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Moyes confirmed

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by C19RK73, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    David Moyes must bring his Everton ethos to Wearside

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    Sunderland fans can be forgiven for thinking the world is against them. The red and white faithful have experienced season after season of incompetence and managerial merry-go-rounds.

    But after ending last season on such a high, there was a sense of optimism the Stadium of Light. The last two home games against Chelsea and Everton were a glimpse into what Big Sam could do with the club, he could really take them forward and bring the stability that the club so craves. However, the FA had other ideas for Allardyce much to Sunderland’s disappointment. And of course whilst there may be no hard feelings between Allardyce and the club, after all it was his dream job and it is the pinnacle of a man’s career, he did a lot for Sunderland. His January transfer window brought three real quality players to Wearside in Kone, Kirchhoff and Khazri and then of course he secured survival the expense of Newcastle so while there may be feelings of disappointment, there’s certainly no resentment.

    Though you can’t blame Sunderland for resenting the FA. Time and time again the national side have ignored Sunderland and their players. Darren Bent scored 25-goals in one season and Fabio Capello attended just one game on Wearside (against Chelsea so you decide who he was there to see) and then decided Bent’s record didn’t warrant him a place in the England set-up for the 2010 World Cup. In fact after ignoring Bent’s fantastic season he even suggested that Sunderland were to blame for his omission and implied he should switch clubs. And then again last season, Jermain Defore scored 18 goals in a struggling side with poor service, and even played out of position at times, and yet still, he wasn’t good enough. So whilst their players aren’t good enough, they were more than happy enough to poach the club’s manager.

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    Although for once, things haven’t went all that badly for Sunderland. Whilst of course they have lost a great man in Sam Allardyce, they have arguably brought an even better one in, in David Moyes. It’s no secret that Ellis Short has tried to tempt Moyes to Sunderland before. The Texan admitted that on the last five occasions, Moyes has always been his number one choice.

    I won’t have anyone be fooled by the Scot’s “failure” at Old Trafford. He was given an impossible job, to fill Sir Alex Ferguson’s shoes, he was never going to be good enough. Louis Van Gaal has twice the support, twice the time and twice the funds that Moyes did and still failed. Moyes is a fantastic manager and will do an excellent job at Sunderland.

    He steadied Everton and turned them into a real top quality Premier League side. Upon the advent of the Premier League, Everton’s final positions were similar to Sunderland, generally around 14-17th place. However, after Moyes was appointed, in his ten year tenure, there were only two seasons when the Toffees finished outside of the top ten (11th and 17th). He took European football back to Goodison Park and on a very low budget too. It’s because of him, Everton are where they are today. And there’s no reason why can’t stabilise Sunderland in the same way, just one season of midtable mediocracy would do wonders for the club and more than satisfy fans. Sunderland are a top eight club in the making, but have been ‘in the making’ for too long now. A billionaire owner, a fantastic man base, state of the art training facilities and a huge stadium, it’s a sorry sight to see the club’s recent failings.

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    And that’s the top and bottom of it, currently Sunderland are failing. Since the club’s return to the Premier League Roy Keane has decided he couldn’t take the club any further and Ricky S’Bragia was then tasked with keeping the club in the Premier League. Following S’Bragia was Steve Bruce who fluked the club to tenth place for the first time in 50 years, and then almost relegated the Black Cats the following season. To replace Bruce was Martin O’Neill, and then there was Paolo Di Canio who was just given seven games to save the club’s Premier League status, the Italian did just that and gave local rivals Newcastle a battering.

    Di Canio didn’t last much longer at the Stadium of Light and was swiftly replaced by Gus Poyetb. Gus Poyet is the club’s most successful manager since their return to the Premier League, he kept them up, took them to Wembley and extended their run over Newcastle. Though things didn’t take long to sour under Poyet and Advocaat was then the man to keep Sunderland up, of course the Dutchman did just that and made it five-in-a-row against Newcastle. Advocaat didn’t take long to decide his Sunderland U-turn was the wrong decision and Sunderland gave Allardyce the job of Premier League survival. It took him until the second last game to just that and then the fairy-tale was brought to a premature end. But is this all a club of Sunderland’s size have to celebrate? Poyet’s Wembley trip aside, a derby win and Premier League survival just aren’t good enough and things need to change.

