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Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Teessidemackem, Jan 23, 2017.

  1. Billy Death

    Billy Death Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    I blame Brexit. <laugh>
    rooch 3 likes this.
  2. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Seriously mate, the lad needs to get himself to a head doctor. He's throwing a very clear talent right down the sitter. Football looks a chore for him. Do you even think he likes the game? Ronnie O'Sullivan one of the greatest sporting talents of all time has a real resentment for the game of snooker and spent most of his career at odds with himself and the game. Something similar with this lad possible maybe?
  3. Brian Storm

    Brian Storm Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Yeah M'Vila pulled out, he said farewell about a week before on instagram thanking the fans, then the club reported there was a deal in place but he then turned it down when the window opened to re sign with Kazan
  4. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I posted the other day that there were 5 key things that needed doing to maintain the fairly solid team that we had at the end of last season. Those things haven't been done and that is why we are where we are, in my opinion. Those things could have been done no matter who the manager was.
    Instead, we got Januzaj, McNair and Love. All players with potential but none of whom adequately satisified any of those 5 key things and who therefore, for our purposes, were completely pointless signings. In the cases of McNair and Love the transfer fees that they were signed for would have made up a large chunk of what Rubin Kazan wanted for Yann M'Vila. Now, I can't be certain but it appears likely that those three signings were the choice of our current manager.
    I stated at the start of this season that I thought that Moyes pessimistic attitude was unhelpful. But I also stated that I thought he would probably prove himself to be a technically very capable manager. That hasn't happened and in fact I think he has been poor on technical and tactical aspects.
    If the defence was drilled and he was finding innovative tactical solutions to our injury crises and lack of numbers and quality then his pessimism wouldn't be an issue. He isn't doing that and so his pessimism is becoming an issue. Like in many jobs, character and temperament is all important for a football manager. What our bunch of apathetic wasters need is someone to inspire some fight, some solidarity, and some belief in them and to some extent that would cover up the tactical and technical deficiencies. So far the current evidence suggests that the manager isn't doing that. Managers like Paolo di Canio and Sam Allardyce did.
    Ellis Short says he wanted David Moyes for 5 years. I believe that because he developed a reputation at Everton for doing things on a budget and that will have appealed to Ellis. Overall, however, I think he was completely the wrong fit for a club in our position. We needed and injection of positivity and dynamism along with discipline and determination- I don't think Moyes brings that.
    That being said, I see absolutely no point in sacking him. There are plenty of managers out there who could probably do as well if not better but anyone who comes in now won't have any time to bring in their own players with the transfer deadline nearing. We also need to escape the poisonous cycle of hiring and firing managers.
    All we can do is hope that we're still in with a chance of stopping up by the time the injury crisis eases and then hope that, no matter which division we're in, the club comes up with a proper plan during the short summer period before player recruitment and pre-season training has to start.
  5. Tel (they/them)

    Tel (they/them) Sucky’s Bailiff

    May 11, 2011
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    I think I'd rather have The Rocket up front than Adnan mate, for morale and that. He was a gifted kid mate, but seems to have lost whatever he had to get him his big break (no pun intended). FWIW, I'd take him back and let him just train with folk like Zlatan and Pogba, I know Pog has his critics but his professionalism cannot be brought into question and Zlatan as a competitor and an athlete oozes class.

    Sometimes kids just peak too soon as well mate, we naturally expect their progress to continue and sometimes it just doesn't.

    He can't hide forever.
    Brian Storm likes this.

    DAPARKERSAFC Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Say what you will about Ashley but that is ****ing tremendous selling!!!
    haslam likes this.
  7. grandpops

    grandpops Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Certainly is. He might be a complete arsehole but he`s proper business man backed by people who know what they`re doing.

    A dairy farmer would be better than our bloke. At least he`d know how to improve the herd.
    Makemstine Roger likes this.
  8. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Put your headphones on full blast Bri might read this and you don't want to hear what his reply will be. <laugh><laugh><laugh><laugh>
  9. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The issue is for me, is the plan to stick with Moyes no matter what happens?

    I can't see anything other than three defeats in our next three games and the Moyes out calls will grow stronger.

    We really need Bain or Short to come and back their man publically and try and get the fans back on board.

    Given our injuries and lack of January investment I'm almost resigned to relegation but it's a hell of a project next year for whoever is manager.

    We get the parachute payments and if we get what we should for Pickford Kone and others we could have the biggest budget in years to build a team from the ground up around some good youngsters in Gooch Asoro Honeyman Watmore etc.

    Plus the wage bill will be pretty much wiped clean.

    Don't want to go down but long term I think it could benefit us.

    See your point but I feel if we go down it will be to extemely hard to get back
    And not as easy as the skunks has made it
  10. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    Oh the finances and some of the attitude he has as regards the business side of football is spot on. We buy players up front, no staggered deals, and he uses that to barter lower prices. When we sell, he always works on the basis of "well we don't have to sell so if you want him you've got to pay a premium". It does mean we end up giving players long contracts (which keeps their values hiked up) and has resulted in some players turning us down as we want to draw them into long contracts on moderate wages (Modric was the high profile player this happened with but he could just have decided to turn us down anyway!).

    Ever since Andy Carroll stormed into an execs office and demanded that they match the wages Liverpool were offering or he'd quit (hoping to call their bluff if the story is to be believed) Ashley has been a legend in this regard.
    Billy Death likes this.

  11. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I seen an interview where a member of your board was talking about that sale. He said at first you were offered 20 million and Ashley just hung the phone up on them. Then they offered 30 million and this time he told them to try harder and put the phone down. He said they then rang back up and offered 35 million to which he accepted. Then the email/fax came through with their official offer.

    Got nothing but respect for him, for doing that. I don't believe the Carroll story personally. I don't think Ashley wanted him anywhere near the club when he was being offered that sort of money <laugh>
  12. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    The phone-calls story does seem to be the accepted version of events and the Liverpool exec who authorised it (can't recall his name now) just said afterwards they were willing to pay more for Carroll as they had money in from Torres and needed a talisman to replace him.

    The departure of Carroll is muddy. I can imagine him kicking off as he did on occasion but there's no arguing - for half the final transfer fee Ashley would have sold him and his mother. Got to suspect the club then just tried to make it sound like their hands were tied over Carroll leaving, it was only a month after the very popular Hughton was sacked and replaced with the very unpopular Pardew.
  13. haslam

    haslam Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2011
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    I've 100% come around to the idea that "he's a ****, but he's our ****" way of thinking. I wouldn't want to be on the opposite side of the table to him put it that way. The fat bastard.
  14. Deleted #

    Deleted # Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I blame Trump <laugh>
  15. red&white wanderer

    red&white wanderer Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    I think think Moyes came with the baggage of failure at his last 2 clubs and so lacking in confidence and self belief. But our recent successes and progress have improved his demeanour and he sounds positive although still dour - getting his mojo back KTF
  16. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It's almost comical how miserable he is, when Chelsea scored their third Conte was so excited that he flung himself into the crowd like a stage diver, when we scored our third Moyes looked he was the one who was getting soundly beaten.

    I prefer emotional managers on the whole because their passion is infectious but it seems like he's getting things right and building relationships with his players very nicely so it's of no consequence really.
    red&white wanderer likes this.
  17. red&white wanderer

    red&white wanderer Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2015
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    Exactly I can live with a winning successful Sunderland led by Dour Dave unburdened by his recent failures <cheers>
    Nacho likes this.

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