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Nigel Pearson the truth

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Red Robin, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    If you believe 9 or 10 in I think you’ll be disappointed, 4 will be absolute maximum imo, with a couple going.
  2. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    NO A NUMBER 9 AND 10 :emoticon-0148-yes:
    AshtonRed likes this.
  3. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    So it should not bother you now then that we are getting a sports medical from same division?
  4. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Amazed that he dropped lat low-perhaps he has homes or family up there he was born in Scotland ?
  5. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Or maybe he’s not as respected as you think he is?
    After all you blamed Andy Rolls for being Mark Ashtons mate and the cause for all our injuries when Ipswich had very little injuries this season.
  6. Supcon72

    Supcon72 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
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    So, you decide that Nige avoiding the drop for 3 years is a success, yet anything but top 6 for LM next season is a fail.

    You do make I larf Red Robin….

    LM has not had a bean to spend so far, so doing what he did with Nige’s squad means he deserves some cash, which btw, Nige did have a fair amount of, despite what you and others kept trying to say to the contrary
  7. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    It’s about context, you can’t see the difference but there is one, Nige would have had the same target this season as LM has, that’s because we’re in a completely different situation now, largely due to the efforts made by Nige and Richard Gould to steady the ship.
    Angelicnumber16 and Redprintt like this.
  8. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    100% Nige has created this opportunity by culling the costs and given Liam the platform to go forward.

    Top six has to be the aim if we are progressing.
  9. AshtonRed

    AshtonRed Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Challenging for top 6 will suffice imo, we don’t have the budget of P/P clubs.
    Redprintt likes this.
  10. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    @IpswichTown done it so can we-just need the right players and management.

    If we had got the 9 in when every Tom-dick-Harry could see it -I reckon we could have taken a spot.

  11. bcfcredandwhite

    bcfcredandwhite Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Liam is in the process of having his midfield ripped from him.
    It will be interesting to see if it gets replaced.
    Red Robin likes this.
  12. invermeremike

    invermeremike Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I am starting to see the usual lack of thought going into our summer break as our midfield is being torn apart and I doubt whether the replacements will meet the standard. This top six nonsense being spouted by JL is a perfect example of the difference between what is said and what actually happens and our sad history of telling porkies continues unabated. I think what he meant to say was that the top six is available to us but only if we cut the wage bill in half and bring in totally unknowns to get the job done on a cut price budget. If our front line next season contains any of the following three, Cornick, Wells and Mehmeti, then we could be looking at a dire campaign which will allow us not to fall afoul of the FFP mafia. When was the last summer break that gave us real hope of success based on the new signings we brought in because I really can't think of one to be honest? Leaving JL in charge of anything is a huge mistake because Mr Billy Big Bollocks thinks his messy stuff doesn't stink and that he knows better than anyone else in the sport of football, which we all know from his history is also a load of carp. How many well educated people leaving the sinking ship does it take to wake him up to the reality that his decisions have cost us dearly over all of the seasons that he has been in command? :headbang:
  13. Cliftonville

    Cliftonville Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
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    In regards to finances and Nigel Pearson's time at BCFC you are prone to posting bullshit. Utter bullshit.

    Complete ludicrous fantasy - Match Day Thread - the derby .... BCFC v CARDIFF KO 12.30 | Page 4 | Not606

    Total bollocks.
    Red Alert, Red Robin and Redprintt like this.
  14. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Supcon,sorry mate.
    But in regards to Nigel Pearson you and 1For really do talk utter bullshit and total bollocks.
  15. realred1952

    realred1952 Well-Known Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    difference seems to be LM is a coach through and through so trains what he is given NP CATEGORICALLY STATES he is a manager that can also coach1 a really big difference there and it seems why the parting of the ways was in evitable.. he did his managing... got the ship turned around and then health wise was deemed unfit to continue in the dual role expected!
  16. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    wait till Nige comes out with the truth in 12 months .
    Unlike Junior who spouted nonsense and broke protocol.
  17. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    A great read on OTIB about NP.
    The level of support from City fans for him is incredible.
    Red Robin likes this.
  18. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As said jonny boy had a tantrum should never have been sacked-should have got rid of jonny boy.
    Redprintt likes this.
  19. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Is this the way to go-not my fault i will pass the buck- Nigel was our leader we know how have 4 little indians running the show-<laugh><laugh><laugh>


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    Jon Lansdown has defended Bristol City’s committee-style of leadership, believing it’s the best model for the club to ensure everyone within the hierarchy is “aligned”, removing the potential for self-interest to influence decision-making and how that is presented to supporters.

