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Off Topic Rogue One - A Star Wars Story

Discussion in 'Hull City' started by ellewoods, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    They'll be making a film. McGregor is very keen and everyone at Lucas film is too. I trust what they've done so far, so it'll work. Perhaps it'll be about kenobi learning that Vader survived and then killing maul?
  2. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Ewan McGregor was one of the only good things in the prequels, he was definitely the best performer.
  3. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Sounds like a **** film and barely Star Wars at all. I agree with Quill that some of these spinoffs will be good and some of the Old Republic stuff would be very interesting. I also agree with you that this is tedious but I find it quite bizarre that you both think this would be a viable film and me pointing out the glaring issues with it is taking things too literally. I'm not massively into the young Han Solo idea (but will wait and see) but an Obi Wan filler which either takes place entirely on one planet or contradicts one of the key plot aspects of the original film would be ****e. I'd rather see a pre-Phantom Menace one which could perhaps have an even younger Obi Wan in. Or even further back into Old Republic times.
  4. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Are you talking about Darth Maul surviving his bisection in The Phantom Menace? Is that canon? Stupid if it is.
  5. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Jesus H... I didnt mean a film would be just him popping for a drink. I meant it could lead to all kinds of intergalactic adventures.

    And I'm not a storyteller, scriptwriter or director. I wouldnt expect to have a good idea for a film. Im sure someone who is gifted in these areas could come up with something interesting. A lot of people like Inception when that story centres around getting through passport control.
  6. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    It's been canon for about four years. Not stupid, just a scramble to correct George Lucas' second biggest error of TPM.
  7. BrisbaneTiger

    BrisbaneTiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    The big question that always sticks out for me is, in episode 4 how come Obi Wan doesn't recognise R2D2 when he first comes across him. Not to mention DV who built him in one of the films.
  8. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Vader didn't build R2D2. He built C3PO, who looked like a regular protocol droid.

    R2 isn't the only droid of his type, that is quite obvious in the films. In 19 years, he will have seen a lot of droids very similar.

    Also, he may very well recognise him, but not want to give himself away straight away.
  9. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Why what was the error?

    I've always liked how Star Wars, despite having supernatural elements, never makes it ridiculous. Maul surviving not only being cut in half but also dropping down a shaft so vast that the bottom wasn't even visible from the top, would be utterly ridiculous. I gather there's something about him surviving it in the Clone Wars stuff but isn't that just cartoons? Doesn't it also feature Anakin as a jedi with his own apprentice, which couldn't possibly fit into the film timeline anywhere. Do people really take those cartoons seriously as canonical?

    He didn't build him but yeah see your point.
  10. Quill

    Quill Bastard

    May 23, 2012
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    Getting rid of him was the error. He should've been the equivalent to Vader in the originals and been the main bad guy.

    Yeah, because Anakin surviving what happened to him isn't ridiculous at all either...

    As you don't have much knowledge of the non-film stuff, probably worth letting you know that in one of the books he is revealed to have grabbed onto an air vent with the force as he was falling.

    Anakin having an apprentice fits into the timeline fine. The Clone Wars between II and III last 3 years, perfectly acceptable time.

    If by 'people' you mean Lucasfilm, then yes.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
    SydneyTiger14 likes this.

  11. BrisbaneTiger

    BrisbaneTiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    You are right about C3PO, thats who i meant, just didn't come out that way. That will teach me not to read what i have just written.... The main comment was supposed to be about R2D2 and Obi Wan. I just threw the next bit in but didn't get it right..
  12. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Killing Maul off in the first film and giving him no dialogue, motive, or character was idiotic.
  13. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Clone Wars and Rebels are both canon. A Sith or Jedi would be able to survive that I reckon, cauterised from the wound, Force ability to stop the fall - we'd already seen earlier in the film Kenobi and others surviving long falls - and then his hate and anger fuelling his ability to survive. Not sure they've actually written the story for how he escaped Naboo but I'm sure it'll come.
  14. bum_chinned_crab

    bum_chinned_crab Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    "I reckon" <laugh>

    This is getting silly now. There's only 1 person who decides if someone can survive and that's the person writing the story.
  15. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    I reckon meaning based off what I've seen/read in Star Wars.
  16. PLT

    PLT Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I don't think that was a mistake. The script for the prequels obviously had to be driven by the conclusion which was already set in stone. Sidious was always going to be the main bad guy and I think it's fine that he had different apprentices across the films. I've found the Plageuis stuff quite interesting recently. Didn't realise he was Sidious' master even during in Episode 1 despite never being mentioned until Episode 3 and even then only briefly.

    Anakin's was a bit ridiculous but it made sense. He had to have some kind of bad injuries to make the whole Vader suit make sense. He wasn't there long before palatine came to save him. Maul was clearly meant to be dead in The Phantom Menace and it's obviously been tampered with after the event. I don't know but I bet that's something Lucas had no involvement in? I just think Star Wars is better than that kind of rubbish. It's not a soap.

    I can't remember exact dialogue to support this but Anakin seemed to be still working with Obi Wan in Episode 3, which suggests he's still being trained in some way, even though Obi Wan admits he is becoming stronger than himself. It doesn't seem right that he would have been experienced enough to have his own Padawan prior to that film. Most importantly though it's not mentioned in the film. Surely there'd be some reference to him training a Padawan, instead the film implies that he was working with Obi Wan during that time as well.
  17. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    It was Lucas's decision to bring Maul back.

    Plageuis being alive during TPM is no longer canon but may well be added back in.

    Anakin was working with Kenobi in ROTS as relative equals - remember he was a Knight thus his promotion to the Council. Also no padawan braid remember. He was certainly a knight and was certainly capable of having a Padawan during the Clone War when Jedi were dropping left and right and there would have been quick promotions to bring the Younglings through as capable Knights.

    No implication that he did or didn't have an Apprentice in the film. He works with Kenobi all through the Clone Wars show alongside his training of Ahsoka, nothing was tampered with. Again, Clone Wars was written by Lucas.
  18. MattTheTiger

    MattTheTiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I find your lack of faith disturbing.

    Anywho bail organa knew of obi wans existence and location as they were together on polis massa when he took Leia and obi wan took Luke to tattooine who quoted he would stay there to watch over him. He also learned from qui gon Jin during that time the secret to becoming a force ghost so I can't imagine him Buggering off during that time
  19. MattTheTiger

    MattTheTiger Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Also is there any timeline as to when anakin could possibly have become a Jedi knight? Only I never understood how he had his own apprentice as there are no references passing the Jedi trials to become more than an apprentice, nor would it make too much sense that he continues to work alongside and under the instruction of obi wan.

    Also PLT darth maul does survive been cut in half and I think he manages to escape back to his home planet
  20. SydneyTiger14

    SydneyTiger14 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2013
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    What do you mean? Obi wan becomes a master, meaning a knight following instructions from him, especially after he becomes a member of the council makes perfect sense.

    He became a knight in a now non canon book.

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