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Lukaku wants to leave?

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Bodinki, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. remembercolinlee

    remembercolinlee Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    and I'd laugh myself sick...

    until I remembered we had Soldado <laugh>
  2. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I know that, but you still don't give many young players a chance. Hence the fact you've produced no academy first team players since Terry. You may aswell not have an academy, as it's clearly a waste of time for you :biggrin:
  3. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    We have produced first team academy players since Terry: McEachran for example

    BITKOSB Active Member

    May 27, 2014
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    You make a great point. Lukaku (if Jose permits) has an opportunity to A) become part of a fantastic squad, improve his game under a fantastic manager (alongside better players) and win major honours or B) join another club, get a game most weeks and win nothing. Only a boy with no gonads would make the latter choice and anyone with such a mindset would never be good enough for Chelsea. It's pretty simple really!
  5. - SW6 -

    - SW6 - Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Not credible?

    If it's in the Telegraph or the Times it's nailed on!

    Not sure why he'd want to stick around if we buy Costa, he wants to be first choice, and deserves to be as well.

    Shame he's never had his chance with us really.
  6. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Has he got the potential to be better than Costa?
  7. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    None of them bought by Jose. And Oscar and Hazard are both linked to a move. I think Jose just can't handle the exuberance of youth except by getting draconian, and that means the kids just don't like him. Add to that the fact that none ever make it up the ladder, and it's not the best situation we could have.
  8. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    You complain alot about Jose dontcha?
    I get the feeling you aren't down with his play style and tactics and would prefer us to become Barcelona?
  9. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    He loves Jose really but he likes whingeing even more. That's CP

    Lukaku latest:
    "I only know one thing and that is that, in my opinion, Chelsea are still the biggest club in England. And they have a very, very good manager! I have a contract with Chelsea after this summer and I am not focusing on any move to Atletico."
  10. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    I guess if he is an actual Pensioner then he has earned the right! <ok>
    All my dad used to do in his final days is moan about how flashy and "poncy" football had become since his day.
    He was a regular at the Bridge in the 60's and 70's and was at the 1970 FA Cup final against Leeds

  11. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Pensioners are only happy when they are moaning.

    My dad had a season West Stand for 20 odd years but loves a moan: usually targetting one player a season.

    From Alan Mayes to Ballack to Mikel
  12. - SW6 -

    - SW6 - Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I reckon so...costas best season was last season...we could be buying la ligas very own James Beattie...whereas Lukaku has done well at WBA and Everton...

  13. Chelsea Pensioner

    Chelsea Pensioner Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Absolutely not, but I don't accept that he is infallible and follow like blind freddy as others do, and I don't mean you. For the record, i was in the crowd outside the bridge when he won the first PL. I was very supportive of his return IF he was given time and had a long term plan. He got the first and says he's up for the second. He has also said he will bring on youth. Finally he said he will not continue his usual big spending. I fully accept the first 2 but there is not a shred of evidence for the third, just the opposite. The spending is still in front of the judges but so far so good. Maybe this season he will strengthen the weak areas and begin to bring on some kids. If so, I will stop criticising him and praise him. I really don't like the football we play under him this time around, but will wait and see how it goes when he gets "his team" in place. But nothing will convince me he has the nature or wherewithall to handle truculent and egotistical youngsters except by pissing them off ,which is not in the best interest of the Club. I see this as a major character flaw. We will win plenty and I applaud that, but I will criticise him when I think he needs it and praise him likewise. And I think I have been consistant since he returned.
  14. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Your opinion, CP. But did Jose not get Hazard's best form of his career out of him last season after reprimanding him over losing his passport and not training hard enough.

    Things are never black and white: Maybe his methods work with some truculent youngsters and not others. He got the best out of Joe Cole, aged 22, Robben for a couple of seasons, aged 20.