    City have been without a formal and club-specific CEO since Phil Alexander’s surprise departure last September, while the dismissal of Nigel Pearson the following month meant the Robins lost one of their most significant, respected and authoritative public voices, with the former manager consistently there to communicate matters far beyond just what was happening on the pitch.

    Since Pearson’s exit, chairman Lansdown, technical director Brian Tinnion, Bristol Sport group CEO Gavin Marshall and COO Tom Rawcliffe have all conducted various media interviews discussing wider issues related to the club, whether that be from a financial, commercial or overall policy perspective, while head coach Liam Manning continues to deliver weekly press conferences based around the football.

    It does represent something of a departure as previously there would be one lone voice from a club perspective, which tended to be Alexander and then previous to that Richard Gould and Mark Ashton, with owner Steve Lansdown then speaking in a less frequent but more all-encompassing sense, depending on the situation.

    Lansdown Snr’s last City-related interview was last August to BBC Radio Guernsey in the wake of Alex Scott’s £25million sale to Bournemouth, and the billionaire, while remaining a keen supporter of the team, has taken a notable backseat in a public-facing role, and that void has increasingly been filled by a group of individuals rather than one person.

    Speaking to Bristol Live, Jon Lansdown insists it’s been a natural evolution towards that point insisting that everyone now acting and speaking on behalf of the club is doing so underwritten by the greater good, the implication being - albeit not said - that hasn't always been the case.

    “Collaboration has always been one of our key values. It’s something you aim towards,” Lansdown said.

    “What have you normally got in football?” he adds, holding his left hand in the air, forming a globe shape, followed by the right. “You’ve got a big ego in terms of someone running your first-team, a big ego in terms of someone running your football club, whether it be the chief executive, both of who are normally passing through to some extent - it was slightly different when we had Richard Gould because this was his club, but normally it’s not - so you’ve always got some element of, ‘what’s in it for me?’ ‘How does it boost my career?’ or whatever else.

    “I’m not saying it’s always like that, but it’s a better situation if it’s not because then you know everyone’s aim is exactly the same. I’m not saying in those situations you can’t get people pointing in the right direction but it’s got to be an element of, what’s in it for them.

    “Whereas we’re at far more of a stage where everyone wants the same thing and it’s easier because it’s naturally aligned and there are fewer distractions.

    “It’s probably easier to do if you’re at a smaller club because you naturally have fewer people, you tend to have more local people and it tends to be ‘their club’. Whereas the higher you get, it’s not straightforward to find a coach who isn’t focused on their career.”

    Broadly speaking, Manning is obvious in charge of the day-to-day running of the team, Tinnion as technical director has a wider brief beyond just the first-team, also encompassing the entire recruitment operation and the academy, while Rawcliffe - who previously served as head of finance and worked closely with Gould during the complications around Covid - sits more towards the football administration and operations side, as his office at the High Performance Centre is situated directly next to Tinnion’s, with the commercial aspect of the business then coming under Marshall and Lansdown’s remit.

    Lansdown's greater presence in a public sense has been represented by the frequency at which he now conducts interviews, while he was also on the top table at Manning's unveiling, but also at club events such as the Senior Reds. He does, though, seem keen not to occupy all, if any, of the limelight, revel in his status or take credit for certain club-related decisions and even for this interview he’s reluctant to pose for any pictures to accompany it.

    “It’s a collaborative approach in terms of that, you should be getting the same messages from different people, it’s not just going to be one person talking all the time,” Lansdown added. “It’s not something I want to do, pushing myself out there all the time, but there is leadership behind that and someone has to drive it. But I’m not always going to putting myself out to do all the media, all the time, but you’ll still get the right message whether that’s from Tom, Gav, Brian and Liam.

