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Its not finished yet

Discussion in 'Rangers' started by eric cartman, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. eric cartman

    eric cartman Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    If you thought your troubles were over....


    Rangers' prospects of playing in Scottish football this season remain uncertain because of a stand-off between the Scottish FA and the club's owners.

    STV understands Sevco Scotland, led by Charles Green, is currently unwilling to accept the re-imposition of a 12-month signing embargo, originally placed upon the club by the governing body on May 11.

    The Scottish FA has made clear it will only transfer Rangers' membership to the new company if it either agrees to the imposition of the registration ban or elects to again go before the governing body's appellate tribunal.

    Lord Glennie previously ruled in a hearing at a Court of Session that the Scottish FA had acted outwith its powers in imposing the ban on the Ibrox club.

    The court ordered the Scottish FA to reconvene its appellate tribunal to impose a different sanction from its rule book, but this is currently on hold until Sevco chief executive Mr Green either accepts the original punishment or demands an alternative by forcing the tribunal to sit again.

    The two parties must reach an agreement before Rangers' season starts in 12 days time. Ally McCoist's side are due to play a Ramsdens Cup tie away to Brechin City on July 28.

    Thrown out

    If the newco owners, who bought over Rangers' assets in a £5.5m deal, refuse the proposal, the governing body will be left one further option involving the transfer of membership.

    It could transfer the membership but allow its appellate tribunal to reconvene, leaving open the possibility of Rangers either being suspended from the game for an indefinite period or being thrown out of the game altogether.

    The sanctions available to the panel are unlikely to be palatable to the club, as they include the potential suspension or expulsion of the club from the Scottish game, as well as possible ejection from the Scottish Cup.

    Should Sevco refuse to meet the Scottish FA’s demands, it will be forced to apply for a completely new membership not tied to the former club.

    Should those conditions be declined by Mr Green's company, the Scottish FA will refuse to transfer the membership and, as the newco does not meet the necessary requirements, Rangers will not play professional football in Scotland for at least the next year.

    If the company led by Mr Green accepts the imposition of the signing ban, Rangers will take up a place as an associate member of the Scottish Football League and will play in the Third Division this season. Clubs must have membership of the national association to play in a league.

    The Scottish FA also want Mr Green to agree to pay all outstanding football debt as another condition of the membership being transferred. It is also insisting on the new company taking responsibility for any sanctions later imposed by the Scottish Premier League following its investigation into alleged non-contractual payments to players.

    At a meeting on Monday, Sevco chief executive Mr Green told Ibrox employees there would be a "staffing review" following the decision of the Scottish Football League to place the club in the Third Division for the 2012/13 season.

    Final hurdle

    Speaking to Sky Sports News later on Monday, Mr Green said he would meet with the governing body for further talks on Tuesday and insisted a resolution had to be found urgently.

    He said: "The key thing is the issues outstanding with the Scottish FA. Most of the items have been talked about for weeks and weeks, those being the signing embargo, fines that were put out there, and payments to football clubs in terms of transfers.

    "Where we sit at the moment is at we are in the SFL but we can't play a friendly. The first cup game is in under two weeks.

    "The difficulty we have is we have been working for weeks on these issues and there is a point where, unless I as CEO accept these sanctions, then we won't be granted permission to join the Scottish FA.

    "For us, it is a balance between what is fair and appropriate and what is required.

    "I addressed the staff today because there will be job losses and the implications are huge. We need to draw this matter to an end now and get the Scottish FA to agree membership for us, get on with our lives and rebuild.

    "There have been huge issues with getting us to the point we are at today. While we have this big hurdle to overcome, it is the last and final hurdle, in my mind, we need to resolve."

    Focus on football

    In a statement, the Scottish FA said: "Scottish football’s recovery process begins today. The Board of the Scottish FA endorses the decisions made by the respective members of the Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League to accommodate Rangers FC Newco into the Irn Bru Division Three.

    "The Scottish FA Board are also wholly committed to Stewart Regan driving this process forward. Since being appointed Chief Executive, he has led us through an unprecedented modernisation of the Scottish FA.

    "He has our full support to continue the excellent work undertaken so far in accomplishing the key objectives of our strategic plan, Scotland United: A 2020 Vision. This will remain the Board’s priority as we move forward.

