 6 SATS. It's not saying that these people don't also love Adam Drury, but I would of expected there to be a bit of a wider mix of players suggested. Anyway, I went to reach for another programme to see if this trend continued and then I was called through for my appointment...

    ...now a few days later and I have purchased myself an xbox with money I got from my gran for Christmas . I have Fifa 11, and International Cricket 2010, the latter being the biggest disappointment I have ever parted with money for. After a few [very] unsuccessful attempts at trying to beat Barcelona as Norwich online I decided I would try to play the mode where you only control a single player. I joined a full game of 11 vs 11 to see what it was like; and it was like mob football of the 1800s. 21 men chasing the ball around trying to score at either end (Including the goalkeeper) and me standing in the mouth of our goal despite being a midfielder filling in for our goalie and having any man of the match award disappear for being out of position too long. Nobody seemed to want to defend at all, they all just wanted to score.

    Anyway, when people talk about the great footballers it's all Lionel Messi and so on who are all forwards. Lots of defenders are considered to be great players but never to be the best player in the world sort of material.

    So I ask you, is being a defender less cool than being a forward and banging in the goals? It's definatley not less important, but would the youth of today rather be a Grant Holt than my beloved Adam Drury?
  2. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Maybe its to do with the media?

    Whenever a team win, the strikers or creative midfielders get the headlines. If you watch MOTD, its the goals they show - not the crucial defensive blocks. Defenders only seem to make the headlines when they score goals. Being a striker is seen as glamorous, and in the current fame orientated world - thats what young players want to be.

    Have to say I agree with Adam Drury as being one of my favourite players as well as Simon Lappin - purely because they both come across as model pros, especially when it comes to dedication. Lappin was made to train with the youth side with city by Roeder, yet he stuck with it, and has battled his way back into the team, it'd have been so much easier to get his career going elsewhere.

    So I guess yes, defending is uncool. Unfortunately.
  3. CheshireCanary

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Yep completely agree with DHCanary, even if he did post it twice! ;)

    In fact that could be seen as part of the problem with English football. All the kids who i see playing football in this country are just all running after the ball, no matter where it is and how far it is away from where they are supposed to be. Compare this with spain, germany etc, it is taught to the kids from an early age that no matter where on the pitch they are, they all have a responsibility. In fact, as proved by our very own Russell Martin, defenders can be just as effective at attacking as strikers.

    Anyway, in response to your question, im afraid the answer is yes. :(
  4. KJCanary

    KJCanary New Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Having played as a defender at youth level up until last season (U16) I understand what you are saying.

    You'll often find that people on "Pro Clubs" on Fifa will always try to get the glory, and they think the only way they can do this is by scoring the goals. To a certain extent, they are correct.

    Very rarely will you see defenders getting rave reviews, with the odd exception perhaps. Nothing more than solid each game is what is said about them.

    It is often the big forward names who are on the inflated wages and back covers of the newspapers.

    People seem to forget that football isn't all about attacking, however, goals do often win games, and the people that score them will always be in the spotlight.

    So yes, defending is uncool, but it is no less important than any other position on the bitch
  5. KoreySmith

    KoreySmith New Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I'm a full back for my local boys team (u16) and yes being a denfender is uncool to people who don't play in that postion but to me making a important tackle or block etc is as good as scoring a goal.
  6. Whole-lot-of-Holt_HtH

    Jan 24, 2011
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  7. Dangerous Marsupial

    Dangerous Marsupial Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Ok guys, don't get me started FIFA online... I've lost my faith in humanity on there more times than I've heard a Tory cabinet minister say 'tough but fair.' I agree that Simon Lappin is a hard worker too; he doesn't score goals but he's happy to do anything for the team, be it put in a winning cross or fill in at Left Back. He does have a few temper issues, but other than that I think he alongside Drury and players like Korey Smith are excellent role models for young footballers.

    I think it would be a shame if children all aspired to like Wayne Rooney, but then I'd also hate to have more John Terrys in the world too...
  8. wilder1983

    wilder1983 Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    defenders never uncool....i have been playing left back for the ten years of my local mens team! First game ever saw was us versus Luton on the old plastic and remember seeing Mark Bowen absolutely tear it up.......ever since then he been my best player of all time!

    Long live defenders!

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