    “It’s probably fairly unique in the UK. Our commercial model, having multi-sport, might be more similar in Europe and in the States you have more of a general manager approach. I’m not saying we’re that because you have Tom in charge of the operation in the building and the team in terms of leadership here, but he isn’t responsible for the commercial so it isn’t a typical chief executive role. You still have all the functions you need, it’s just split differently.

    “I think we’re different in that we are open and connected here as well. Agents or whoever else, when they come here, you’ve got Liam, me, Brian all talking in the same building, so you don’t need to have four different conversations and get four different answers. Everyone knows what we’re trying to do and what we’re doing.”

    This interview, of course, forms part of the strategy of more openness and accountability, as we’re afforded 45 minutes with the chairman at the HPC on the back of a long post-season discussion with BBC Radio Bristol. Marshall also appeared on the Forever Bristol City podcast, while Rawcliffe was a guest on 3 Peaps in a Podcast after the final game of the campaign against Stoke City.

    The fallout post-Pearson around the messaging from the club hierarchy created an air of distrust and disconnect from sections of the fanbase, which will take some time to heal, but Lansdown believes it is slowly but steadily improving.

    “We spoke quite a bit after Liam joined about communications before, and we needed to improve it, but you don’t flick a switch and it’s overnight, it’s building that up and I think the off-season is a good time to make sure we connect with fans to make sure people understand what we’re trying to do and how doing it, so you can rationalise your actions, essentially, rather than it being a surprise,” he added. “It’s their club, they should feel attached to it, they should know what’s it about, they should feel like people care about it.”

    Even with this new version of City’s organisational structure, there has been a clamour from some supporters to hear from Steve Lansdown who’s not spoken about Pearson’s exit nor other matters around the most recent season, both good and bad.

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    But while, in theory, the idea would be to provide some kind of reassurance given his standing and history with the club and fanbase, in practice it doesn’t make much sense because, quite simply, he’s not as involved in the day-to-day running of the club as before, having previously indicated his desire to gradually step away from the shop floor, having passed his 70th birthday.

    “He’s obviously still very connected with the club in terms of how much he cares and everything else but not as intertwined with it in terms of what happens on a day-to-day basis. He wasn’t involved in Liam’s appointment, for example,” Lansdown said, of his father. “I’m not saying it’s for good but he’s talked about doing that for years and it’s never quite gone away but it is natural because it’s like, right, who’s the best person to talk about this?”

    There remains another figure of influence behind the scenes at City, of course, although they’re not situated at the HPC or Ashton Gate. Alexander admitted last year that former Premier League chief executive Richard Scudamore, a lifelong and passionate Robins fan, “is very much involved here”, and the 64-year-old appears to hold a position acting as sort of an unofficial external consultant.

    Having served as Premier League chief executive and then executive chairman from 1999-2018, Scudamore has been previously, and naturally, been linked with the CEO role in BS3, but the Bristolian is more of a spiritual leader, more than anything else.

    “He’s a fan of the club so he’s always somebody you can go to if you want advice on any particular issues, and I don’t think that’s a secret,” Lansdown added.

    In tomorrow's third and final part of our interview with Jon Lansdown, the Bristol City chairman discusses the latest around the possibility of additional investment into the club, the summer ahead, Liam Manning and next season...

    summed up very well

    MagicGrandpa1 HR AGO
    Management by committee never works, it merely fills a void when there is no leader, and relies on consensus amongst the group. This model appears to me to be a young man who owns the operation and has a big ego and little industry experience, surrounded by yes-men who don't want to fall off the gravy train because they won't get similar jobs elsewhere, (Manning being the probable exception). The lack of leadership arises because the owner has limited football industry knowledge. If the team supporting him show no personal ambition outside of the club and hence no ego, are they going to push themselves or sit in their comfort zones? Remember the old adage, "The camel was a horse designed by a committee"

    Last edited: May 17, 2024
  20. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I see on otib that JL is getting slaughtered still for the removal of NP.
    Nobody was more wound up than me but come on, let's see where the summer signings/departures leave us and get behind the club.
    A United club is the only one that will take us forward.
    RedorDead and raver like this.

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