    And Terry, aged 23, Drogba, and other difficult characters
  15. Drogs

    Drogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    His first season was **** but during his second season he was playing behind Falcao and out of position but still managed to bag a few goals/assists. He is definitely one of the main reasons they won the League and were runners up in the CL last season.

    ffs CP, he's been here for one season! If he started giving youth a chance and then failed to win anything, he'd lose his job. It's nothing to do with Jose, it's the nature of managing a club with expectations of silverware every season. Blame the board, not him.

    The football we played from November onwards was ****, nobody will dispute that. However it was only made this way because whenever we tried to play expansive our weaknesses were exposed. We were playing very good stuff at times up until our usual November/December slump. Costa deal is almost complete and looks like we're about to sign Fabregas, both of whom will allow us to play better football and score goals.

    I'm also quite amazed anyone can criticise his man management abilities. More or less every single player who has worked under him has nothing but praise for the bloke. I assume you are talking about Hazard/Lukaku when you say 'by pissing them off, but he has just come out and said he is 100% staying at Chelsea and even mentioned a contract extension, so I would put down the tabloids if I were you. As for Luaku, what can you do when someone mouths off and asks for a loan? Let's get it straight, Lukaku, despite his talents, is very mouthy and thinks he is far better than he really is. Hopefully Jose's next move is a smart one by getting rid of either Ba or Torres and making Lukaku our second striker and giving him a chance, but I can't see him staying here.

    The only thing I can truly criticise Jose for last season are his comments on Wenger and possibly the sale of De Bruyne - who I believe will be quality in a few years.
  16. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Pretty much agree with all of this.

    What did you expect CP, for Jose to waltz in and promote the entire youth squad to the first team. This season was always about stabilisation for us, after having so many managers in such a short time and having a grossly unbalanced squad. The fact that we almost nicked the title was hilarious, since we played no where near our best this season.

    Lets not beat around the bush regarding Lukaku, he is a mouthy twat. He is a very talented player, and I think can one day be world class, but right now he has done nothing in a Chelsea shirt. (Except miss a penalty in the Super Cup). He had the chance last season to stay with us and prove himself, and ironically, as our strikers were so **** last season, had he stayed, he may well have been promoted to a regular XI player and kick started his career.
    But it seems he doesnt want to fight for a place and pussied out and went on loan to Everton.
  17. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Jose did a very good job last season.

    His two big mistakes were not getting Matic or another Earlier and not sorting the striker situation.

    If he had we would have got 90 points and won the league.

    I wonder if his hand was forced to keep Torres or whether the club just messed up going for Rooney and ending up with eto
  18. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Surely Roman isnt that stupid?
    How long do we have to put all our eggs in El Burro's basket before we realise he is passed it.
    We signed a dud, just like we did with Chris Sutton and Mateja Kezman.
    We have the ****tiest luck with strikers.

    Sutton = Awesome for Blackburn, turd for Chelsea
    Casiraghi = great for Lazio, we sign him, looks good for a few games then breaks his leg and is forced to retire
    Kezman = Shattered RVN goal scoring record in Holland, we sign him, he cant score for ****.
    Crespo = Awesome player, world class, we sign him, he has a half decent season then whines and wants to leave, we loan him, we get him back etc
    Mutu = The biggest shame of it all, he looked really good, like class!! Drugs fiasco!!

    In the last 15 years its only really been JFH and Drogba who has come good striker-wise for us.
  19. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Oh yeah almost forgot about cry baby, homesick knob end Brian Laudrup!!
    We traded him in for some cash and Bjarne Goldbaek if I recall.
    Good deal <ok>.......NOT!!
  20. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    And that's without Sheva and Torres on that list at 80 million outlay plus wages! Going back even further, Robert Fleck. Awesome for Norwich really struggled with us.

    Definitely more fails than successes in the last couple of decades. Though I'd add Eidur as a good un (though not an out and out striker).

    I think last season we put all our eggs in the Rooney basket because the other strikers we were looking at went for too much money (Falcao, Cavani, Neymar) or were not prepared to move (Lewandowski). I think perhaps we should have looked at Higuain but Jose obviously knew a lot about him and didn't want him.

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