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Mafia XI - An Unknown Evil -GAMEOVER Town/Anarchist Victory!

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by Milk not bear jizz, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    NIGHT 5 has fallen

    The town has gathered together in the final execution ceremony of the game. Valley walks himself up to the noose gives town the thumbs up and is hanged...

    Valley was THE FAKE MEDIUM

    Just kidding... there is no fake medium. Valley is the Medium <whistle>

    As Valley dies all the dead let out a groan and a few sad smiley faces and then slump to the floor. The dead are dead. ACS likes a few posts before his soul is dragged down to hell.

    The Medium was a powerful portal linking the dead, the arcane, and the living, magnified by the spirit of Baphomet and Halloween, the dead had hoped to channel their energy through it to emerge as immortal beings and rulers of mankind. With Valley dead the portal closes.

    Dêrêk Asâmöâh appears before the living, no longer a corpse but a fully formed human, a magnificent example of Translyvanian-Ghanian humanity.
    "Thank you, " he says, "for defeating Baphomet and denying the dead from taking over the world; with that, he takes a football from a cupboard and dribbles it out the hotel with incredible speed- he disappears into the flood waters.

    The game isn't quite over a few assassinations have been scheduled for the night. The Monster Hunter returns to his room to get his arrows he finds the anarchist waiting for him with gun in hand.
    "Sorry Mikey, " he says, " as he shoots the hero dead. Mikey was the town's Monster Hunter.

    From the air a helicopter is heard approaching, it lands next to the hotel, there is enough room for three survivors. Magic, as the anarchist having completed his goal to win the game of having three of his targets dead boards first.
    The other two spots are fought over between the Surfer, Gerrez, and the Holy Man, RHC against the Occult Brotherhood of Blood survivors Tennis and Neville.

    Not outnumbering town- Tennis and Neville are unable to prevent Gerrez and RHC boarding the helicopter instead of them. The helicopter takes off with the three survivors Magic, Gerrez and RHC.
    As it clears the hotel a great crash is heard as the floodwaters finally weaken the structure of the hotel enough for it to come crashing down on the two remaining Cultists.


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    As the three survivors celebrate they notice that they are being flown towards some strange looking castle remote from civilisation. Curious they ask the pilot where they are being taken. The pilot flashes an evil smile and shows two long front teeth.
    He laughs evilly... "zat is vor ze sequel dude."

    Few closing comments...

    First- "man of the match" has to go to Mikey for spotting both of the brotherhood's key words. Thought the cults did very well- I knew the keywords and didn't even spot it when they used them half the time! <laugh>
    Mikey was pretty lucky, a few times he was a target to be killed but the would be killer changed his mind late on.
    AFC and Gerrez tied for second- I was expecting one of them to get offed in the first night. (didn't feel too bad for them since the first killed gets resurrected). The survivor was supposed to be an added benefit for town a "known good".

    As I'm sure you are aware now there were 5 teams.

    "Occult Brotherhood of the Blood"
    "Occult Brotherhood of the Skull"
    "Baphomet (and his shaman)"
    "The Dead"

    And then by himself- the anarchist, whose win condition was independant of the others. I was toying with the idea of an anarchist for a while- but was going to drop the role when Bobby D dropped out and the two "maybes " both dropped out.
    Instead I said "F!@$" the town, and took away the Town Investigator role instead last minute.

    The Holy Monster Hunter was originally going to be a second Holy Man- but I made him a Monster Hunter with the ability to kill last minute. I was worried that with two extra killers noone would last to day 5- but went with it anyway... <laugh>

    I had hoped the medium and Baphomet would last until night 5. That way the Medium couldn't commit suicide to save the town. Baphomet's win conditions were:
    1) Kill the medium and live to day 5
    2) If the Dead don't identify the medium, you can try instead.

    I also deliberately dropped hints about the Medium being used for evil (if dead or Baphomet won- they would have used the mediums soul as a gateway to become immortals).
    These hints were designed to make town not sure if they could trust him day 5. Since everyone needed the medium to win. The medium was supposed to guard his identity with his life. <laugh>

    The two cults were always going to be the hardest to win with- with only 5 days. I didn't expect anyone to out both of them so early but it was always going to be difficult for them to win.
    I knew if a cultist were resurrected by the mad scientists that could be the end of one cult. I tried to be fair to the cultists and give them a shot at winning- but the
    game was really Baphomet vs Town. "The Dead" was an experiment to keep the game interesting for those who had been killed. I suspected they wouldn't win but wanted to give those killed "one last chance".

    The surfers and the Cults were supposed to be a distraction to keep people discovering the medium or Baphomet. The surfers were also to make day one "interesting".
    Too often in Mafia games day one can be boring because you have nothing to go on. I tried to introduce a new dimension each day.

    Day 1) Surfers
    Day 2) Someone gets resurrected.
    Day 3) Someone gets resurrected by town (didn't happen) and hopefully spills beans on one of the cults. Also Cults get QT boards.
    Day 4) Didn't have anything for town but cults were given an important "choice".
    Day 5) The dead woke back up.

