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Off Topic Paris Attacks !

Discussion in 'The Premier League' started by LuisDiazgamechanger, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    <peacedove>Nearly 150 people were killed in Paris yesterday. Terrorists are not going to win. The sad thing is the innocent people who are being killed.
    Locations of where the attack took place:
    All the terrorists are dead, but those people supporting them must be located.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  2. luvgonzo

    luvgonzo Pisshead

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Very sad and very worrying, more has to be done to stop these coordinated attacks.
    This war with the Middle East isn't going away anytime soon.
  3. Garlic Klopp

    Garlic Klopp Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2012
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    France has serious problems. It's a combination of:-

    1. Porous borders.
    2. A large Muslim population, who feel they are second class citizens. i.e Burkha being banned, etc
    3. France is supporting the West in Syria against IS
    4.Easily available guns
    5. A large Jewish population

    It's a bad mix which means they, and possibly Germany, are the European countries who will be the easy/high profile targets.

    I can see the EU tightening border controls, both external and internal. Although it may disrupt normal life/trade terrorists can't be allowed to move around freely from country to country once they are on EU soil.

    It's going to be a long haul to sort out the mess that Bush/Blair started by interfering in the Middle East on behalf of their capitalist friends.

    You have to ask as IS get most of their funding from oil revenue by selling the oil they produce via Turkey, despite the Turks refuting this, why have the Western powers not just flattened the oil refineries to cut of the source of revenue, could it be the said refineries are American owned. IS are not going to be defeated soon by dropping the odd bomb on them.

    Maybe it is in the interests of various governments to keep the war going and their citizens afraid, bit like 1984 which I read for the again recently. It's amazing how many of the things Orwell wrote about can be seen in modern life
  4. I've just switched my bathroom light on in support too #helpful

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  5. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Yes, I think peace for Paris hashtags better join the queue behind peace for Palastaine, peace for Syria, peace for the Middle East in general.

    Innocent people are exactly that,regardless of colour or creed.

    Personally I got no time for mass hysteria and media fuelled propaganda where they shove something down our throats on a rolling 24 hr channel in the hope of diluting the atrocities these western countries cause and support in other parts of the world. I feel sorry for the idiots that take the media as gospel.

    When the world admits that there is no difference between I.S, Isreal, UK and U.S govt and all that back them. Until then don't expect much sympathy from certain groups of people.

    people only giving a **** because they think it could be them. Do you think the Palastinians, Syrians etc, don't wake up with the same fear? A threat backed and caused by bigger Western and Isreali agendas? But we don't care because we are more likely to be the Parisian and not the Palastinian.

    Hypocrisy of the West lives long.

    #peace in Paris had better join the queue <ok>
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  6. jenners04

    jenners04 I must not post porn!

    Feb 10, 2011
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    The only time you are guaranteed peace now days is when you go to meet you maker.

    Until then we all live with varying degrees of fear in our day to day lives.

    Peace on earth sadly is a myth.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  7. Bollox to fear. What will be well be.
  8. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    This attack has **** all to do with Palastine. It's a response from Syrian based Muslim fundamentalists to France being at the forefront of the fight against the barbaric IS movement in Syria, combined with them having the temerity to ban the full face veil.

    Trying to spread the blame for this act on the west for this kind of atrocity is apologist ****e.

    And for the record, I care because I find the spread of Muslim fundamentalists who preach hate and twist the Quran to suit their own agenda hideous.
    NSIS, Gucci.Mane, afcftw and 2 others like this.
  9. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I'm not being apologist. I made myself clear when I put the West and I.S in the same bracket.

    Only an uneducated fool would relate I.S with Islam...and that statement should also tell you that yes fundamentalists who twist the Quran to suit their own agendas are not classed as Muslims by normal upright,law abiding Muslims.

    So don't be apologetic when it comes to Western governments. You make the difference not me.
    BBFs Unpopular View and Treble like this.
  10. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    Theresa May said recently "secretive Mass surveliiance began in 1984". Fancy that.

    I don't have any particular theory on this but I am not listening to the media, you will never get the truth going down that route.