    "The new season begins in less than two weeks and it is incumbent on the Scottish FA to conclude all outstanding issues relating to Rangers FC. To that end, we aim to meet with the club this week with the intention of achieving a satisfactory outcome for all parties so that we can focus on football in time for the new campaign."
  2. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Tell the SFA to RAM IT ! <grr> <steam> <grr>
  3. Redwino

    Redwino Active Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    The blood lust goes on and on. This is as close to blackmail as they could go and you can tell the SFA are really concerned about how many people will lose their jobs. The want the newco to pay for the deeds of the oldco by imposing a transfer ban which has already been found illegal as well as hitting the newco with any future sanctions they care to impose. Good to seeyou you're back Rocket.
  4. eric cartman

    eric cartman Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Its a bit much too be honest. If they were too find you guilty of dual contracts they would have to suspend you, so why they are pushing this is beyond me.
  5. anportmorbhoy

    anportmorbhoy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    You lot are obsessed about keeping rangers history. Well perhaps if you do you can take the punishment for their sins also. Remember division 3 is where any liquidated club should re-start ala Gretna, it's not a punishment

    You wanna cling on to the good parts of the past only it seems?
  6. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Green has to decide what point he is arguing and tell everyone clearly whether "his" Rangers are a new club or merely the latest version of Rangers FC.
  7. Moses

    Moses Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2012
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    No offence, but to me it seems that Celtic's fans are far more concerned with our history than we are. Is this because of your little song, "If ye know wur hisssturrrrey"? You are like the David Irving's of Scottish football<whistle>
  8. anportmorbhoy

    anportmorbhoy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    I'm not bothered by your history. I don't care if you claim to keep it or not. But several people on here, mr rocket included, have made threads about keeping it. Well if you want to, then you'll keep the punishment handed to that member, or an alternative if you want them to reconsider it.
  9. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    When the powers who govern you are both corrupt and unjust then protesting is not an option &#8211; its a duty.

    Wherever and whenever this protest is to be, let every man,woman and child, who cast a favourable eye towards Ibrox, attend.

    Its high time Scotland remembered exactly what this club was about and the people who make it.. Lets put on a show of unity and power which sends shock waves which will reverberate right through this land.

    The Rangers haters and destroyers have had their 5 minutes of fame &#8211; its time for the voice of those who have been dismissed for too long to be heard.

    And heard we shall be.

    Rangers Forever
  10. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    And you lot are obsessed about us losing it. Why ? ......Because it makes you feel inferior and that's exactly what you are - INFERIOR.

    And we don't have a problem with going to Division 3 you utter f uckwit.

  11. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    Our biggest problem is that Green couldnie gie two ****s ! <grr>

  12. anportmorbhoy

    anportmorbhoy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    And neither should you have a problem with going to division 3, it's the rightful place.

    But fact is if you want to cling to being the same club then you have to accept the punishments for the crimes of that past club, same as you want to accept the glory. It's all I'm saying, take the good with the bad
  13. Mind The Duck

    Mind The Duck Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    So why aren't you called Rangers?
  14. Redwino

    Redwino Active Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Anport , I never mentioned history in my post and for you to say that going to division 3 is not a punishment is laughable. Rangers have been in administration followed by liquidation. They have lost their best players for nothing. They were deducted ten points. They were fined £100,000. The people responsible for these events are no longer there so the only people who are being hurt by this feeding frenzy are the fans and employees. So it seems to me that any further sanctions or fines are aimed at those who have done no wrong.
  15. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    What board are you on ?
  16. anportmorbhoy

    anportmorbhoy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Administration- because you didn't pay your bills - 10 points is the consequence of that.

    Liquidation - ditto, didn't pay your bills
    When others have been liquidated they started at the bottom- its what happens- you are starting from scratch- the bottom up. You've not been demoted- you've been allowed in

    £100k fine- you haven't accepted nor paid this. It is a punishment for non disclosure. If you want to cling to the old co then you can pay their fine- and take their embargo
  17. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    We don't have a problem going to Division 3 but why was the CEO of the SFA trying to blackmail the SFL Clubs to put us into Division 1 ? Where was his $porting Int£grity then ?

    As for punishment ? Perhaps, with you being a Lawyer and all, you can tell me where I can find this transfer embargo rule and how it was applicable to Rangers.
  18. Redwino

    Redwino Active Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    In the interst of sporting integrity it would have been refreshing to hear fans of other clubs voicing their anger at David Murray and Craig Whyte for getting Rangers and Scottish Football into this situation - but funnily enough that hasn't happened. I said previously this is like a tribe of primitives findng and killing a huge monster and returning to the carcass every day in the hope that it's still a little bit alive so they can start killing it again. Personally I cannot fathom how a rational person can hate a football club so much but that appears to be the overriding factor here.
  19. anportmorbhoy

    anportmorbhoy Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Fair enough rocket the embargo is illegal. If you prefer they can review the decision and impose an alternative? Would you accept that?
  20. Rocket

    Rocket Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    And this, from the same organisation that were told by members of the old Board that Craig Whyte was up to no good.

    The SFA KNEW he wasn't a fit and proper person yet failed to act.

    Who is being held to account for that within the SFA ?

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