    The four original surfer words were supposed to also serve to mess with the cult's minds. Each cult had a handful of code words but there "I agree" and "I disagree" words overlapped with the surfer words.
    The surfers could never kill anyone- that's something the medium made up.

    For the cults to win they had to kill the rival cult's High Priest and outnumber both "living town" and "rival cult". To help them out I gave them a choice day 4:

    (if medium still alive) - I gave them the choice to commit suicide and join the dead to try winning as the dead.
    (if combined they have 4 or fewer members) - I gave them the choice to drop the rivalry and join forces.

    I hand picked Gerrez and AFC for the surfer roles due to the fact I knew they wouldn't "hide" and not post- and also because they're both teflon and knew they could survive lynching...
    ... I still expected one to die night 1 and was surprised they both lasted 5 days. The surfer talk was supposed to end day 2 after one of them died. But they just wouldn't die! <laugh>.

    The other hand picked roles was "Igor" went to IBWT- because how could I give it to anyone other than someone with "Biscan" in their name. "RHC" got the Holy man because the thought made me laugh.
    All other roles were randomly assigned. (I was prepared to rebalance if the sides looked uneven but that turned out to be unnecessary).

    The anarchist's job was to survive 5 days and kill three of the following: High Priests, Shaman, Mad Scientist, Medium. His win/loss was independant of any other win/loss.

    These are the QT boards:

    The Roles:

    The Medium:

    Mad Scientist/Igor:

    Team Baphomet:

    Brotherhood of the Skull:

    Brotherhood of the Blood:

    Merged Brotherhood following union (even though skull's all died same night):

    Kills/Invests, etc:
  2. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Well done Milk. A great game and it's probably the one I've enjoyed the most. I think everyone else seemed to LIKE it too.
    In terms of feedback I reckon allowing Smileys and likes was a bad idea as some clowns went a bit OTT IMHO which detracted from the slickness of the game.
  3. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Pretty weak from the bloods too.... You'd no chance but you didn't want one either.

    I went for dead team who seem to have not paid attention or even worse assumed as they were town once they would win as town.

    Ibwt and tobes knew valley due to scientist stuff
    Obi Wan likes this.
  4. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    For what its worth you will see on the QT boards just how much you ****ed with my head <laugh>

    I am clueless at unknown games. I end up looking for conspiracies within conspiracies. Even spent an hour trying to solve an anagram that wasn't even meant as an anagram at one stage <laugh>

    Great game MIlk <ok>
    Obi Wan likes this.
  5. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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  6. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Thanks everyone!

    One of my favourite games to host! Lot of fun and laughs for me. Especially first two days the surfer antics and everyone trying to figure out WTF they were doing...
  7. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    So basically tennis and nev are complete divs who should have died and Valley lost.

    All dead were on dead team so lost and really

    Magic as the sole lone actor won... the first serial killer.

    Well cos rhc wasn't here that is... Neither was Gerrez so neither could board a chopper Could they.

    Kudos magic...
    Obi Wan and J. J. McClure like this.
  8. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    So was Neville proven to be a bad bastard or not.
    I'm confused.
    Or is he just a bastard?
  9. ValleyGraduate12

    ValleyGraduate12 Aberdude's Puppet
    Forum Moderator

    Aug 3, 2012
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    Great game Milk. I salute you sir <applause><applause><applause>
    Obi Wan likes this.
  10. Magic Ted

    Magic Ted Talulah

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Funnest mafia game I've bothered turning up for. Well played Milk <ok>
    Obi Wan and ValleyGraduate12 like this.

  11. Magic Ted

    Magic Ted Talulah

    Sep 7, 2011
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    By the way, did the dead not have a QT forum and what were there votes for, if for nothing? <laugh>
  12. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Brilliant kills magic. Glad mikey took my advice on bod and won it for you :bandit:

    No seriously that's it for me guys i'm out.
  13. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    ValleyGraduate12 likes this.
  14. Style

    Style 'where is the love'

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Great game Milk really enjoyed it, even if you ****ers did lynch me again.
  15. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Neville was the High Priest of the Bloods.
    Obi Wan and ValleyGraduate12 like this.
  16. Joelinton's Right Foot

    Joelinton's Right Foot Worth Every Penny

    Jan 27, 2011
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    but also a bastard <ok>
  17. Mikey

    Mikey Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2012
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    Haha, out of all the things that were hilarious about this game, your fight til the end might have been my favourite of all MITO, I was loving it.
    Obi Wan likes this.
  18. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    No, the deads were not allowed to talk or it would have been easy for them to identify the medium through simple elimination by telling each other who their teammates were.

    Dead were trying to identify the Medium (had he lived)- the dead planned to pass through into the land of the living through the Medium's soul (which crossed the land of the living and the dead).
    Obi Wan likes this.
  19. Milk not bear jizz

    Milk not bear jizz Grasser-In-Chief

    Nov 12, 2013
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    Seemed a very unjust ending for you! <laugh>
    Obi Wan and Mikey like this.
  20. Magic Ted

    Magic Ted Talulah

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Ah I see! Shame it's not possible to use the exact format again; Think for once there was a healthy blend of roles and teams.
    Obi Wan likes this.
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