    If you ask who benefits from this.. you come to a conslusion that it doesn't serve Islam or Muslims. if people think 8 people killed 120 people and themselves for virgins in heaven, then I'd see a shrink. You might get self immolation in fighting occupations but in a foreign country, makes no sense, this is why islam is protrayed as it is, because when there is no logic or motive, you can blame religion.

    I don't know what happened but anyone just accepting the media and gov narrative need to look deeper, those sources will NEVER give you the truth.

    That's the sad state of journalism today, we are left with a situation of not believing anyone any more.
    It's a minefield of deception and counter deception, all we see is through a filter providing a single narrative for society. Media is not journalism or News. Lets remember that. They call it media which legally does not bind them to telling the truth.

    A US judge said Fox is not legally oblidged to air accurate reports, bet its the same for the Beeb, they made a complete fake documentary about Syria with fake burn victims n everything.

    The Tunisia shooting footage shows a woman walking around in the hotel after the attack then a minute later she is laying on a stretcher with an assault rifle bullet hole right next to her spine. Yep, people walk when shot in the back by an AK, again no theory, I just don't believe someone can walk after being shot in the back right next to the spine, by assault rifle, it's an insult to intelligence.

    Sadly, real victims get caught up in all of this, so it's difficult, cos you don't want to disrespect the dead but finding out what really happened is what the dead would want.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015

  11. organic red

    organic red Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2011
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    The fear that is now being felt by Parisians is the same fear that has been felt by civilians in Iraq,Afghanistan,Iran,Palestine,Yemen etc.etc. for a long time.
    The west cannot kill civilians in the hundreds of thousands across the globe, then scream 'terrorism' when it happens on their doorstep. That's hypocrisy.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  12. LuisDiazgamechanger

    May 31, 2011
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    When I first heard the news I nearly linked it to the death of Jihad John,but they are unlikely to put things together that quick.
  13. JonnyBaws

    JonnyBaws Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Tobes The Grinch likes this.
  14. organic red

    organic red Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2011
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    A mate suggested this to me this morning. If he had been a French national then maybe,but I doubt it. He may not be dead at all.

    A more likely scenario is French involvement in the bombing of IS training camps over the last few weeks which would have involved French Muslims
  15. JonnyBaws

    JonnyBaws Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Reminds me of the "Shock and Awe" mission the West Kicked off against Iraq...
    They claimed to have targeted military installations, but google/YouTube it, that amount of destruction would have killed many 00s, 000s of innocent civilians...

    But.. two wrongs don't make a right...

    The world needs fixing but its likely to get worse before it gets better!
  16. Treble

    Treble Keyser Söze

    Feb 5, 2011
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    Great post mate <applause>

    Sadly the innocent victims are considered acceptable collateral on ALL sides by those manouvering for a bigger end game. That applies to every fcker involved. The idea that anyone involved holds the moral high ground in any of this is just naive jingoism.
  17. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I know I am a crazy, a conspiracy theorist. :D But there are reasons I wonder.. No theory here, just again pointing out some odd stuff

    I watched the video again, something intersting is seen, anyone can confirm this themselves. Took some screenshots.

    Note the car and the ground as the terrorists get out of the car.
    please log in to view this image

    Terrorists getting back to car.
    please log in to view this image

    Spot the difference, shots from same vid.

    Note the mark on the road next to the car appeared, this is not a consistent video, something is up

    If there is a video without those marks post it, cos everyone I checked has the same thing.

    I also cannot find that street on google street view anywhere near hebdo, if someone could show me that I'd appreciate it and disregard it
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
  18. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    I get exactly where you are coming from. Objective ethical examination of the situation is called "apologist" by the jingoists.

    They get outraged about this and yet somehow go meh when 1.2 million iraqis die. Saddam hanged for 129 people, Blair rewarded for killing a million. No one cares, but should an alleged muslim allegedly kill alleged victims, outrage and daily mail syndrome take over because idiots are primarily reactive, they don't care till soemthing happens, and then become the moral centre of the world all of a sudden and amazingly.. experts on Islam, religion and Muslims all over the world, just like that.

    It's true, rational debate is fast becoming a thing of the past.

    The last paragraph in my sig sums it up well enough though regarding how we see our crimes vs the crimes of others.
    Lovearsenalcock likes this.
  19. BBFs Unpopular View

    BBFs Unpopular View Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2013
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    When you put it into context, many westerners, millions, feel the same as myself when it comes to western corporate and geopolitical empire building.