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    Moyes knows that he can’t have a relegation battle on his hands, he knows what’s needed of him and what’s more, I know he can do it. Moyes can steady the ship at the Stadium of Light, he’s a long-term man and that is magnified by the four year contract given to him. He has three weeks to bring some new faces to the Stadium of Light before the season starts and will undoubtedly start with turning loanees Yann M’Vila and DeAndre Yedlin into permanent deals. The 53-year-old will be keen to bounce back from his Real Sociedad ordeal and even keener to show the world he is still capable of doing a job in the Premier League.

    Like the late great Bob Stokoe said: “I didn’t bring the magic, it was always here. I just came back to find it”. Moyes needs to find the magic, he needs to bring back the spark at the Stadium of Light and give Sunderland fans a reason to be in love with football again.

    Smug in Boots and Charley Farley like this.
  2. Nostalgic

    Nostalgic Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    Steady on there Bri, nothing critical or derogatory meant other than this is the first appointment that has been made pre-season for a long time and is a good fit. By the impatient squad all I was referencing was that we can maybe trust ES and DM to get it right. If it does not happen by the window's end then the criticisms of parsimony etc will be leveled again regardless of the amount of effort made to sign players. After a mere nine months in charge Sam has effected quite a change and DM could benefit greatly.

    Part of the spirit of coming onto sites like this is to try and second-guess what the club will do via manager and owner, but in reality most of us, and the press, only know about 5% of what really goes on behind the scenes. In the end it is what happens on the pitch that matters, but not necessarily on a game by game basis as was proven by Sam. Carry on from the end of last season and DM will be hailed as a genius, until we lose a couple.
  3. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    It could, We could win trophies too, but speculating the future has nowt to do with my gripe with what Marcus said. So not sure where you're going this. I'm well happy with the Moyes appointment.
  4. Nostalgic

    Nostalgic Well-Known Member

    Jan 13, 2012
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    OK, just did a reply to your post. Will leave you and Marcus too it.
    Brian Storm likes this.
  5. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Yes. Yes. Yes.
  6. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Was that a Harry Met Sally moment?
  7. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Apart friom the time when we were born, have we ever had a scottish manager? How many people will be turning up in a kilt drinking irn bru in support of dave?
  8. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I had me cock in me hand at the time anarl.
  9. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I've never understood why anyone would use the word 'brigade' to describe posters.

    It implies that there is a body of people who are totally committed to a certain dogma and won't contemplate an alternative view point.

    That may be true with certain subjects but surely not football.

    Many Sunderland supporters derided Allardyce and grew to love him at Sunderland.

    Moyes has always been suggested by Mags whenever their manager's job has become vacant ....... now they'll say he'd rubbish.

    People are entitled to criticise aspects of Short, or whoever, but it doesn't mean they don't have a good word for him.
    Nads likes this.
  10. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Raw. He likes wearing his tartan skirt. Even on a blowy winters night.

  11. Smug in Boots

    Smug in Boots Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Not in my recent memory but I believe we did in 'black & white' days.

    I'd wear my kilt but I'm certainly not drinking pop on a match day <laugh>
    Deleted likes this.
  12. Nordic

    Nordic Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Ricky Sbragia... kind of.
    Deleted likes this.
  13. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Great shout
  14. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ha. Beat me to it. I was just googling to double check he was a Jock.
  15. Nordic

    Nordic Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    He's in the Scottish national team set-up now, I think. So that's 3 of the 5 Brits/Irish 'national' teams with ex-Sunderland bosses. Bizarre, and the Rep got two of them for good measure.

    So no surprise NIrn and Wales are doing best out the lot!!
  16. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I was just about to say Adam Mathews will **** the Wales team up. Looked on Wiki. Adam Mathews now at Bristol City. Since when?
  17. Nordic

    Nordic Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    **** knows! Moyes acting swiftly..
  18. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I thought he just went on loan there!
  19. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I never realised he actually exsisted.
    Nads likes this.
  20. Blunham Mackem

    Blunham Mackem Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I don't understand your doubt. I mean, with a name like that, who could doubt his Scottishness?

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