    Are we extremists? No. Cameron said we are, solely because we don't believe the government.

    But.. if my entire family was wiped out by a US drone, or taken by secret police of a regime the Empire put in power, and killed, like in bahrain, or the repressed in Saudi Arabia, Palestine, where 4 generations were wiped out with one bomb, 20 people. Then I think that may radicalise you, or growing up with death and destruction around you might radicalise you. How fucing traumatised are Iraqi children now, an entire generation!! No one considers this in their pseudo academic jingoistic spewing. It's why academia is utterly corrupted and serves the government narrative.

    How tramuatised are Syrian kid, how ****ing traumatised are palestinian kids in Gaza!!! ****ing hell! Afghanistan? Libya?

    None of this net effect is even associated with "extremism" yet.. any phychologist would say it certainly can be a driver, any ethical one anyway. What happens when you grow up being accustomed to seeing body parts and slaughter. Lets not forget Dick Cheney set loose torture squads in Iraq where males in entire families were strung up by electrical cabling and beaten and shocked in the nads, this all happened under NATO occupation, a blood letting.

    Lets not forget that MI5 and CIA funded radical schools in the 80s, a historical fact.

    The fact that other nations came in occupied and drew new borders... where have we seen that before and it failed as spectacularly? Only everywhere it has been done (as with Ireland and Palestine, the symptoms of drawing new borders were blamed as the cause of conflict, again academic nonsense). Throw in consistent war and invasions, regime changes and starting civil wars for the last 100 years culminating in an illegal war on lies for oil and strategy and surrounding Iran and the death of almost 2 million people followed by a splitting up of the country..

    None of that seems to matter, Islam is the cause <doh>
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2015
    jenners04 and organic red like this.
  20. FedLadSonOfAnfield

    Dec 27, 2013
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    These fascists / fundamentalists / extremists / terrorists want to drive the world to a point of extremes and unbridgeable division, that's their endgame, where Islam hates Christianity and Christianity hates Islam and the two of them hate all other creeds and colours and they hate us back and we live in a state of constant suspicion, fear and puritanism. It's a reduction of people, culture and society down to its most base, instinctual, idiotically judgemental form and we simply can't allow that to happen.

    We must remain sympathetic, pluralistic and balanced and not allow our society to fall into the violent, reactionary state they (IS) desire. That said, there should be zero-tolerance for anybody - migrant, refugee, european national already in-situ - any thing or organisation harbouring these ****ers, or who is one of these ****ers, for helping to maintain their malevolent networks and infrastructure and enabling their crimes in the west and anywhere else in the world. Unfortunately further military action is required to wipe this scum off the face of the earth.

    We are hypocrites in the west of course, there are needless deaths and collateral happening in the places where military intervention happens. We do business and politics, ally ourselves with Saudi Arabia, birthplace of Islam, awful human rights record. In the coming days we'll accuse migrants and refugees en masse of being terrorists and murderers when most are not 'those people', but in fact trying to escape from 'those people' who will murder them in their hometowns if they don't pledge allegiance to not Islam, but the Caliphate.

    You have to ask yourself though, in this 'race for last place' in a world of compromised, fatally flawed ideals and ideology, whose version of society would you rather be living in ?? Theirs where everything and everyone is restricted and you will die if you don't obey, or ours, where there are different kinds of restrictions but you can have a life and a decent lifestyle. The modern world and the current political spectrum are a massive, rotten ****-tip of lies, corporations, power, money and death. The idea that this is about a clash of civilisations, darkness and light, good vs evil, is a myth.

    There is going to be more collateral and fall-out for non-combatants on both sides. ISIS have no conception of the idea of 'non-combatant', for them everybody is in, in the war, in the death game. At least the west still has that boundary where the whole of society is not militarised, rallied to arms, partisan and murderous, yes sadly we have and will kill innocents, we've plotted and carried out corrupt wars, but there is still that defined boundary in terms of the currency of the thinking of our population, outside the political powers who plan this. The ****ers who attacked Paris last night are the type who want to erase that thinking in search of total subservience of the global populace and ultimate control over them. It goes beyond civilised thinking and is pure madness and degradation.
    Tobes The Grinch likes this.

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